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List of Ruby Kata to Update

Sage Pointer edited this page Apr 14, 2024 · 173 revisions

Ruby 3.0 was added. This page lists the kata requiring manual updates.


From Ruby 3.0, we'll be using RSpec under the hood instead of a custom test framework. Tests should be compatible as long as the structure matches describe -> it -> assertion. Assertion methods from the old test framework is still available to help with migration, but it should not be used for new tests.

/home/codewarrior/solution.txt no longer exists, use /workspace/solution.txt, which is the standard location for all languages and versions (also exists in older language versions).

Test.describe and are no longer supported.

To Update

To avoid enabling Ruby 3.0 for a kata with some edge cases, the structure of the test was checked before running it with Ruby 3.0. This section lists both kata with unsupported test structure or failing with Ruby 3.0.


describe -> assertion is invalid:

describe "Group" do
  Test.assert_equals(add(1, 1), 2)

it without describe is invalid:

it "test case" do
  Test.assert_equals(add(1, 1), 2)

Top level assertion is invalid:

Test.assert_equals(add(1, 1), 2)

Useless test group/case like the following should be removed:

describe "Not a test group" do
  puts "some fancy output"

Unfortunately, there are many from myjinxin. Also, remove/minimize any logs in test cases.

Assertions can be updated to use RSpec matchers at the same time, but fixing the test structure to make it Ruby 3.0 compatible should be prioritized.

Use the new "Fork" feature to update:

You should see "Fork" when viewing a kata with the language you've completed in selected. Click that to open a translation editor with the current version filled in. The proposed changes can be merged or rejected after publishing, just like translations.

List of Kata

NOTE: If you find a repeating pattern that can be fixed using a Ruby script, let me know.

These are grouped by the translator unless the translator only did one.


