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Evaluation Criteria

Shruti Agarwal edited this page Jan 29, 2024 · 7 revisions

Proposal Evaluation

This document details the criteria that will be used by mentors to evaluate proposals.

  • Each criterion will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 being very poor to 5 being excellent.

  • These criteria are suggestive and mentors can use their own metrics if required.

The application platform will showcase the following criteria for standardization:

Criteria Sub-Criteria
1 SOP for Problem Statement & Interpretation Understanding of Problem Statement
Clarity of thought and vision
2 Proposed Solution & Implementation plan Solution Scope (covering the breadth of problem statement)
Solution architecture (Simplicity- tech stacks/languages to be used, workflow etc. , scalability and interoperability)
Logical milestone breakdown
Risks, dependencies highlighted and accounted for
3 Credentials Dev. of any product, experience with open source
Knowledge of tech stacks/languages
4 Proposed Solution Quality of the proposed solution
Ability to deliver on proposed timelines
5 Mentor interaction qualitative feedback Cultural fit - Comfort of working
Depth of thinking - Quality of questions asked
Oral articulation

Interview Criteria

Interviews will be held at the discretion of the mentor for the project. The following guidelines will apply for interview evaluation.

  • Each criterion will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5. 1 being very poor to 5 being excellent.

  • These criteria are suggestive and mentors can use their own metrics if required.

Criteria No. Main Bucket Sub-Bucket to consider
1 Mentor interaction qualitative feedback Cultural fit - Comfort of working with the project
Technical knowledge and expertise
Depth of thinking - Quality of questions asked/Oral articulation

Dedicated Mentoring Program

Open Community Projects

Standards and Frameworks

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