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List of Possible Duplicate Kata

ejini战神 edited this page Jan 14, 2024 · 160 revisions

Derived from #1315. This page is for possible duplicates.

Note that "duplicate" is not defined yet.
Please help collecting information to understand the problem better.


This page currently uses the following format:

## Topic/kata category

- [ ] link to kata
    - any notes on this specific kata
- [ ] :small_orange_diamond: link to beta kata
- [x] :small_red_triangle: link to draft
- [x] :small_orange_diamond: ~~link to beta kata~~, retired

Overall notes/summary on this topic, suggestions, ...
  • Notes will help later when we take action. Please try to keep them objective.
    Information like "this has X but not Y", what makes this different, etc will be useful.

  • the 🔸 denotes Beta kata

  • the 🔺 denotes kata currently in draft state

Arithmetic Expression Parser

related: Idea: Deduplicate "evaluate math expression" katas. #1563

Base Conversion


Hex/bin only

Befunge Interpreter

Suggestion: retire the beta (ruby only) version.

BFS Path finding

Big Integer: Sum (dedicated issue: #206 )

Big Integer: Multiply


BrainFuck Sort the input

Brainfuck Quine

Ceasar Cipher


Common directory path


Connect Four

Data Types à la Carte

Diagonal of Pascal's

Evaluate profix notation

Euler's Totient Function

Extend prototype of Array


Factorial: Trailing Zeros

Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci Number Generators

Fibonacci Rectangle

Fibonacci Numbers: (Sum of Even Numbers)

Find the unique number


Flatten an object

Goldbach Conjecture

Group consecutive numbers

Happy Numbers

Haversine distance

Integer Factorization

IP Address to Number

Look-and-say sequence

Maximum Subarray Sum

Mean of an array

Minimum Coin Change

Morse Decoder

New in JS re-invention

  • new with apply - opinionated ( and in my opinion wrong about it )
  • Replicate new - may not fully enforce restrictions but is by far the best of the three
  • How new Works - missing some functionality of new

Number of partitions of an integer

  • Explosive Sum (4kyu, Python, JS, Ruby, Haskell, C++, 4,511 completions)
  • Number of integer partitions (4kyu Python, COBOL, Go, Rust, 889 completions)
  • Same kata, with different range of inputs (max is 100 for the second one, higher in the first one, but depends on the language)

Number of Carries

One's complement

Paginating a huge book / Rocks

Pairs of integers

Palindrome builder

Pascal Triangle

Primality Check

Prime Counting

Prime Generator

Primes (Sum of )

Prime String - String subpattern recognition I

Regex for a decimal number divisible by 4

reverse a linked list

Roman Numerals


Run-length encoding

Shortest steps to a number


String Integer Greater-than

Sudoku Solver


  • retire the mini-sudoku one (too much issues and no interest about reducing the size)
  • Keep the 2 kyus
  • Keep one of the published 3 kyus, but here is the trick:
    • the "hard one" is too close to the 2 kyus, but has homogeneous versions
    • the "not hard" is further so more interesting as a companion for the 2 kyus, but as more languages that aren't consistent with each other and have generally not the random tests.

Tap Code

Two sum

  • Two Sum
  • A Gift well spent - Noticed that this kata is basically Two Sum, differences are that it asks for a specific valid pair of indices (the one with lowest first index) while Two Sum accepts any valid pair of indices, it also has inputs with no valid answers (requiring to return None etc). Also it is ranked 7 kyu vs 6 kyu for Two Sum.
  • Sum of Pairs - 5 kyu, basically the same but requires returning the values themselves that sum to target rather than their indices. Requires returning the pair whose second element has lowest index. Has inputs with no valid answers.
  • Get Indices of Item Weights - 6 kyu, Ruby only, 63% satisfaction. The same requirements as in "A Gift well spent".
  • Two numbers in an array adding up to a given number - 6 kyu, JavaScript only, 93% satisfaction. The requirement is to return true if an array contains two elements which add up to a given sum. The input array is sorted and arrays with 100_000 elements are tested.

Vector class (dedicated issue: #121 )

Arrange array of numbers to form max possible number

Find transpose of a matrix - matrix transposition



Divisibility Check with Regular Expression

Brainfuck generators (dedicated issue: #84)

Repeating strings (dedicated issue: #109 )

Is n divisible by x and y? / Can we divide it? (dedicated issue: #113)

Brainfuck hello world (dedicated issue: #115)

Is negative zero? (dedicated issue: #116 )

Interval union length (dedicated issue: #117 )

Perimeter of areas in a grid (dedicated issue: #127 )

Create power set (dedicated issue: #130 )

Church Numerals (dedicated issue: #142 )

Sudoku Board Validation (dedicated issue: #171 )

Trim string (dedicated issue: #178 )

Fix string case (dedicated issue: #187 )

NATO Phonetic Alphabet (dedicated issue: #204 )

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