  1. +1 Array
  2. /* Strip my Comments */
  3. 1's, 0's and wildcards
  4. 2 Arrays 1 Sort
  5. 254 shades of grey
  6. 8 inch pizza equivalence
  7. 80's Kids #1: How Many Licks Does it Take?
  8. 80's Kids #3: Punky Brewster's Socks
  9. 80's Kids #4: Legends of the Hidden Temple
  10. 80's Kids #7: She's a Small Wonder
  11. 8kyu interpreters: HQ9+
  12. A Needle in the Haystack
  13. A tetrahedron of cannonballs
  14. AD2070: Help Lorimar troubleshoot his robots- ultrasonic distance analysis
  15. ASCII Total
  16. Acronym Buster
  17. Add Length
  18. Adding Binary Numbers
  19. Airport Arrivals/Departures - #1
  20. Alan Partridge I - Partridge Watch
  21. Algorithmic predicament- Bug Fixing #9
  22. Alphabet war - airstrike - letters massacre
  23. Alphabet war
  24. Alphabetized
  25. Alternating Loops
  26. Always perfect
  27. Are there any arrows left?
  28. Are they square 2?
  29. Are we alternate?
  30. Arithmetic progression
  31. Array Info
  32. Array Manipulation
  33. Array2Binary addition
  34. Arrays and hex color codes
  35. Average Scores
  36. BBQ Pitmaster
  37. Balance the arrays
  38. Balanced Number (Special Numbers Series #1 )
  39. Band name generator
  40. Barking mad
  41. Base Conversion
  42. Basic DeNico
  43. Basic Sequence Practice
  44. Batman Quotes
  45. Berserk rater: CG Vs. Clang
  46. Between Extremes
  47. Binary Calculator
  48. Binary operations #1
  49. Breadcrumb Generator
  50. C.Wars
  51. Caesar Cipher Helper
  52. Calculate Monthly Mortgage Payment
  53. Calculate mean and concatenate string
  54. Calculating Expected Utility
  55. Cambridge Word Scramble
  56. Cat and Mouse - Harder Version
  57. Celebrity Baby Names
  58. Change it up
  59. Character Counter
  60. Checkered Board
  61. Checking Groups
  62. Christmas baubles on the tree
  63. Chuck Norris III - Cage Match
  64. Circle area inside square
  65. Class conundrum - Bug Fixing #7
  66. Classy Classes
  67. Classy Extentions
  68. Clay Pigeon Shooting
  69. Climb Time - Can you send it?
  70. Closest to Zero
  71. Codewars Leaderboard Climber
  72. Coding 3min : A*B=C
  73. Coding 3min : Planting Trees
  74. Coding 3min : toLoverCase()
  75. Coding Meetup #17 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Sort by programming language
  76. Codwars or Codewars?
  77. Collatz Conjecture Length
  78. Colour Association
  79. Combine objects
  80. Common Substrings
  81. Compare Strings by Sum of Chars
  82. Compare Versions
  83. Compare powers
  84. Competitive eating scoreboard
  85. Compound interest calculator
  86. Computing the complex logarithm function
  87. Conference Traveller
  88. Contamination #1 -String-
  89. Convert Integer to Binary
  90. Convert between radians and degrees
  91. Copy Within - Beginner
  92. Correct the date-string
  93. Correct the time-string
  94. Count all the sheep on farm in the heights of New Zealand
  95. Count the smiley faces!
  96. Countdown to Christmas
  97. Counting number of words having a second vowel
  98. Creating a string for an array of objects from a set of words
  99. Cryptography #1 - Viva Cesare
  100. Custom Christmas Tree III: the center of leaves
  101. Custom Christmas Tree
  102. Cut array into smaller parts
  103. Cycle Detection: greedy algorithm
  104. D&D Character generator #1: attribute modifiers and spells
  105. D&D Character generator #2: psion power points
  106. D&D Character generator #3: carrying capacity
  107. DNA Sequence Tester
  108. Dad is Commatose
  109. Date Format Validation
  110. Days in the year
  111. Debug Basic Calculator
  112. Decibel Scale
  113. Decimal to any Rational or Irrational Base Converter
  114. Decipher this!
  115. Decode Morse
  116. Decompose single strand DNA into 3 reading frames
  117. Decreasing Inputs
  118. Deficiently Abundant Perfect Amicable Numbers
  119. Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
  120. Department scheduler [simple]
  121. Diagonals sum
  122. Did she say hallo?
  123. Difference between biggest 2 numbers
  124. Digit Sum
  125. Dinner Plans
  126. Disarium Number (Special Numbers Series #3)
  127. Discover The Original Price
  128. Distance Between 2 Points on a Cartesian Plane
  129. Distance from the average
  130. Dollars and Cents
  131. Don't Drink the Water
  132. Drunk friend
  133. Déjà vu Duplicates
  134. EAN Validation
  135. Elementary Arithmetic - Carries Count
  136. Elo rating - one game, one pair
  137. Email Validation
  138. English beggars
  139. Escape the Mines !
  140. Even Fibonacci Sum
  141. Even Odd Pattern #1
  142. Every archer has its arrows
  143. Evil or Odious
  144. Excel sheet column numbers
  145. Exclamation marks series #12: Remove odd number continuous exclamation marks and question marks
  146. Exes and Ohs
  147. Explosive Sum
  148. Extra Perfect Numbers (Special Numbers Series #7)
  149. FIXME: Get Full Name
  150. Factorial tail
  151. Failed Filter - Bug Fixing #3
  152. Feed Kahumolings!
  153. Fibonacci Reloaded
  154. Fibonacci on roids
  155. Fibonacci, Tribonacci and friends
  156. Figurate Numbers #1 - Pentagonal Number
  157. Find Factors Down to Limit
  158. Find The Minimum Number Divisible by Integers of an Array I
  159. Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List - Tougher Version
  160. Find The Duplicated Number in a Consecutive Unsorted List
  161. Find a Very Special Set Of Numbers In a Certain Range
  162. Find an employees role in the company
  163. Find heavy ball - level: conqueror
  164. Find heavy ball - level: master
  165. Find heavy ball - level: novice
  166. Find last Fibonacci digit [hardcore version]
  167. Find missing numbers
  168. Find the Nth longest string in an Array
  169. Find the Slope
  170. Find the anonymous function
  171. Find the discounted prices
  172. Find the longest gap!
  173. Find the missing letter
  174. Find the odd int
  175. Find the sum of the roots of a quadratic equation
  176. Find the volume of a Cone.
  177. Finding Remainder Without Using '%' Operator
  178. Finding length of the sequence
  179. Finish Guess the Number Game
  180. Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata
  181. Fix your code before the garden dies!
  182. Fuel economy converter (mpg <-> L/100 km)
  183. Fuel usage reporting
  184. Function-Factory
  185. Generic numeric template formatter
  186. Geometric Mean I
  187. Geometric Mean II
  188. Get the Excel column title!
  189. Get the Middle Character
  190. Get your steppin' on son
  191. Ghostbusters (whitespace removal)
  192. Gradually Adding Parameters
  193. Grasshopper - Bug Squashing
  194. Grasshopper - Variable Assignment Debug
  195. Grid blast!
  196. Group Repeating Fractions
  197. Group in 10s
  198. HTML Complementary Color
  199. Haiku Wizard
  200. Half Life
  201. Hamming Distance - Part 1: Binary codes
  202. Hamming Numbers
  203. Hamster me
  204. Happy numbers to the n power
  205. Heads and Legs
  206. Help Suzuki count his vegetables....
  207. Help Suzuki purchase his Tofu!
  208. Help Suzuki rake his garden!
  209. Help your fellow warrior!
  210. Histogram - H1
  211. Holiday V - SeaSick Snorkelling
  212. Hollow Triangle
  213. How many consecutive numbers are needed?
  214. How many e-mails we sent today?
  215. How many eggs?
  216. How many points did the teams from Los Angeles score?
  217. How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years?
  218. How old will I be in 2099?
  219. IPv4 Parser
  220. Ideal electron distribution
  221. Imperfect Fibonacci Rabbits
  222. Insert Dashes 2
  223. Interlace an arbitrary Number of Strings
  224. International Morse Code Encryption
  225. Invalid Input - Error Handling #1
  226. Invalid Login - Bug Fixing #11
  227. Is Divisible By 6 Mk II
  228. Is Integer Array?
  229. Is your period late?
  230. Javascript filter - 1
  231. Job Matching #1
  232. Job Matching #2
  233. Josephus Permutation
  234. Josephus Survivor
  235. Jumble words
  236. Jumping Number (Special Numbers Series #4)
  237. Knight vs King
  238. Kontti Language
  239. LOTTO 6 aus 49 - 6 of 49
  240. Largest Numeric Palindrome
  241. Last digit of a large number
  242. Leap Years
  243. Least Common Multiple
  244. Left$ and Right$
  245. Lexicographic Permutations
  246. List to Array
  247. Localize The Barycenter of a Triangle
  248. Logical calculator
  249. Logistic Map
  250. Longest Common Subsequence
  251. Longest palindrome
  252. Look and say sequence generator
  253. Lucky Bus Ticket
  254. MTV Cribs
  255. Magic Zeckendorf
  256. Make a spiral
  257. Make a square box!
  258. Man in the west
  259. Map function issue
  260. Master of Files
  261. Match My Husband
  262. Matrix creation
  263. Max Collatz Sequence Length
  264. Max number of people and year in a specific place
  265. Maximum subarray sum
  266. Maximum Gap (Array Series #4)
  267. Maximum Multiple
  268. Maximum Triplet Sum (Array Series #7)
  269. Method For Counting Total Occurence Of Specific Digits
  270. Metric Units - 1
  271. Mid-Endian numbers
  272. Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter
  273. Minimum Steps (Array Series #6)
  274. Minimum unfairness of a list/array
  275. Mix Fruit Juice
  276. Mobile operator detector
  277. Modular Multiplicative Inverse
  278. Monkey's MATH 01: How many "ZERO"s?
  279. Morse Encoding
  280. Most improved - Puzzles #4
  281. Multiply Two Numbers Without Integers
  282. Multiply the number
  283. Mutate My Strings
  284. Mythical Heads and Tails
  285. N smallest elements in original order
  286. Name Shuffler
  287. Name on billboard
  288. Narcissistic Numbers
  289. National Bath Safety Month
  290. Naughty or Nice?
  291. New £5 notes collectors!
  292. Next bigger number with the same digits
  293. Ninja vs Samurai: Attack + Block
  294. No Duplicates Here
  295. No Loops 3 - Copy Within
  296. No Modulo Mk II
  297. Noonerize Me
  298. Nth Smallest Element (Array Series #4)
  299. Number , number ... wait LETTER !
  300. Number Decoding
  301. Number Format
  302. Number Shortening Filter
  303. Number encrypting: cypher
  304. Number encrypting: decypher
  305. Number of measurements to spot the counterfeit coin
  306. Number of permutations without repetitions
  307. Numbers in strings
  308. Numbers so vain, they probably think this Kata is about them.
  309. Numbers with this digit inside
  310. ORing arrays
  311. Object Oriented Piracy
  312. Objectify all the strings
  313. One Variable Second Degree Equation Solver
  314. One down
  315. Online RPG: player to qualifying stage?
  316. Optimum coding school location
  317. Oracle: Coin Method
  318. Ordering the words!
  319. Ore Numbers
  320. Organise duplicate numbers in list
  321. PRNG: Linear Congruential Generator
  322. Pair Zeros
  323. Pair of gloves
  324. Paperboy
  325. Parity bit - Error detecting code
  326. Parse the log
  327. Pascal's Diagonals
  328. Password System
  329. Password generator
  330. Password validator
  331. Pattern Generator
  332. PatternCraft - Decorator
  333. PatternCraft - Strategy
  334. PatternCraft - Visitor
  335. Permutation Average
  336. Permutations Of An Array And Associated Values
  337. Permutations
  338. Personalized brand list
  339. Pete's inappropriate speech
  340. Pete, the baker (part 2)
  341. Pete, the baker
  342. Pig Sursurunga
  343. Pillow on the Fridge
  344. Playing with cubes II
  345. Please help Bob
  346. Pole Vault Starting Marks
  347. Polydivisible Numbers
  348. PopShift
  349. Possiblities Array
  350. Prefill an Array
  351. Price of Mangoes
  352. Prime Factors
  353. Prime number decompositions
  354. Primorial Of a Number
  355. Principal Diagonal | VS | Secondary Diagonal
  356. Product Array (Array Series #5)
  357. Product Of Maximums Of Array (Array Series #2)
  358. Progressive Spiral Number Branch
  359. Progressive Spiral Number Distance
  360. Progressive Spiral Number Position
  361. Proof Read
  362. Queue time counter [hard core version]
  363. Queue time counter
  364. Quick (n choose k) calculator
  365. RNA to Protein Sequence Translation
  366. ROT13
  367. Random case
  368. Rank Vector
  369. Ratio of Bouncy Numbers
  370. ReOrdering
  371. Reducing Problems - Bug Fixing #8
  372. Reducing by rules to get the result
  373. RegExp Fun #1 - When I miss few days of gym
  374. Regex Failure - Bug Fixing #2
  375. Regex Password Validation
  376. Remember
  377. Remove All The Marked Elements of a List
  378. Remove HTML tags using regexp
  379. Remove the time
  380. Repeated Substring
  381. Return 1, 2, 3 randomly
  382. Return pyramids
  383. Return to Sanity
  384. Reverse Polish Notation solver (Easy)
  385. Reverse and Invert
  386. Reverse every other word in the string
  387. Reversed Self Power
  388. Reversed sequence
  389. Rigged Dice
  390. Rotation Cipher Cracker
  391. RuplesJS #3: String EachChar
  393. Saint Petersburg Paradox Model
  394. Same Array?
  395. Satisfying numbers
  396. Scheduling (Round-Robin)
  397. Scheduling (Shortest Job First or SJF)
  398. Scrabble best word
  399. Scramblies
  400. Secret Message
  401. Sectional Array Sort
  402. See You Next Happy Year
  403. Selective Array Reversing
  404. Selective fear of numbers
  405. Self-Descriptive Numbers
  406. Send in the Clones
  407. Sequence classifier
  408. Sequence to 1
  409. Sharpen up
  410. Shop Inventory Manager
  411. Showing X to Y of Z Products.
  412. SillyCASE
  413. Simple AKS Primality Test
  414. Simple Encryption #1 - Alternating Split
  415. Simple Events
  416. Simple Fun #145: Table Game
  417. Simple Fun #146: Chandos Number
  418. Simple Fun #149: Next Day Of Week
  419. Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation
  420. Simple Fun #165: Withdraw
  421. Simple Fun #170: Sum Groups
  422. Simple Fun #172: Count Number
  423. Simple Fun #177: Rank Of Element
  424. Simple Fun #180: Repeat Adjacent
  425. Simple Fun #200: Luxurious House
  426. Simple Fun #223: Parameter Of Number
  427. Simple Fun #246: Array Center
  428. Simple Fun #268: Triangular Sum
  429. Simple Fun #270: Evil Code Medal
  430. Simple Fun #279: Finding K
  431. Simple Fun #290: Sum Of Threes
  432. Simple Fun #299: Look And Say And Sum
  433. Simple Fun #301: Rope Skipping Game
  434. Simple Fun #318: Sort String
  435. Simple Fun #31: Is Substitution Cipher?
  436. Simple Fun #323: Bears And Apples
  437. Simple Fun #324: Is John Lying?
  438. Simple Fun #326: The Shortest Time
  439. Simple Fun #327: The Final Attack Value
  440. Simple Fun #334: Two Beggars And Gold
  441. Simple Fun #342: Buy Newspaper
  442. Simple Fun #45: New Numeral System
  443. Simple Fun #61: Crossing Sum
  444. Simple Fun #7: Will You?
  445. Simple Maths Test
  446. Simple fraction to mixed number converter
  447. Simplifying multilinear polynomials
  448. Sine,cosine and others
  449. Single Word Pig Latin
  450. Sir , showMe yourID
  451. Smallest unused ID
  452. Smooth numbers
  453. Snakes and Camels
  454. So Easy: Charge time calculation
  455. Socialist distribution
  456. Solomon's Quest for the Temporal Crystal
  457. Some Circles
  458. Sort an array by value and index
  459. Sort by binary ones
  460. Sort the climbing grades
  461. Sort the odd
  462. Sorted Union
  463. Sorting Time
  464. Spanish Conjugator
  465. Special Number (Special Numbers Series #5)
  466. Split The Bill
  467. Sports league table - help your local team!
  468. Statistics in Kata 1: OR case - Unfair dice
  469. Strange principal
  470. String Suffixes
  471. String Templates - Bug Fixing #5
  472. String average
  473. String basics
  474. String searching with wildcard
  475. String subpattern recognition III
  476. String subpattern recognition II
  477. String subpattern recognition I
  478. String to integer conversion
  479. String to list of integers.
  480. Sub-array elements sum
  481. Sudoku Solution Validator
  482. Sum Times Tables
  483. Sum of Multiples
  484. Sum of a Sequence [Hard-Core Version]
  485. Sum of a nested list
  486. Sum of differences between products and LCMs
  487. Sum of integers in string
  488. Sum of many ints
  489. Sum of nested numbers
  490. Sum of numerous arguments
  491. Summarize ranges
  492. Suzuki needs help lining up his students!
  493. Swapping values (Revamped!)
  494. Sweet Dreams are Made of Cheese
  495. Switch/Case - Bug Fixing #6
  496. T.T.T.27: Four piles of apples
  497. Take a picture !
  498. Temperature analysis I
  499. Testing the Porges hypothesis
  500. Text align justify
  501. The Coins of Ter | Round to the Next N
  502. The Ladies of ENIAC
  503. The Lazy Startup Office
  504. The Most Amicable of Numbers
  505. The Office V - Find a Chair
  506. The Sceptical Kid Generator
  507. The Supermarket Queue
  508. The Union Jack
  509. The most asked question on CodeWars
  510. The old switcheroo 2
  511. The old switcheroo
  512. There are two kinds of people
  513. Thinkful - List and Loop Drills: Inverse Slicer
  514. Thinkful - Logic Drills: Red and bumpy
  515. Thinkful - Number Drills: Pixelart planning
  516. Thinkful - Number Drills: Rømer temperature
  517. Thinking & Testing : How many "word"?
  518. Thue-Morse Sequence
  519. Tic-Tac-Toe-like table Generator
  520. Tidy Number (Special Numbers Series #9)
  521. Time For Validation
  522. Tip Calculator
  523. Tom's Allergies
  524. Tongues
  525. Total increasing or decreasing numbers up to a power of 10
  526. Training JS #22: Unlock new skills--Arrow function,spread operator and deconstruction
  527. Tram Capacity
  528. Transform To Prime
  529. Transpose of a Matrix
  530. Transpose two strings in an array
  531. Triple Shiftian Numbers
  532. Triple trouble
  533. Trumpness detector
  534. Tube strike options calculator
  535. Turkish National Identity Number
  536. Two Joggers
  537. Two cube sums
  538. Two's complement
  539. Typoglycemia Generator
  540. UN-usual Sort
  541. Unexpected parsing
  542. Unique In Order
  543. Upstream/Downstream
  544. Urban Dictionary
  545. V A P O R C O D E
  546. Valid HK Phone Number
  547. Valid Parentheses
  548. Validate Sudoku with size NxN
  549. Volume of a cup
  550. Vowel Shifting
  551. What is my name score? #1
  552. What's in a name?
  553. Wheel of Fortune
  554. Where is Vasya?
  555. Where is my parent!?(cry)
  556. Where's Wally
  557. Width-Height Ratio
  558. Word Patterns
  559. WordSquare
  560. Wordify an integer
  561. World Bits War
  562. X marks the spot!
  563. Yes No Yes No
  564. You are a Cube!
  565. Zebulan's Nightmare
  566. draw me a chessboard
  567. filterEvenLengthWords
  568. longest_palindrome
  569. makeAcronym
  570. makeBackronym
  571. noobCode 04: HOT two arrays, return the unpaired items !
  572. repeatIt
  573. reverseIt
  574. sum2total
  575. validDate Regex
  576. validate code with simple regex
  577. zero-balanced Array


