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Builder's DAO Image 1

Project Overview: Programmable, Utility NFTs

We created a minter that generates Programmable, Utility NFTs with ERC-721 DAO Governance privileges. The project was deployed to the Mumbai Testnet.

  1. Features: These NFTs include a mini e-commerce shop, a live listing of the owners last 5 updated repos, and a DAO financial management app.

  2. Live, Working Demo: You may view and interact with our NFTs for DAO member 0 and DAO member 1

  3. Join Our DAO and Mint Programmable NFT: The new member registratuion page is here. A GitHub account is required

  4. OpenSea: was able to capture our minted NFTs.

    • NB: In-app purchases and financial management functionality is disabled on OpenSea. This is b/c of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) security enforced by our domain restrictions.
  5. Testnet Faucets: Grab test USDC for Mumbai from Swan Faucet and Testnet Matic from Alchemy. These faucets are useful for interacting with our team wallet.

Chainlink: How We Integrated and Our Inspiration

  1. Integration: Chainlink's price feeds API is used to convert USD to MATIC in the mini e-commerce shop.

  2. Inspiration: This project was inspired by Chainlink's blog posts What Is a Dynamic NFT? and How to Build Dynamic NFTs on Polygon

  3. Acknowlegements: Special thanks to Patrick Collins and Zubin Pratap of Chainlink for their online tutorials and guidance on how to build and test Governance contracts!

Research and Project Resource Library

  1. Code Sport published an avanced-topic resource library that will be used to further build-out the Builder's DAO ecosystem
  2. Our blog post, Use Cases for Utility & Programmable NFTs, educates the community about these novel NFTs

Deploy of Smart Contract to Mumbai on August 21, 2022

Smart Contract Addresses:

$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-eleven.js --network mumbai

pinFileToIPFS Output:
  IpfsHash: 'QmcK9hxrMB5JbY7gCrcvFThQ5jbbsWyzJngaYwx4YnmbWP',
  PinSize: 54533,
  Timestamp: '2022-08-22T01:01:42.845Z'
File URL:
DAO Logo IPFS URL: QmcK9hxrMB5JbY7gCrcvFThQ5jbbsWyzJngaYwx4YnmbWP

Minter Contract Metadata URI: data:application/json;base64,eyJjb250cmFjdF9tZXRhZGF0YSI6eyJuYW1lIjoiTkZUIE1pbnRlcjogVmVyc2lvbiBFbGV2ZW4iLCJkZXNjcmlwdGlvbiI6IkJ1aWxkZXJzJyBEQU8gKEl0ZXJhdGlvbiAjMTEpIHNwZWNpYWxpemVzIGluIGNyZWF0aW5nIFByb2dyYW1tYWJsZSBVdGlsaXR5IE5GVHMuIFdlIHNlZSBORlRzIGFzIHRva2VuaXplZCBzb2Z0d2FyZSBhcHBsaWN0aW9ucyIsImltYWdlIjoiaXBmczovL1FtY0s5aHhyTUI1SmJZN2dDcmN2RlRoUTVqYmJzV3l6Sm5nYVl3eDRZbm1iV1AiLCJleHRlcm5hbF9saW5rIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9idWlsZGVycy1kYW8udmVyY2VsLmFwcCIsInNlbGxlcl9mZWVfYmFzaXNfcG9pbnRzIjoyMDAwLCJmZWVfcmVjaXBpZW50IjoiMHg2NTBBYzkxOEM5ZTlDNUY1OGYwM0MyODQ1YjJDMTFDNDM4QWI1QkY3In19

TimeLock deployed TO: 0x0854B10473Ef65870A60e0f03BA94AAE4563d998
NFT Minter deployed TO: 0x04d4Ad7A801B8642f053dCEf4Ac4C3a24596a1a8
Governor deployed TO:  0xdBbCAa174Ec275b36239eB0A14115Cee45CD7372
Box contract deployed TO: 0x7EEdF9489d6E4594FadA47E3dB3415872894Ccb6

USDC Mumbai Testnet Contract Address: 0xe11a86849d99f524cac3e7a0ec1241828e332c62
0xSplit Contract Address: 0xAEDC3E203A84dB63926Bb775F3183D851a4D2a16


Code Sport Labs presents the Builder's DAO Ecosystem






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