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Launch Vehicle Technical Data

Taki117 edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 13 revisions

Payload capacity (kg)

Tested at full throttle (thrust reduced in VAB where appropriate), no restarts on non-restartable engines, fairings held to > 60,000 meters. Fuel reduced where necessary when TWR limits payload. Payload placed into 100km circular orbit. Ascent Performed with Mechjeb Ascent Guidance.

Name Real LEO LKO LKO 3.0x
Scout 210 214 110
Vanguard/Viklun 9 278 *1 100 *2
Juno/Chryslus II 41 648 50
120 1,500 x
150 2,000 x
Agena/Belle A
250 1,700 250
Agena/Belle B
400 2,000 644
Agena/Belle D
1,150 1,750 740
Thrust-Augmented Thor/Fenris
(3x Castor)
Agena/Belle D
1,500 2,750 918
(LT Thor, 3x Castor)
Agena/Belle D
3,000 3,250 1,256
Athena/Minerva 1 820 1,580 776
Athena/Minerva 2 2,065 2,550 1,580
Delta/Daleth II 7320 2,800 4,730 2,100
Delta/Daleth II 7920 4,850 6,830 2,600
Titan/Prometheus II 3,100 5,450 3,128
  1. 2 stage Vanguard/Able
  2. 3 stage Vanguard/Able/Alcyone
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