  1. Build a square
  2. Calculate Derivative #1 - Single Integer Equation
  3. Cat and Mouse - 2D Version
  4. Coloured Triangles
  5. Consecutive Count
  6. Consecutive items
  7. Converting Measures
  8. Coprime Validator
  9. Corner circle
  10. Count characters in your string
  11. Count the divisible numbers
  12. Create Four Letter Birding Codes from Bird Names
  13. Data Reverse
  14. Data compression using run-length encoding
  15. Death by Coffee
  16. Decipher Student Messages
  17. Design a Simple Automaton (Finite State Machine)
  18. Determine if the poker hand is flush
  19. Devil's Sequence
  20. Difference of 2
  21. Digits Average
  22. Filter valid romans
  23. Find Your Villain Name
  24. Find all pairs
  25. Find min and max
  26. Find out whether the shape is a cube
  27. Find the Integral
  28. Find the Missing Number
  29. Find the Nth Catalan number
  30. Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression
  31. FizzBuzz Backwards
  32. Football - Yellow and Red Cards
  33. GCD Matrix
  34. Generala - Dice Game
  35. Geometric Progression Sequence
  36. Give me a Diamond
  37. Graceful Tipping
  38. Gravity Flip (3D version)
  39. Guess the Sequence
  40. Happy numbers
  41. Hexadecimal Keys
  42. High score table
  43. Highest Rank Number in an Array
  44. How Many Differences of Squares?
  45. How Many Unique Consonants?
  46. Interview Question (easy)
  47. Is There an Odd Bit?
  48. Iterative Rotation Cipher
  49. LZ78 compression
  50. Langton's ant
  51. Largest Number Arrangement
  52. Largest Value of a Power Less Than a Number
  53. Last Digit to Appear in Sequence of Powers
  54. Leonardo numbers
  55. Life Path Number
  56. Loneliest character
  57. Longest alphabetical substring
  58. Loose Change
  59. Lucas-Lehmer Test for Mersenne Primes
  60. Merge in 2048
  61. Message Validator
  62. Message from Aliens
  63. Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
  64. Mongodb ObjectID
  65. Mr Martingale
  66. Multiplicative Persistence... What's special about 277777788888899?
  67. Multiply by a number, so it becomes a perfect power
  68. Mysterious Pattern
  69. New Cashier Does Not Know About Space or Shift
  70. Next Prime
  71. Nth power rules them all!
  72. Number Zoo Patrol
  73. Password maker
  74. Perimeter of a Rectangle
  75. Pitches and Notes
  76. Pizza Payments
  77. Polish alphabet
  78. Polybius square cipher - encode
  79. Process Waterfowl Survey Data Results
  80. Range of Integers in an Unsorted String
  81. Ranking Poker Hands
  82. Re-organize the weapons!
  83. Regex for a decimal number divisible by 4
  84. Relatively Prime Numbers
  85. Remove consecutive duplicate words
  86. Responsible Drinking
  87. Return the day
  88. Reverse FizzBuzz
  89. Reversing a Process
  90. RoboScript #2 - Implement the RS1 Specification
  91. Roman numerals, Zeroes and Fractions
  92. Santa's Naughty List
  93. Say Me Please Operations
  94. See You Next Happy Number
  95. Shared Bit Counter
  96. Sharkovsky's Theorem
  97. Simple Barcode Scanner
  98. Simple Finite State Machine Compiler
  99. Simple Fun #395: Fibonacci digit sequence
  100. Sliding Puzzle Verification
  101. Smoking Timmy
  102. Sophie Germain primes
  103. Sort odd and even numbers in different order
  104. Split and then add both sides of an array together.
  105. Square Pi's
  106. Square sums (simple)
  107. String -> N iterations -> String
  108. String Letter Counting
  109. Strong Number (Special Numbers Series #2)
  110. Strong password?
  111. Sum - Square Even, Root Odd
  112. Sum Factorial
  113. Sum even numbers
  114. Sum of a Beach
  115. Sum of all numbers with the same digits (performance edition)
  116. T9 Predictor
  117. Take the Derivative
  118. Test's results
  119. The Pony Express
  120. The Road-Kill Detective
  121. The Speed of Letters
  122. The Spider and the Fly (Jumping Spider)
  123. The Vowel Code
  124. The nth smallest integer
  125. Thinkful - List Drills: Longest word
  126. Thinking & Testing : Math of Primary School
  127. Thinking & Testing : Retention and discard
  128. Thinking & Testing : Sport Star
  129. Total Primes
  130. Traffic Count During Peak Hours
  131. Turkish Numbers, 0-99
  132. Ulam Sequences
  133. Unary Messages
  134. Update inventory in your smartphone store
  135. Upside-Down Pyramid Addition...REVERSED!
  136. What Color is Your Name?


