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francisco-ortin committed Apr 22, 2024
1 parent 17a0f7e commit fb67279
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,242 additions and 0 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions MLP/
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module defines a custom callback PrintAndSaveStats to monitor and save various statistics during the training of a
MLP model. The callback logs information such as epoch timings, accuracy, loss, and metrics like precision and recall.
It also computes aggregates like total training time and best accuracy achieved. Additionally, it writes these
statistics to a file and logs them for TensorBoard visualization. The get_callbacks function generates a list of
callbacks including Early Stopping, model checkpointing, the custom PrintAndSaveStats, and TensorBoard logging,
tailored for a specific model with given parameters.

from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint, TensorBoard
import tensorflow as tf
import datetime
import time
from parameters import get_tensorboard_path

class PrintAndSaveStats(tf.keras.callbacks.Callback):

def __init__(self, model_name):
self.epoch_time_start = None
self.model_name = model_name
self.total_time = 0
self.last_epoch = 1
self.best_acc = 0
self.best_epoch = 1
self.first_acc = 0
self.last_acc = 0
self.last_loss = 0
self.last_f1_micro = 0
self.last_f1_macro = 0
self.last_precision = 0
self.last_recall = 0

def on_epoch_begin(self, batch, logs={}):
self.epoch_time_start = time.time()

def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs):
epoch += 1
if epoch == 1:
self.first_acc = logs["val_accuracy"]
print('Epoch {} finished at {}'.format(epoch,
print(f"Printing log object:\n{logs}")
elapsed_time = int((time.time() - self.epoch_time_start))
print(f"Elaspsed time: {elapsed_time}")
if logs["loss"] != 0:
print("val/train loss: {:.2f}".format(logs["val_loss"] / logs["loss"]))
if logs["accuracy"] != 0:
print("val/train acc: {:.2f}".format(logs["val_accuracy"] / logs["accuracy"]))
file1 = open(get_history_path(self.model_name), "a") # append mode
file1.write(str(epoch) + SEPARATOR + str( + SEPARATOR +
str(elapsed_time) + SEPARATOR + str(logs["accuracy"]) + SEPARATOR +
str(logs["val_accuracy"]) + SEPARATOR + str(logs["loss"]) + SEPARATOR + str(logs["val_loss"])
+ "\n")
self.compute_aggregates(elapsed_time, logs["val_accuracy"], epoch)

self.last_acc = logs["val_accuracy"]
self.last_loss = logs["val_loss"]
# self.last_f1_micro = logs["val_f1_micro"]
# self.last_f1_macro = logs["val_f1_macro"]
self.last_precision = logs["val_precision"]
self.last_recall = logs["val_recall"]
with tf.summary.create_file_writer(get_tensorboard_path()).as_default():
tf.summary.scalar("val_accuracy", logs["val_accuracy"], step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("val_loss", logs["val_loss"], step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("train_accuracy", logs["accuracy"], step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("train_loss", logs["loss"], step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("time", elapsed_time, step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("precision", logs["val_precision"], step=epoch)
tf.summary.scalar("recall", logs["val_recall"], step=epoch)
# tf.summary.scalar("f1_macro", logs["val_f1_macro"], step=epoch)
# tf.summary.scalar("f1_micro", logs["val_f1_micro"], step=epoch)

def compute_aggregates(self, elapsed_time: int, val_acc, epoch: int):
self.total_time += elapsed_time
self.last_epoch = epoch
if val_acc > self.best_acc:
self.best_acc = val_acc
self.best_epoch = epoch

def get_stats(self):
return [int(self.total_time / self.last_epoch), self.first_acc, self.best_acc, self.best_epoch, self.last_epoch]

def get_history_path(model_name: str):
return model_name + "_history.csv"

def get_best_model_path(model_name: str):
return model_name + "_checkpoint.h5"

def get_callbacks(model_name: str, early_patience: int) -> list:
early_stopping = EarlyStopping(monitor="val_loss", mode="min", patience=early_patience,
restore_best_weights=True, verbose=1)
save_best_model = ModelCheckpoint(get_best_model_path(model_name), save_best_only=True, monitor="val_loss", verbose=1)
save_model_stats = PrintAndSaveStats(model_name)
tensorboard = TensorBoard(get_tensorboard_path())
return [save_best_model, save_model_stats, early_stopping, tensorboard]
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module calculates class weights for the MLP training by first extracting class labels from the training dataset.
Then, it computes class weights using scikit-learn compute_class_weight function to address
class imbalance. Finally, it returns a dictionary mapping class indices to their respective weights."""

