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282 lines (195 loc) · 8.63 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (195 loc) · 8.63 KB


A full list of all the changes since 0.5.1 can be found here.

Link with specific targets

CocoaPods can now integrate all the targets specified in your Podfile.

To specify which target, in your Xcode project, a Pods target should be linked with, use the link_with method like so:

platform :ios

link_with ['MyAppTarget', 'MyOtherAppTarget']
dependency 'JSONKit'

target :test, :exclusive => true do
  link_with 'TestRunnerTarget'
  dependency 'Kiwi'

NOTE: As you can see it can take either one target name, or an array of names.

Alternatively, you can also specify the target to link with in the target options like so:

target :test, :exclusive => true, :link_with => 'TestRunnerTarget' do
  dependency 'Kiwi'

If no explicit target is specified, then the Pods target will be linked with the first target in your project. So if you only have one target you do not need to specify the target to link with.

See #76 for more info.


CocoaPods will now generate documentation for every library with the appledoc tool and install it into Xcode’s documentation viewer.

You can customize the settings used like so:

s.documentation = { :appledoc => ['--product-name', 'My awesome project!'] }

Alternatively, you can specify a URL where an HTML version of the documentation can be found:

s.documentation = { :html => '' }

See #149 and #151 for more info.

Introduced two new classes: LocalPod and Sandbox.

The Sandbox represents the entire contents of the POD_ROOT (normally SOURCE_ROOT/Pods). A LocalPod represents a pod that has been installed within the Sandbox.

These two classes can be used as better homes for various pieces of logic currently spread throughout the installation process and provide a better API for working with the contents of this directory.

Xcodeproj API

All Xcodeproj APIs are now in snake_case, instead of camelCase. If you are manipulating the project from your Podfile's post_install hook, or from a podspec, then update these method calls.


  • #166: Added printing of homepage and source to search results.

  • #177: Added --stat option to display watchers and forks for pods hosted on GitHub.

  • #177: Introduced colors and tuned layout of search.

  • #112: Introduced --push option to $ pod setup. It configures the master spec repository to use the private push URL. The change is preserved in future calls to $ pod setup.

  • #153: It is no longer required to call $ pod setup.

  • #163: Print a template for a new ticket when an error occurs.

  • Added a new Github-specific downloader that can download repositories as a gzipped tarball.

  • No more global state is kept during resolving of dependencies.

  • Updated Xcodeproj to have a friendlier API.


  • #183: Fix for .DS_Store file in ~/.cocoapods prevents $ pod install from running.

  • #134: Match IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET build setting with deployment_target option in generated Pods project file.

  • #142: Add -fobjc-arc to OTHER_LD_FLAGS if any pods require ARC.

  • #148: External encoding set to UTF-8 on Ruby 1.9 to fix crash caused by non-ascii characters in pod description.

  • Ensure all header search paths are quoted in the xcconfig file.

  • Added weak quoting to ibtool input paths.


No longer requires MacRuby. Runs on MRI 1.8.7 (OS X system version) and 1.9.3.

A full list of all the changes since 0.3.0 can be found here.


Oops, accidentally skipped this version.


Multiple targets

Add support for multiple static library targets in the Pods Xcode project with different sets of depedencies. This means that you can create a separate library which contains all dependencies, including extra ones that you only use in, for instance, a debug or test build. [docs]

# This Podfile will build three static libraries:
# * libPods.a
# * libPods-debug.a
# * libPods-test.a

# This dependency is included in the `default` target, which generates the
# `libPods.a` library, and all non-exclusive targets.
dependency 'SSCatalog'

target :debug do
  # This dependency is only included in the `debug` target, which generates
  # the `libPods-debug.a` library.
  dependency 'CocoaLumberjack'

target :test, :exclusive => true do
  # This dependency is *only* included in the `test` target, which generates
  # the `libPods-test.a` library.
  dependency 'Kiwi'

Install libraries from anywhere

A dependency can take a git url if the repo contains a podspec file in its root, or a podspec can be loaded from a file or HTTP location. If no podspec is available, a specification can be defined inline in the Podfile. [docs]

# From a spec repo.
dependency 'SSToolkit'

# Directly from the Pod’s repo (if it contains a podspec).
dependency 'SSToolkit', :git => ''

# Directly from the Pod’s repo (if it contains a podspec) with a specific commit (or tag).
dependency 'SSToolkit', :git    => '',
                        :commit => '2adcd0f81740d6b0cd4589af98790eee3bd1ae7b'

# From a podspec that's outside a spec repo _and_ the library’s repo. This can be a file or http url.
dependency 'SSToolkit', :podspec => ''

# If no podspec is available anywhere, you can define one right in your Podfile.
dependency do |s|         = 'SSToolkit'
  s.version      = '0.1.3'
  s.platform     = :ios
  s.source       = { :git => '', :commit => '2adcd0f81740d6b0cd4589af98790eee3bd1ae7b' }
  s.resources    = 'Resources'
  s.source_files = 'SSToolkit/**/*.{h,m}'
  s.frameworks   = 'QuartzCore', 'CoreGraphics'

  def s.post_install(target)
    prefix_header = config.project_pods_root + target.prefix_header_filename'a') do |file|
      file.puts(%{#ifdef __OBJC__\n#import "SSToolkitDefines.h"\n#endif})

Add a post_install hook to the Podfile class

This allows the user to customize, for instance, the generated Xcode project before it’s written to disk. [docs]

# Enable garbage collection support for MacRuby applications.
post_install do |installer|
  installer.project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['GCC_ENABLE_OBJC_GC'] = 'supported'


Generate a Podfile.lock file next to the Podfile, which contains a manifest of your application’s dependencies and their dependencies.

  - JSONKit (1.4)
  - LibComponentLogging-Core (1.1.4)
  - LibComponentLogging-NSLog (1.0.2):
    - LibComponentLogging-Core (>= 1.1.4)
  - RestKit-JSON-JSONKit (0.9.3):
    - JSONKit
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
  - RestKit-Network (0.9.3):
    - LibComponentLogging-NSLog
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
  - RestKit-ObjectMapping (0.9.3):
    - RestKit (= 0.9.3)
    - RestKit-Network (= 0.9.3)

  - RestKit (0.9.3)

  - RestKit-JSON-JSONKit
  - RestKit-ObjectMapping

Generate Xcode projects from scratch

We no longer ship template projects with the gem, but instead generate them programmatically. This code has moved out into its own Xcodeproj gem, allowing you to automate Xcode related tasks.