  1. 1/n- Cycle
  2. A Rule of Divisibility by 13
  3. A Rule of Divisibility by 7
  4. A disguised sequence (I)
  5. All Inclusive?
  6. Are they the "same"?
  7. Around Fibonacci: chunks and counts
  8. Backwards Read Primes
  9. Ball Upwards
  10. Banker's Plan
  11. Best travel
  12. Bouncing Balls
  13. Braking well
  14. Build a pile of Cubes
  15. Buying a car
  16. Calculate the Harmonic Conjugated Point of a Triplet of Aligned Points
  17. Catalog
  18. Closest and Smallest
  19. Coding with Squared Strings
  20. Color Choice
  21. Composing squared strings
  22. Consecutive k-Primes
  23. Consecutive strings
  24. Count the Digit
  25. Decimal to Factorial and Back
  26. Deodorant Evaporator
  27. Diophantine Equation
  28. Directions Reduction
  29. Disease Spread
  30. Disguised sequences (II)
  31. Divisible Ints
  32. Double Cola
  33. Drying Potatoes
  34. Ease the StockBroker
  35. Easy Cyclist's Training
  36. Easy Diagonal
  37. Easy Line
  38. Easy wallpaper
  39. Emirps
  40. Errors : histogram
  41. Especially Joyful Numbers
  42. Euler's method for a first-order ODE
  43. Experimenting with a sequence of complex numbers
  44. Exponentials as fractions
  45. Factorial decomposition
  46. Fibo akin
  47. Financing Plan on Planet XY140Z-n
  48. Find the First Number in Having a Certain Number of Divisors I
  49. Find the smallest
  50. Finding the Closest Maximum Values of a Function to an Upper Limit
  51. First Variation on Caesar Cipher
  52. Floating-point Approximation (I)
  53. Floating-point Approximation (II)
  54. Floating-point Approximation (III)
  55. Functions of Integers on Cartesian Plane
  56. Gap in Primes
  57. Getting along with Bernoulli's numbers
  58. Getting along with Integer Partitions
  59. Going to the cinema
  60. Going to zero or to infinity?
  61. Growth of a Population
  62. Help the bookseller !
  63. Help your granny!
  64. Hero's root
  65. Hidden "Cubic" numbers
  66. Highest number with two prime factors
  67. How Green Is My Valley?
  68. How Many Numbers? II
  69. How Many Numbers?
  70. How Much?
  71. I love big nums and I cannot lie
  72. Integer triangles
  73. Integers: Recreation One
  74. Integers: Recreation Two
  75. Irreducible Sum of Rationals
  76. Is my friend cheating?
  77. John and Ann sign up for Codewars
  78. Looking for a benefactor
  79. Lowest product of 4 consecutive numbers
  80. Matching And Substituting
  81. Maximum Length Difference
  82. Meeting
  83. Moduli number system
  84. Modulus 11 - Check Digit
  85. Moves in squared strings (I)
  86. Moves in squared strings (II)
  87. Moves in squared strings (III)
  88. Moves in squared strings (IV)
  89. Mumbling
  90. Numbers and its Reversal Having Same Prime Factors.
  91. Numbers that are a power of their sum of digits
  92. PI approximation
  93. Parabolic Arc Length
  94. Parts of a list
  95. Pentabonacci
  96. Perimeter of squares in a rectangle
  97. Phone Directory
  98. Playing on a chessboard
  99. Playing with digits
  100. Playing with passphrases
  101. Positions Average
  102. Primes in numbers
  103. Printer Errors
  104. Prize Draw
  105. Product of consecutive Fib numbers
  106. Rainfall
  107. Raise Me to The Third Power, Search My Divisors... .....Could You Believe that?
  108. Ranking NBA teams
  109. Reach Me and Sum my Digits
  110. Rectangle into Squares
  111. Reducing by steps
  112. Reverse or rotate?
  113. Reversing Fun
  114. Rotate for a Max
  115. Salesman's Travel
  116. Scaling Squared Strings
  117. Second Variation on Caesar Cipher
  118. Simpson's Rule - Approximate Integration
  119. Speed Control
  120. Squeaky Window
  121. Statistics for an Athletic Association
  122. Steps in Primes
  123. Steps in k-primes
  124. Strings Mix
  125. Sum by Factors
  126. Tank Truck
  127. Target Date
  128. The Walker
  129. Tortoise racing
  130. Twice linear
  131. Two to One
  132. Vasya and Plates
  133. Vasya and Stairs
  134. Vasya and System of Equations
  135. Weight for weight
  136. Weird prime generator
  137. What's a Perfect Power anyway?
  138. When Sigma1 Function Has Equals Values For an Integer and Its Reversed One
  139. Which are in?
  140. Which x for that sum?
  141. Wilson primes
  142. k-Primes
  143. nPascal
  144. up AND down


  1. Chess Fun #4: Bishop Diagonal
  2. Chess Fun #5: Whose Turn?
  3. Chess Fun #6: Chess Bishop Dream
  4. Chess Fun #7: Chess Triangle
  5. Pattern 01: Merry Christmas (sometimes little bit out of time;-))
  6. Simple Fun #106: Is Thue Morse?
  7. Simple Fun #107: Company Bot Strategy
  8. Simple Fun #109: Segment Cover
  9. Simple Fun #110: Array Operations
  10. Simple Fun #111: Reverse Brackets
  11. Simple Fun #120: Range Collapse Representation
  12. Simple Fun #122: String Constructing
  13. Simple Fun #124: Lamps
  14. Simple Fun #125: Array Equalization
  15. Simple Fun #126: Decrypt Number
  16. Simple Fun #128: Doubly Not Less
  17. Simple Fun #130: Robot Walk
  18. Simple Fun #131: Learn Charitable Game
  19. Simple Fun #132: Number Of Carries
  20. Simple Fun #133: Six Column Encryption
  21. Simple Fun #134: Fix Progression
  22. Simple Fun #135: Missing Alphabets
  23. Simple Fun #136: Missing Values
  24. Simple Fun #137: S2N
  25. Simple Fun #138: Similarity
  26. Simple Fun #13: Magical Well
  27. Simple Fun #140: Circle Slash
  28. Simple Fun #141: Hamming Distance
  29. Simple Fun #142: Mobius function
  30. Simple Fun #143: Is Survivor Number?
  31. Simple Fun #144: Distinct Digit Year
  32. Simple Fun #147: Find The Missing Tree
  33. Simple Fun #148: Exchange Sort
  34. Simple Fun #14: Line Up
  35. Simple Fun #150: Robot Transfer
  36. Simple Fun #151: Rocks
  37. Simple Fun #153: Knight Rescue
  38. Simple Fun #154: Zero And One
  39. Simple Fun #156: Rotate Paper By 180 Degrees
  40. Simple Fun #157: Counting Triangles
  41. Simple Fun #158: Not So Random
  42. Simple Fun #161: Replace Dashes As One
  43. Simple Fun #162: Pair Wise
  44. Simple Fun #167: Spreadsheet
  45. Simple Fun #169: Press Button
  46. Simple Fun #16: Apple Boxes
  47. Simple Fun #171: Get Candy Position
  48. Simple Fun #175: Same Encryption
  49. Simple Fun #179: Fraction
  50. Simple Fun #17: Rounders
  51. Simple Fun #181: Rounding
  52. Simple Fun #182: Happy "g"
  53. Simple Fun #183: Direction In Grid
  54. Simple Fun #184: LCM from m to n
  55. Simple Fun #186: Duplicate Phone Numbers
  56. Simple Fun #187: Does Fred Need A Houseboat?
  57. Simple Fun #188: Slogans
  58. Simple Fun #189: Plant Doubling
  59. Simple Fun #18: Candles
  60. Simple Fun #191: Sum Of Regular Numbers
  61. Simple Fun #192: Three Details
  62. Simple Fun #193: Moment Of Time In Space
  63. Simple Fun #194: Binary String
  64. Simple Fun #199: Pass The Bill
  65. Simple Fun #19: Count Black Cells
  66. Simple Fun #201: Cards And Pero
  67. Simple Fun #202: Min And Max
  68. Simple Fun #203: Strange Coach
  69. Simple Fun #204: Smallest Integer
  70. Simple Fun #205: Split Exp
  71. Simple Fun #20: First Reverse Try
  72. Simple Fun #21: Number Of Clans
  73. Simple Fun #22: Is Smooth?
  74. Simple Fun #23: Square Digits Sequence
  75. Simple Fun #24: Pages Numbering with Ink
  76. Simple Fun #25: Comfortable Numbers
  77. Simple Fun #26: Weak Numbers
  78. Simple Fun #28: Html End Tag By Start Tag
  79. Simple Fun #35: Different Squares
  80. Simple Fun #36: Most Frequent Digit Sum
  81. Simple Fun #38: House Of Cats
  82. Simple Fun #39: Switch Lights
  83. Simple Fun #40: Timed Reading
  84. Simple Fun #41: Elections Winners
  85. Simple Fun #43: Ada Number
  86. Simple Fun #46: Cipher26
  87. Simple Fun #47: Stolen Lunch
  88. Simple Fun #49: Decipher
  89. Simple Fun #4: Phone Call
  90. Simple Fun #50: Array Conversion
  91. Simple Fun #51: Array Previous Less
  92. Simple Fun #53: Combs
  93. Simple Fun #54: Strings Crossover
  94. Simple Fun #55: Cyclic String
  95. Simple Fun #56: Beautiful Text
  96. Simple Fun #58: Volleyball Positions
  97. Simple Fun #62: Draw Rectangle
  98. Simple Fun #63: Shape Area
  99. Simple Fun #65: Matrix Elements Sum
  100. Simple Fun #66: Obtain Max Number
  101. Simple Fun #67: Array Change
  102. Simple Fun #68: Palindrome Rearranging
  103. Simple Fun #6: Is Infinite Process?
  104. Simple Fun #72: Absolute Values Sum Minimization
  105. Simple Fun #75: Digit Degree
  106. Simple Fun #78: Build Palindrome
  107. T.T.T.#4: Key of door


  1. ASCII85 Encoding & Decoding
  2. Ackermann Function
  3. Alphabetize a list by the nth character
  4. Array Helpers
  5. Autocomplete! Yay!
  6. Basic Training: Add item to an Array
  7. Break camelCase
  8. Building Strings From a Hash
  9. Character Concatenation
  10. Character frequency
  11. Circularly Sorted Array
  12. Codewars style ranking system
  13. Collatz
  14. Convert string to camel case
  15. Decode the Morse code
  16. Decode the Morse code, advanced
  17. Dice Rolling
  18. Did you mean ...?
  19. Does array x contain all values within array y?
  20. Dragon's Curve
  21. Dubstep
  22. Elapsed Seconds
  23. Extract the IDs from the data set
  24. Factorial Factory
  25. Find twins
  26. Float Precision
  27. Get key/value pairs as arrays
  28. Grab CSV Columns
  29. Human readable duration format
  30. Integer with the longest Collatz sequence
  31. Is that a real phone number? (British version)
  32. Length of the line segment
  33. Linear Regression of Y on X
  34. Linked Lists - Get Nth Node
  35. Logical Disjunctions
  36. Mr. Freeze
  37. Multiples of 3 and 5 redux
  38. Multiply characters
  39. Nesting Structure Comparison
  40. New season, new league
  41. Ninja vs Samurai: Strike
  42. Number toString
  43. PaginationHelper
  44. PatternCraft - State
  45. Person Class Bug
  46. Pick peaks
  47. Plural
  48. Populate hash with array keys and default value
  49. RGB To Hex Conversion
  50. Range Extraction
  51. Refactored Greeting
  52. Retrieve array value by index with default
  53. Return substring instance count
  54. Roman Numerals Decoder
  55. Roman Numerals Encoder
  56. Roman Numerals Helper
  57. Ruby Array invoke instance method
  58. Ruby Enumerator Methods - Part 1
  59. Same Birthday Probability
  60. Scoring Tests
  61. Sequences and Series
  62. Simple Interactive Interpreter
  63. Simple elevator
  64. Simpler Interactive Interpreter
  65. Sorted hashes
  66. Split Strings
  67. Squares sequence
  68. String ends with?
  69. String incrementer
  70. Strip Comments
  71. Temperature converter
  72. The Enigma Machine - Part 1: The Plugboard
  73. The Shell Game
  74. The builder of things
  75. Thinkful - String Drills: Poem formatter
  76. This is odd
  77. Transposing a song
  78. Typer.js
  79. Union of Intervals


Can be updated by s/it .+\n\s+(.+)\s+end/\1/

Removes it when there's a single line in between. Some tests have more than one line inside a nested it.

