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This repository contains a collection of all components developed and provided by Cognigy to facilitate a seamless integration with Salesforce.

Copilot Integration

This component will integrate Cognigy Copilot directly into Chat Layouts. Demo


Download the source code

To start with, download a local copy of this repository onto your computer. Use git (git clone or download and unpack it into a folder you can access again.

Install CLI

Next, you need to install the Salesforce CLI. Find the installer here:

A full installation guide is available here:

Setup languages

The components have been built and tested on nodeJS version 21.4.0. You can check your version with node -v. Make sure you have a matching version number through your preferred installation method.

We recommend using asdf, but this is optional. Proceed with Fetch dependencies if you already have the right node version. To use asdf:

  1. Follow the installation guide:
  2. Install the NodeJS plugin and install the right version by running the following command in a terminal window
asdf plugin-add nodejs
  1. Restart your terminal
  2. Open a terminal in the project root directory and run the following commands:
asdf install

Fetch dependencies

  1. Open a terminal in the salesforce-integrations folder
  2. Run the following command npm i


Deploy component to Salesforce


To deploy the component into your Salesforce installation, you need to authorize it first. In your terminal:

  1. Run sf org login
  2. Chose a preferred authorization method
  3. Done


After you have authorized the repository, you can deploy the included components into your Salesforce installation. This will enable you to drop Cognigy components into your Salesforce pages. It will not change any existing pages.

  1. Open a shell in the project root directory.
  2. Run sf deploy
  3. Specify the org you want to deploy into. If you have kept to the instructions so far, only one organization should be selectable.
  4. Hit enter.
  5. Select project deploy start from the options.
  6. Automated tests will run. If they are successful, the component will be deployed into your Salesforce instance.

ℹ️ If you encounter problems during this step, refer to the Troubleshooting section before contacting Cognigy support.

Set up component

Add custom field to Chat Transcript object

For the component to work, it relies on a custom field being present in the Chat Transcript object of Salesforce. To add this field:

  1. Navigate to the Object Manager in your Salesforce installation, then open the Chat Transcript object. select object
  2. Select the Fields & Relations Tab on the left side, click New on the top right to add a new field. select chat transcript
  3. Select the URL data type and click Next. set data type
  4. Enter Copilot as the field name. Do not deviate from this in spelling or casing, as the Cognigy component relies on it. You may enter a description if you like. Click Next. set data type
  5. In the Field security section, do not change anything and click Next. set data type
  6. In the Add to pages section, make sure the Chat Transcript page is selected. Finish the field setup by clicking Save. set data type

Click on the newly created Copilot field and confirm that the details are correct. It should look like this: finished configuration

Integrate into Livechats

Finally, the Cognigy component needs to be added to the Chat Transcript page, so it is accessible to agents.

  1. Navigate to the Chat Transcript section of your Salesforce instance. Open any chat transcript. If you don't have any, you can create one by starting a chat with a test user.
  2. Then, click on the Lightning cog and select Edit Page edit page
  3. On the left side of the editor, scroll down to the Custom section. Click and drag the Cognigy Copilot component into the page layout into the position you want it to appear in. Finish up by clicking save. Cognigy Copilot should now be available in all new conversations! add to page

ℹ️ If you don't see the Cognigy Copilot after saving, make sure the page is properly activated. Refer to for details.


To update the component, you can simply run sf deploy again. The component will be updated in your Salesforce instance.

Be aware that this will not update the component in existing conversations. You will need to manually update the component in the Chat Transcript page layout. To do so, follow the Integrate into Livechats section again.



For a smooth developer experience, it is recommended to follow the Salesforce setup guide for Visual Studio Code:


You can lint the project by running npm run lint


The components in this repositories are developed under a test-driven approach. You can run the tests with npm run test:unit


For demo purposes and maintaining visual consistency, the component(s) in this repository can be previewed in a sandboxed environment. To start it, run npm run storybook.


Test failures preventing deployment

In some cases, you might not be able to get the automated testing to run on your local machine. The error might look something like this: image

To circumvent this, you can skip the testing stage and force a deployment. All components are tested by Cognigy before they are released. Unless you made changes to the source code, skipping the tests locally should not be an issue.

To force a deployment:

  1. Open a terminal in the salesforce-integrations folder
  2. Run the following command: sfdx force:source:deploy -p force-app/main/default/lwc/copilotIntegration -u

⚠️ Replace with your actual username