from lazy_load import load_ds_lazy
from parameters import *
from pickle_load import pickle_to_tensor
import numpy as np
from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight
from typing import Dict, Any

def get_class_weight(ds_train_y) -> Dict[int, Any]:
class_labels = np.argmax(ds_train_y, axis=1)
class_weights = compute_class_weight('balanced', classes=np.unique(class_labels), y=class_labels)
cw_dict = {}
for lang_index in range(0, class_weights.shape[0]):
cw_dict[lang_index] = class_weights[lang_index]
return cw_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
for config in process_args():
ARG_MAP = config
train_ds, val_ds = load_ds_lazy(ARG_MAP[BATCH_SIZE], ARG_MAP[N_LABELS], ARG_MAP[EPOCHS])
train_ds, val_ds = get_pickle_paths()
train_y = pickle_to_tensor(train_ds + "_labels")
print(f"{get_class_weight(train_y)} vector for {ARG_MAP[N_SAMPLES]} samples")
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module transforms text files into integer vectors mapping each character to its UTF-8 value and stores them as CSV
files. It reads the texts in the corpus and splits the different lines, concatenates them with their corresponding
labels, and then batches them for efficient processing. It subsequently iterates through the resulting dataset,
writing batches of lines into separate CSV files. Additionally, it also handles the dataset stratification."""

import tensorflow as tf
from typing import List
import os


def eff_write(ds, folder, file_counter=0, lines_per_file=1000):
if not os.path.exists(folder):
ds = line, label: tf.strings.reduce_join(tf.strings.as_string(tf.concat([line, [label]], axis=0))
, separator=","))
ds = ds.batch(lines_per_file)
for batch in ds:
complete_name = FILE_NAME + str(file_counter) + ".csv"
file_content = str(tf.strings.reduce_join(batch, separator="\n").numpy(), encoding="ascii")
with open(folder + "/" + complete_name, 'w') as csvfile:
file_counter += 1
return file_counter

def line_to_raw_int_ds(ds:
ds = file, label: (file, tf.cast(label, tf.dtypes.int32)), num_parallel_calls=N_CORES)
ds = file, label: (tf.strings.unicode_decode(file, "UTF-16LE"), label), num_parallel_calls=N_CORES)
ds = file, label: (tf.strings.unicode_encode(file, "UTF-8"), label), num_parallel_calls=N_CORES)
ds = ds.interleave(lambda file, label:
tf.map_fn(lambda line: (line, label), tf.strings.split(tf.strings.regex_replace(file, "\r", ""), "\n"),
fn_output_signature=(tf.dtypes.string, tf.int32))).shuffle(1000)
, num_parallel_calls=N_CORES,
deterministic=True, block_length=1, cycle_length=20_000
LENGTH_LIMIT: int = 10
ds = ds.filter(lambda line, _: tf.strings.length(line) >= LENGTH_LIMIT)
return line, label: (tf.strings.unicode_decode(line, "UTF-8"), label), num_parallel_calls=N_CORES)

def get_raw_lines_ds(source_folder: str) ->
snippet_ds: = tf.keras.utils.text_dataset_from_directory(
source_folder, label_mode='int', batch_size=None, shuffle=True)
return line_to_raw_int_ds(snippet_ds)

def stratify_ds(ds:, weights: List[float]):
datasets = [ds.filter(lambda _, label: label == i) for i in range(len(weights))]
return, weights, stop_on_empty_dataset=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
SNIPPET_SOURCE_FOLDER = ".\\comments_V2_TXT_test"
line_ds: = get_raw_lines_ds(SNIPPET_SOURCE_FOLDER)
DS_SIZE: int = 1_000_000
N_LANGS: int = 21
line_ds = stratify_ds(line_ds, WEIGHTS).take(DS_SIZE)
DEST_FOLDER: str = ".\\raw_int_lines_test_balanced_1M"
eff_write(line_ds, DEST_FOLDER)

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