  1. #10 Matrices: Creating Hankel Matrices
  2. #4 Matrices: Process for a Square Matrix
  3. #8 Matrices: Up and Down Sorting For Each Column
  4. Abundant Numbers
  5. Allergy to Palindromes.
  6. Almost Isosceles Integer Triangles With Their Angles With Asymptotic Tendency
  7. Approximate Fractions
  8. Are you Geometric or Arithmetic? No, I´m both of them.
  9. Avoid trillion years of calculations !!
  10. Begin your day with a challenge, but an easy one.
  11. Building Chains Using the Arithmetic Derivative of a Number
  12. Building a Sequence Cocatenating Digits with a Given Order.
  13. Check a Curious Divisibility. (Brute force version)
  14. Composed Integers Having Prime Factors Only Once
  15. Equivalent Dice
  16. Estimating Amounts of Subsets
  17. Find All the Possible Numbers Multiple of 3 with the Digits of a Positive Integer.
  18. Find a Bunch of Common Elements of Two Lists in a Certain Range
  19. Find the Most Probable Sum Value or Values, in Rolling N-dice of n Sides
  20. Find the Partition with Maximum Product Value
  21. Following Sierpinski's Footprints
  22. Generate Numbers From Digits #2
  23. Generating Numbers From Digits #1
  24. Help Mrs Jefferson
  25. Identical Elements
  26. Identifying Top Users and their Corresponding Purchases On a Website
  27. Lorraine Wants to Win the TV Contest
  28. Map and Filter to Get a Special Sequence of Integers
  29. Multiples By Permutations II
  30. N-Dimensional Vector Magnitude
  31. Non Decomposable Primes as Sums of Perfect Squares
  32. Odd-Even String Sort
  33. Pandigital Powers
  34. Possible Triangles Formed with Available Iron Rods
  35. Prime Sextuplets
  36. Primes in the Last Digits of Huge Numbers
  37. Primes with Even Digits
  38. Rearrangement of Numbers to Have The Minimum Divisible by a Given Factor
  39. Reduce My Fraction
  40. Remove a Specific Element of an Array
  41. Required Data I
  42. Score From Permutations Of Combinations of an Integer
  43. Sequence of Power Digits Sum
  44. Simultaneous Equations - Three Variables
  45. Sorting Arrays by the Amount of Perfect Squares that Each Element May Generate
  46. Sorting on planet Twisted-3-7
  47. Special Scores For Words
  48. Square and Cube of a Number Become Prime When Reversed
  49. The Primes as a Result of the Longest Consecutive Sum I
  50. The Sum and The Rest of Certain Pairs of Numbers have to be Perfect Squares (more Challenging)
  51. Total Sums of Coefficients of a Binomial Raised to the Nth-Power
  52. Tracking Hits for Different Sum Values for Different Kinds of Dice
  53. Triangle of Multiples (Easy One)
  54. Vowel one
  55. Word Challenges at School
  56. Working With Coloured Numbers II
  57. Working With Coloured Numbers
  58. Working with Dictionaries


  1. Adding words - Part II
  2. Adding words - Part I
  3. Alien Accent
  4. Am I safe to drive?
  5. Andy's coffee addiction
  6. Battle of the characters (Easy)
  7. Battle ships: Sunk damaged or not touched?
  8. Beginner friendly: Lowercase letters
  9. Beginner friendly: remove the letter o
  10. Bowling Pins
  11. Car Park Escape
  12. Case Reversal of Consecutive Duplicates
  13. Connect 4
  14. Count number of zeros from 1 to N
  15. Digital cypher vol 2
  16. Digital cypher
  17. Driving Licence
  18. Driving School Series #1
  19. Find Added
  20. Find the unique number
  21. Free pizza
  22. Fruit Machine
  23. GA-DE-RY-PO-LU-KI cypher vol 3 - Missing key
  24. Get Zodiac Sign
  25. Guess Who?
  26. Guess the Word: Count Matching Letters
  27. Hungry Hippos
  28. Inspiring Strings
  29. Jenny the youngest detective
  30. Lottery machine
  31. Mastermind
  32. Maze Runner
  33. Mexican Wave
  34. Mobile Display Keystrokes
  35. Nickname Generator
  36. No ifs no buts
  37. Numerical Palindrome #1.5
  38. Numerical Palindrome #1
  39. Numerical Palindrome #2
  40. Numerical Palindrome #3
  41. Numerical Palindrome #4
  42. Pigs in a Pen
  43. Plenty of Fish in the Pond
  44. Scooby Doo Puzzle
  45. Series of integers from 0 to n
  46. Series of integers from m to n
  47. Smart Traffic Lights
  48. Snakes and Ladders
  49. Street Fighter 2 - Character Selection - Part 2
  50. Sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5
  51. Ten-Pin Bowling
  52. The Hidden Word
  53. Turn any word into a beef taco
  54. Vending Machine


  1. 2 DNAs sequences, coding for same protein?
  2. BASIC: Making Six Toast.
  3. Beats by Dr. Dre
  4. Bumps in the Road
  5. Cat and Mouse - Easy Version
  6. Crazy programmer 01: find SuperMan
  7. Diamonds and Toads
  8. Divide and Conquer
  9. Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence
  10. First non-repeating character
  11. Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch Game
  12. Holiday VII - Local Talk
  13. How long will it take the train to reach its final destination?
  14. How many times should I go?
  15. How much coffee do you need?
  16. I guess this is a 7kyu kata #6: Fruit Ninja I
  17. Kebabize
  18. Linux history and ! command. Series#1 The !! command
  19. Linux history and ! command. Series#2 The !n command
  20. Linux history and ! command. Series#3 The !-n command
  21. Linux history and ! command. Series#4 The !string command
  22. Linux history and ! command. Series#5 The !?string command
  23. Palindromes Here and There
  24. Quadruple M
  25. Rotate Array (JS)
  26. Round to nearest 0 or 5
  27. Spacify
  28. Spoonerize Me
  29. String Reversing, Changing case, etc.
  30. The Office I - Outed
  31. The Office II - Boredom Score
  32. Thinkful - String Drills: Hello, World
  33. Thinkful - String Drills: Quotable
  34. Thinkful - String Drills: Repeater level 2
  35. Translate DNA in 6 frames
  36. Unflatten a list (Easy)
  37. Unix command line ls -l extract the file type.
  38. chmod calculator in octal.


  1. Binary sXORe
  2. Binary scORe
  3. Building blocks
  4. Caeser Encryption
  5. Consecutive Digit Constraints
  6. Counting in the Amazon
  7. Cut me in Pieces but in The Way I Like
  8. Decompose a number
  9. Find Numbers with Same Amount of Divisors
  10. Find the smallest power higher than a given a value
  11. Fractions of a currency' smallest value
  12. Genetic Algorithm Series - #1 Generate
  13. Get the Sum of Multiples of Triangular Numbers
  14. Last man standing
  15. Linked Lists - Length & Count
  16. Linked Lists - Push & BuildOneTwoThree
  17. Lucas numbers
  18. Not all but sometimes all
  19. Number climber
  20. Paths in the Grid
  21. Recursive Floor Sequence
  22. Routes in a square grid
  23. Selecting Quotients From an Array
  24. Sequence generator
  25. Something similar to RokuLiuYeoseot- Nacci
  26. Special Multiples
  27. Split In Parts
  28. Sum and Rest the Number with its Reversed and See What Happens
  29. Thinking & Testing : True or False
  30. Thinking & Testing: A and B?
  31. UVB-76 Message Validator
  32. Unscrambled eggs
  33. Using the Codewars API - Kata Rank
  34. When greatest is less than smallest
  35. Zip it!
  36. first character that repeats


  1. Find the Nexus of the Codewars Universe
  2. Football Fever!
  3. Loop Through Conway's Game of Life
  4. Make Ruby Hashes Act Like JavaScript Objects
  5. Solve the Mysteries of Christianity
  6. Touchdown?


  1. Alphametics Solver
  2. Battleship field validator II
  3. Battleship field validator
  4. Bird Mountain
  5. Blaine is a pain
  6. Break the pieces (Evilized Edition)
  7. Cut the cake
  8. Expression Transpiler
  9. Gerrymander Solver
  10. Hard Sudoku Solver
  11. Hard Sudoku Solver
  12. Mahjong - #1 Pure Hand
  13. Path Finder #3: the Alpinist
  14. Puzzle Fighter
  15. Simplifying
  16. Symbolic differentiation of prefix expressions
  17. Transforming Maze Solver


  1. Geometry Basics: Circle Area in 2D
  2. Geometry Basics: Circle Circumference in 2D
  3. Geometry Basics: Cross Product in 3D
  4. Geometry Basics: Distance between circles in 2D
  5. Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 2D
  6. Geometry Basics: Distance between points in 3D
  7. Geometry Basics: Dot Product in 3D
  8. Geometry Basics: Triangle Area in 2D
  9. Geometry Basics: Triangle Perimeter in 2D
  10. Regexp Basics - is it IPv4 address?
  11. Regexp Basics - is it a digit?
  12. Regexp Basics - is it a eight bit signed number?
  13. Regexp Basics - is it a eight bit unsigned number?
  14. Regexp Basics - is it a hexadecimal number?
  15. Regexp Basics - is it a letter?
  16. Regexp Basics - is it a six bit unsigned number?
  17. Regexp Basics - is it a vowel?
  18. Regexp Basics - is it all whitespace?
  19. Regexp basics - parsing integers
  20. Regexp basics - parsing mana cost
  21. Regexp basics - parsing prices
  22. Regexp basics - parsing time


  1. Array combinations
  2. Break the Caesar!
  3. Coprimes up to N
  4. Dominant array elements
  5. Factorial length
  6. Fixed length palindromes
  7. Integer reduction
  8. Life without primes
  9. Longest Consecutive Sequence of Squares
  10. Madhav array
  11. Missing Alphabet
  12. Prime reduction
  13. Product-Sum Numbers
  14. Simple division
  15. Stone bridge primes
  16. String array duplicates
  17. String reduction
  18. Sum of array singles
  19. Sum of integer combinations
  20. Sum of prime-indexed elements
  21. Word values


  1. 2D Vector Mapping
  2. Array Leaders (Array Series #3)
  3. Basics 08: Find next higher number with same Bits (1's)
  4. Consecutive Ducks
  5. Hexagon Beam Max Sum
  6. How many urinals are free?
  7. Line Safari - Is that a line?
  8. List of all Rationals
  9. Loose Change!
  10. Nice Array
  11. Polydivisible Numbers
  12. Reflecting Light
  13. Schrödinger's Boolean
  14. Sort rectangles and circles by area II
  15. Stacked Balls - 3D (triangle base)
  16. Sum of powers of 2
  17. Tetris Series #1 — Scoring System
  18. The Poet And The Pendulum
  19. regex pattern to check if string has all characters
  20. ⚠️Fusion Chamber Shutdown⚠️


  1. A Simplistic TCP Finite State Machine (FSM)
  2. ATM Heist
  3. Array Product (Sans n)
  4. Climbing the Leaderboard
  5. Connect Four
  6. Dumb News: The Truth About CW Leaderboard !
  7. Find the Word Pair!
  8. Find the unique number
  9. How many are smaller than me II?
  10. Jumping Kangaroos
  11. Memory Reallocation
  12. Missing number in Unordered Arithmetic Progression
  13. Not prime numbers
  14. One Line Task: Squirrel And Tree
  15. One line task: Square Every Digit
  16. Permutational Primes
  17. Prime Streaming (PG-13)
  18. Sum of Two Integers
  19. Summation Of Primes
  20. Tic-Tac-Toe Checker


  1. Argue the toss
  2. Convert an array of strings to array of numbers
  3. Crash Override
  4. Duck Duck Goose
  5. Evening up a workload
  6. Find within array
  7. For UFC Fans (Total Beginners): Conor McGregor vs George Saint Pierre
  8. Generate An Array of Unique Strings
  9. More Zeros than Ones
  10. Numerical Palindrome #3.5
  11. Rearrange Number to Get its Maximum
  12. Recursive Replication
  13. Scraping: Codewars Top 500 Users
  14. The rarest pepe
  15. Translate to 1337


  1. Calculate the function f(x) for a simple linear sequence (Easy)
  2. Calculate the function f(x) for a simple linear sequence (Medium)
  3. Count and Group Character Occurrences in a String
  4. Create a String for values within a given Range from a Hash
  5. Custom Array Filters
  6. Dynamic Advertorial Headlines
  7. Football League Table System
  8. Get All Possible Anagrams from a Hash
  9. Guess the number!
  10. Infinite Sequences
  11. Roulette Bet Calculator
  12. Talisman Board Game Combat System Checker
  13. Tile Map Path Finding


  1. A function within a function
  2. Array#reduce
  3. Binding within the List Monad
  4. Counting power sets
  5. Function Composition
  6. Head, Tail, Init and Last
  7. Jaden Casing Strings
  8. List Filtering
  9. Sum of all arguments
  10. The 'if' function
  11. The Hashtag Generator
  12. Unpacking Arguments


  1. Basic HTTP Response Class
  2. Basic Router With Named Segments
  3. Dee, The Generous Tipper
  4. Implement Hash#safe_dig
  5. Is it Golden?
  6. Is it an isogram?
  7. Map With Empty Fallback
  8. Power Set
  9. Readable N choose K
  10. Reimplement Multiplication Part 1
  11. Replace Keys
  12. Split Into Arrays of Equal Size


  1. 80's Kids #10: Captain Planet
  2. 80's Kids #6: Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots
  3. 80's Kids #8: The Secret World of Alex Mack
  4. 80's Kids #9: Down in Fraggle Rock
  5. Create a House Cleaning Rota
  6. Doggy Daycare
  7. Magic The Gathering #2: Mana
  8. Manhattan Distance
  9. Radio DJ helper function
  10. Tricky Doubles
  11. regex validation of 24 hours time.


  1. Average Array
  2. Back to the Future?
  3. Challenge Fun #4: Maximum Sum
  4. Print a Rectangle Using Asterisks
  5. Product of Array Items
  6. Simple Fun #320: Scratch lottery I
  7. Simple Fun #332: Catch Thief
  8. Simple Fun #341: Minimum Bonus
  9. Simple Fun #344: Children And Apples
  10. maxPossibleScore


  1. Count IP Addresses
  2. Find the Mine!
  3. Holiday Shopping Priority Queue
  4. Matrix Addition
  5. Milk and Cookies for Santa
  6. Sort Santa's Reindeer
  7. Square Matrix Multiplication
  8. Throwing Darts
  9. Valid Phone Number


  1. Arrays and Procs #1
  2. Arrays and Procs #2
  3. Coding Meetup #3 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Is Ruby coming?
  4. File Path Operations
  5. Oh dear God! Is it bugged?
  6. Quadratic Enumerator
  7. Split Without Loss
  8. The furthest distance of index
  9. Write Number in Expanded Form


  1. A Combinatorial Way to Get Products and Sums of an Array
  2. Email Address Obfuscator
  3. Find Count of Most Frequent Item in an Array
  4. How good are you really?
  5. Numbers Which Sum of Powers of Its Digits Is The Same Number
  6. Operations With Sets
  7. Share prices
  8. Surrounding Primes for a value


  1. 80's Kids #5: You Can't Do That on Television
  2. Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion
  3. Comma, comma and and
  4. Does an array contain all elements from another array.
  5. Every nth array element. (Advanced)
  6. Fill in the gaps in my timesheet.
  7. Food combinations
  8. Reversi row rudiments
  9. Testing 'Food combinations'


  2. Faberge easter eggs crush test [linear]
  3. Geohashing
  4. Insane Coloured Triangles
  5. Micro Optimization: Digit Sum
  6. Regular Expression - Check if divisible by 0b111 (7)
  7. Round and Round
  8. The Binary Binary Expansion
  9. Upside-Down Numbers - Challenge Edition


  1. Deadlock Detection
  2. Find The Object
  3. Hash Keys Substitutes
  4. Re-entrant Mutex (aka Counting Mutex)
  5. Simple Linear Regression
  6. Simple Memoization
  7. Storing Codes
  8. Wait on All Threads
  9. Wait on Any Thread


  1. Find the 2nd largest integer in array
  2. Find the 2nd smallest integer in array
  3. Find the longest repeating substring
  4. Print count and numbers
  5. Say hello!
  6. count vowels in a string
  7. get ascii value of character
  8. get character from ASCII Value
  9. sort array by last character


  1. AD2070: Help Lorimar troubleshoot his robots-Search and Disable
  2. DevOps New Kids On The Block VS Homie The Clown
  3. DevOps legacy roasting -> disco inferno -> burn baby burn
  4. Help Kiyo きよ solve her problems LCM Fun!
  5. Help Suzuki complete his chores!
  6. Help Suzuki pack his coal basket!
  7. The Rhinestone Cowboy ~ Count the dollars in his boots!
  8. We are the Robots d[(0)(0)]b


  1. A String of Sorts
  2. Array#second
  3. Change Machine
  4. EventEmitter
  5. Hashtaggery
  6. Longest Palindrome for your dome?
  7. Metaprogramming Conjurer
  8. Unlimited Sum


  1. Alphabet wars - nuclear strike
  2. Braces status
  3. CamelCase Method
  4. Get the Mean
  5. Harry and the Mathematician's Chicken
  6. IPv4 Validator
  7. Numerical Palindrome #5
  8. What The Biggest Search Keys?


  1. Add _ - accessors to Hash
  2. Get config values of hash
  3. Phone my kids
  4. Return substring instance count - 2
  5. Set - the card game
  6. Sort Arrays (Ignoring Case)
  7. Sort arrays - 1


  1. Cat Kata, Part 1
  2. Help Green Lantern with his web site
  3. Hëävÿ Mëtäl Ümläüts
  4. Piano Kata, Part 1
  5. Piano Kata, Part 2
  6. Resistor Color Codes, Part 2
  7. Return Two Highest Values in List
  8. Twice Their Age


  1. Balance the parentheses
  2. Be Concise I - The Ternary Operator
  3. IntroToArt
  4. Most sales
  5. Permute a Palindrome
  6. Which section did you scroll to?
  7. White or Black?


  1. Dead Ants
  2. Exclamation marks series #13: Count the number of exclamation marks and question marks, return the product
  3. Get number from string
  4. Replace every nth
  5. Reverse Letters in Sentence


  1. Are the twins even?
  2. Hashes on Hashes
  3. Name to Matrix
  4. Odd Not Prime
  5. Oddball Index Delete
  6. Odds-Index


  1. Bin to Decimal
  2. Get up! The alarm clock is ringing.
  3. Goldbach’s Conjecture
  4. Is every value in the array an array?
  5. Santa's Missing Gift List
  6. Santa's Secret Sorting Sequence


  1. Help Mr. E
  2. Pine's Deaf Grandma
  3. Pine's Orange Tree
  4. Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock Game
  5. Time Converter: hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds
  6. Time Lap to Average MPH - ("Indianapolis 500")


  1. Guess the list pattern #1
  2. Guess the list pattern #2
  3. Guess the list pattern #3
  4. Guess the list pattern #5
  5. Guess the list pattern #6
  6. Guess the string pattern #1 - Advanced


  1. A for Apple
  2. Enhenced Fixnum.times method
  3. Filter unused digits
  4. Filtering Cookie
  5. Random string
  6. Sum up the random string


  1. Boiled Eggs
  2. Calculating with Functions
  3. Only One Gift Per Child
  4. SantaClausable Interface
  5. Trick the Christmas Calendar!


  1. Blackjack, should I hit?
  2. Count the Characters
  3. Fantasy Football Showdown!
  4. Points On A Line
  5. Ruby Functions #1: Define the "Each" Function


  1. Color Ghost
  2. Find the Capitals
  3. Greet Me
  4. Name Array Capping
  5. Regular Ball Super Ball


  1. Clean Slate
  2. Numbble
  3. The Lamp: Revisited
  4. The Lamp
  5. Word Frequency Table


  1. Sudoku solver #1
  2. Sudoku solver #2
  3. Sudoku solver #3
  4. Sudoku solver #4
  5. Sudoku solver #5


  1. Calculate String Rotation
  2. Greatest Common Divisor Bitcount
  3. Partial Word Searching
  4. Unique Substring From Joined Strings


  1. Age Range Compatibility Equation
  2. Chinese Zodiac
  3. Countdown - Longest Word
  4. Pernicious Numbers


  1. Assignment #3
  2. Mirroring cipher
  3. ROT13 variant cipher
  4. They say that only the name is long enough to attract attention. They also said that only a simple Kata will have someone to solve it. This is a sadly story #1: Are they opposite?


  1. ASCII hex converter
  2. Pyramid Array
  3. int32 to IPv4
  4. ruby + accumulate


  1. Clustering Arrays
  2. Next Highest Anagram Finder
  3. Prime factorization
  4. Split-form Addition


  1. First n Prime Numbers
  2. Making Change: Part 2
  3. Making Change
  4. Name That Integer


  1. 1337 Classes
  2. Custom attr_accessor
  3. Look and say numbers
  4. Validate Credit Card Number


  1. Difference Of Squares
  2. Gigasecond
  3. Scrabble Score
  4. Slices of a Series of Digits

Dr Phil

  1. Angle Between Clock Hands
  2. Binary Genetic Algorithms
  3. The devil's chessboard
  4. Trailing zeros in factorials, in any given integer base


  1. FIRE and FURY
  2. Katastrophe!
  3. Simple Pig Latin
  4. Your Ride Is Here


  1. Decimals or groups of thousands??
  2. [Minecraft Series #1] Steve wants to build a beacon pyramid
  3. [Minecraft Series #3] Lava is amazing!
  4. [Minecraft Series #4] Lava is amazing, however...


  1. Alex & snooker: points earned.
  2. Alex & snooker: scores.
  3. Simple Fun #190: Folding Paper
  4. Simple Fun #198: Cake Slice


  1. ISBN-10 Validation
  2. Interleaving Arrays
  3. Mean Square Error
  4. Queue Battle


  1. Base -2
  2. Hello new meta-class!
  3. Meta Mad Libs
  4. Unique(ish)


  1. Countries in Olympic Games
  2. Create a frame!
  3. Hangman
  4. Polynomial Class


  1. Currency Conversion
  2. Frequency Analysis With Buckets
  3. High-Stakes Binary Blackjack
  4. Most Consecutive Zeros of a Binary Number


  1. Call Center Call Backs
  2. Convert integer to Whitespace format
  3. Playing with cubes I


  1. Anchorize me!
  2. Classic Hello World
  3. Make them bark!
  4. Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters


  1. Generate UK Postcode
  2. Your Mentors Film Library (Part 1)
  3. Your Mentors Film Library (Part 2)
  4. Your Mentors Film Library (Part 3)


  1. Bocce
  2. Find Duplicates with String.match
  3. Weight of its Contents


  1. And the Mosckar goes to…
  2. Credit Card Checker
  3. List functions of an object by length


  1. N-th Fibonacci
  2. Pascal's Triangle


  1. Grouped by commas
  2. Twisted Sum
  3. Yield to the Block


  1. Checkerboard Generation
  2. Remove Duplicates
  3. Sum Arrays


  1. Exponent method
  2. Incorrect division method
  3. Integer to Musical Pitch Classes


  1. Binary Coded Decimal
  2. Matrix Trace
  3. Polybius Square


  1. Inverting a Hash
  2. Readable developer-friendly large numbers
  3. Text Door Neighbors - Phone Keypad


  1. Befunge Interpreter
  2. Choose featured projects for Gratipay's homepage!
  3. Give me my booleans, Mr. Hash!


  1. Command-line Option Parser
  2. Counterfeiting
  3. Instant Runoff Voting


  1. Decoding a message
  2. Gone fishin'
  3. To buy or not to buy


  1. Convert Symbol to Array
  2. Deal a Shuffled Deck of Cards
  3. Rotate Rectangles By 45 Degree Jumps


  1. From..To..Series #7: from sentence to camelCase. Can you convert it?
  2. Multiplication table
  3. Zero Terminated Sum


  1. Bits Battle
  2. Injection
  3. SHA-256 Cracker


  1. Abstract Model Magic
  2. Chain me
  3. Memoized Fibonacci


  1. Cats in hats
  2. Help Bob count letters and digits.
  3. Volume of a Cuboid

Roy Gardiner

  1. Represent a number in words, e.g. '1' => 'one'
  2. Search for letters
  3. Simple string validation


  1. Making Copies
  2. Stacked Balls - 2D
  3. Stacked Balls - 3D (square base)


  1. Code Breaker #1
  2. What comes after?


  1. Chess - Pawn move generator
  2. Iterate function
  3. Recipe DSL


  1. Statistics Algorithm - Calculate Mean
  2. Statistics Algorithm - Calculate Sample Space


  1. Convert a linked list to a string
  2. Mutual Recursion


  1. Draw a Circle.
  2. Pull your words together, man!


  1. Duplicate Arguments
  2. Hash.flattened_keys


  1. Cartesian coordinates from degree angle
  2. Valid Braces


  1. Arrh, grabscrab!
  2. Readability is King


  1. Reverse linked list
  2. Reverse polish notation calculator


  1. Hyper Sphere
  2. Palindromes Below


  1. Simple card game
  2. Thinking & Testing : Incomplete string


  1. Binary multiple of 3
  2. Goldbach's Conjecture


  1. Sherlock on numbers
  2. Sherlock on pockets


  1. Colorful Number
  2. Print a Matrix in Spiral Form

Laurynas Lazauskas

  1. Keypad horror


  1. Integer division
  2. Taxicab numbers


  1. Kids and candies
  2. The simplest path


  1. Esolang Interpreters #1 - Introduction to Esolangs and My First Interpreter (MiniStringFuck)
  2. The Prediction

Tokariev Serhii

  1. Shift Left
  2. Vowel Recognition


  1. Largest product in a series
  2. Next polydivisible number


  1. Knapsack Part 1 - The Greedy Solution
  2. Physics - Mechanics - Atwood Machines in Series


  1. Completed Mahjong Hands
  2. Cryptic Cave: Episode 1


  1. Matrix Determinant
  2. Triple Trouble


  1. Friday the 13th Part 1
  2. The Greatest Warrior


  1. Break the pieces
  2. Tiny Three-Pass Compiler


  1. Evaluate mathematical expression
  2. Linear Regression with One Variable


  1. Hash With Indifferent Access
  2. Roles and Permissions


  1. Extract Transform Load
  2. Series


  1. Car salesmen talk too much
  2. Shady Sam's Special Sweet Scented Candles


  1. Array Condenser Step Calculator
  2. Counting Digits


  1. Fat Ninjas
  2. Galaxy Getaway


  1. Don't rely on luck.
  2. Method Lockdown


  1. Brute Forcing a Password
  2. Convert a Hashy String to a Hash


  1. Given an array of numbers, which are perfect squares?
  2. Rubyfunge Interpreter


  1. Approximate e
  2. Welcome to the City


  1. Arithmetic List!
  2. Arithmetic Sequence!


  1. Prepare for the Easter!
  2. Power of 4


  1. Arithmetic sequence - sum of n elements
  2. Geometric sequence - sum of all elements


  1. From-To-Step Sequence Generator
  2. Well efficiency calculator


  1. Internal Scrambler
  2. Magic Sum of 3s


  1. Basic Math (Add or Subtract)
  2. Count letters in string


  1. Cogs
  2. Connect the Dots


  1. Christmas Day
  2. Simple Sentences


  1. A functional deck of cards....
  2. Lambdas as a mechanism for Open/Closed


  1. Simple transposition
  2. Simple transposition class


  1. Check if binary tree is balanced
  2. Find kth to last element of singly-linked list


  1. Pirates!! Are the Cannons ready!??
  2. Remove Odd Hashes
  3. Palindrome chain length
  4. Line Type Parser
  5. The Power of Exponents
  6. Orthogonal Vectors
  7. Delta Bits
  8. Credit Card Mask
  9. The dropWhile Function
  10. Count the Ones
  11. Candy problem
  12. Figure Out the Notes
  13. 80's Kids #2: Help ALF Find His Spaceship
  14. Genetic Algorithm Series - #3 Crossover
  15. Array of all primes up to number N
  16. Credit card issuer checking
  17. Powers of 3
  18. Pluralization
  19. Coding Meetup #1 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Count the number of JavaScript developers coming from Europe
  20. Coding Meetup #2 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Greet developers
  21. Coding Meetup #4 - Higher-Order Functions Series - Find the first Python developer
  22. Magic Three
  23. Do you know how to make Query String?
  25. Life of Possibilities
  26. Strip Url Params
  27. Calculate Hypotenuse of Right-angled Triangle
  28. Good vs Evil
  29. Who has the most money?
  30. Pascal's Triangle #2
  31. Dreidel dreidel
  32. Adding ordinal indicator suffixes to numbers
  33. Sort sentence pseudo-alphabetically
  34. Atbash Cipher Helper
  35. Palindrome for your Dome
  36. Big to Little Endian
  37. Evil Autocorrect Prank
  38. What adds up
  39. Bracket Duplicates
  40. Wind component calculation
  41. House of cards
  42. Ping-Pong service problem
  43. Run-length encoding
  44. NATO Phonetic Alphabet Ruby
  45. Triangular matrices.
  46. Triangle number check
  47. Enigeliisohe too Eniigeeliiisoohee Toroanisoliatooro
  48. Crack the Encrypted Email
  49. Next level string padding
  50. Backspaces in string
  51. Let's flat them out
  52. Doors in the school
  53. 0 to 100, real quick!
  54. DotNotation Transformer
  55. The Wolf of Wall Street
  56. Unique Strings
  57. Reversing Euclid's GCD. Parameters out of results
  58. Keith Numbers
  59. IBAN Validator
  60. Pythagorean Triplets
  61. Vonhyou's Math Class!
  62. Squares in a Rectangle
  63. Read a UPC/Barcode
  64. Word Segmentation: MaxMatch
  65. Where my anagrams at?
  66. Rotate an array matrix
  67. My smallest code interpreter (aka Brainf**k)
  68. Greed is Good
  69. Email Validation
  70. Convert PascalCase string into snake_case
  71. Can you get the loop ?
  72. #Hashtag
  73. Trip Checker
  74. Tree Reconstruction
  75. Blackjack Scorer
  76. Integer to English
  77. Cycle Detection: Floyd's The Tortoise and the The Hare
  78. self_converge
  79. Earliest Occurring Unique Value in Stream
  80. Endianness Conversion
  81. Quipu Calculator
  82. Fouriest transformation
  83. Most frequently used words in a text
  84. Snail
  85. The observed PIN
  86. Sort binary tree by levels
  87. Carmichael function
  88. Recover a secret string from random triplets
  89. Pyramid Slide Down
  90. Find all possible number combos that sum to a number
  91. Longest Common Subsequence (Performance version)
  92. Calculator
  93. Rail Fence Cipher: Encoding and Decoding
  94. Knight's Attack!
  95. Decode the Morse code, for real
  96. Count the likes
  97. Cable Matching Problem
  98. Synchonizing records
  99. counting in dot notation
  100. Count IPv6 Addresses (ruby only)
  101. Create a linked list class and its methods
  102. German Unicode Characters to ASCII Equivalents
  103. Date Range Formatter
  104. Texas Hold'em Poker
  105. Reverse word order in place.
  106. Best GF (Guardian Force) junctions based on compatibility
  107. Playfair cipher
  108. Palindromes
  109. Word proposals
  110. Square Root Games
  111. Mahjong II: Is this complex set a winning set?
  112. Dependency check
  113. Clock hands angle
  114. How many dots are covered
  115. Rep The Set, Gotta Rep The Power Set
  116. Count the number of instances of three identical digits on a four-digit digital clock
  117. Connecting Linked Lists
  118. Basic variable assignment
  119. Push a hash/an object into array
  120. Incorrect array_remove method
  121. Failed Sort - Bug Fixing #4
  122. Broken Collatz
  123. Not very secure
  124. Gravity Flip
  125. Find the max depth in an array
  126. Number of Rectangles in a Grid
  127. Slamming Lockers
  128. Approaching enemies
  129. Thinking & Testing : Uniq or not Uniq
  130. 5 without alphanums!!!
  131. Player Contact Manager
  132. Hard Time Bomb
  133. Feynman's square question
  134. Mysterious function
  135. Sum #1
  136. Mr. Safety's treasures
  137. XOR string reduction
  138. Button sequences
  139. Towers of Hanoi
  140. Luck check
  141. Cheating a bit...
  142. A Chain adding function
  143. Did I Finish my Sudoku?
  144. Base64 Numeric Translator
  145. Find the code and open the safe
  146. Operator Insertion
  147. Sting like a bee, float like a sponge?
  148. Path Finder #4: where are you?
  149. Ruby’s Eleven
  150. 6 By 6 Skyscrapers
  151. Haskellish Syntax
  152. Guess the Passtune
  153. The cross-stitch Kata
  154. stripper_namer
  155. Natural Language Calculator
  156. Easy hacking #1
  157. Triangular Peg Solitaire Solver
  158. Improving hashes.
  159. Grader
  160. Counting sheep...
  161. Are arrow functions odd?
  162. Who ate the cookie?
  163. Grasshopper - Messi Goals
  164. Compare within margin
  165. Add new item (collections are passed by reference)
  166. Remove First and Last Character Part Two
  167. Merging sorted integer arrays (without duplicates)
  168. Thinkful - Number Drills: Blue and red marbles
  169. Ensure question
  170. Who is going to pay for the wall?
  171. Help the Elite Squad of Brazilian forces BOPE
  172. Area or Perimeter
  173. Ruby Metaprogramming 101 - Dynamic Method Calls
  174. No Modulo
  175. Flatten
  176. Power of two
  177. Re-open class
  178. We Have Liftoff
  179. Last
  180. greetings with First Name AND Last Name
  181. Lazily executing a function
  182. Next birth-day of the week finder
  183. Find sum of top-left to bottom-right diagonals
  184. sum_eq_n?
  185. Center of the Matrix
  186. Converting integer to currency format
  187. Big Factorial
  188. Do you speak retsec?
  189. Russian postal code checker
  190. Parsing Commandline Arguments
  191. Find Duplicates
  192. Counting Array Elements
  193. Help the Fruit Guy
  194. Is n divisible by (...)?
  195. Capitals first!
  196. Trigrams
  197. Filter Coffee
  198. Array comparator
  199. Quicksum
  200. Simple template
  201. Translate anything into French !
  202. Integer Difference
  203. Sum squares of numbers in list that may contain more lists
  204. Personalising Spammy Marketing Emails
  205. Exclamation marks series #18: a simple slot machine that only contains exclamation marks and question marks
  206. String Scramble
  207. Changing letters
  208. No yelling!
  209. TIY-FizzBuzz
  210. Return the first M multiples of N
  211. Reverse the bits in an integer
  212. Odder Than the Rest
  213. Multiply the strings in the array
  214. Remove B M W
  215. Alphabetically ordered
  216. Knight position
  217. Dropzone
  218. Alphabetical Sequence
  219. Bob's Treasure Map
  220. Will you survive the zombie onslaught?
  221. Custom each() Array method
  222. Title Case
  223. Bag#every?
  224. Two Sum
  225. Format a string of names like 'Bart, Lisa & Maggie'.
  226. Array Exchange
  227. Command line parameters
  228. Word a10n (abbreviation)
  229. Pretty date
  230. Grouping and Counting
  231. Flexible Card Game
  232. Harshad or Niven numbers
  233. Multi-tap Keypad Text Entry on an Old Mobile Phone
  234. Tick Toward
  235. Format Text
  236. Tree Depth
  237. Polynomial Evaluation - Binomial Form
  238. Find the biggest piece of gold
  239. Lucky Sevens
  240. Parse HTML/CSS Colors
  241. Markings to White Triangles and How to Find Them
  242. Ka Ka Ka cypher - words only vol 1
  243. Matrix Rotation
  244. How many feelings?
  245. The Strongest Tree in the Forest
  246. Possibilities of throwing a coin n times
  247. Extract the domain name from a URL
  248. Custom Enumerators - Fibonacci
  249. Gift Unwrapping
  250. Vector Class
  251. Find All Array Values That Fall Within a Given Difference
  252. Dynamic instance variables & attributes
  253. Sum of pairs
  254. Pandigital Sequence
  255. Fluent Calculator
  256. To BrainFuck Transpiler
  257. Word statistics
  258. Clock Hands
  259. Tug-o'-War
  260. Construct Javascript-method syntax in Ruby
  261. Temp Tracker: Max, Min, Mean and Mode
  262. Server: Connection Pool
  263. Strings to worded numbers
  264. Easter Eggs
  265. Convert to ledger format
  266. Cost of Shopping
  267. Lat/Long Parser
  268. Event Date Dilemma
  269. Implement a client for an API
  270. Call a block on an array multiple times
  271. DIY ActiveRecord a.k.a KataRecord
  272. Narcissistic Numbers
  273. Robot Walk
  274. Brainunpack
  275. Compress string to return letter followed by numbers of times it occurs in a string
  276. Stop worrying!
  277. Go Shopping
  278. Gammas text manipulation 1: Detecting errors using regexp
  279. Non-consecutive Pairs
  280. Lucky Number - Simple
  281. Clear the Catacombs!
  282. Morse Code (translate text to and from morse code)
  283. The Black Panther Language
  284. Truncate string to first n words
  285. Basic Statement Coverage in Unit Testing
  286. Group your pupils
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