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@keenanpayne keenanpayne released this 17 Feb 06:32
· 244 commits to master since this release

With this minor version of the framework, we have fixed a few things here and there, and have added some great backwards-compatible functionality that should make our mixins much more flexible.

I would also like to welcome @Dooza and @huwrowlands to the team. These two will be working on an upcoming WordPress boilerplate theme that we are hoping to release. I am very excited to have them working together on the project.

Lastly, I would like to welcome @jameskolce to the team as well. He will be helping port Concise to Stylus and maintain it. In addition, he will be working closely with me on some re-engineering of the framework for v3.0.0.


  • Added a few lines to the file and fixed a little bit of formatting.
    -Removed the Gitter badge and chat room as nobody was using it and I never really checked in on it commit ref


  • Woah, do you see that? Things may be looking a little different on We recently updated the site to the latest version of Concise, which included freshening up the look and feel, as well as modifying some content.
  • #40: Fixed the JavaScript on the website so that the tooltips add-on page works.
  • #54: Something that's been talked about for awhile was building sample layouts for people to check out and use on our website. I don't know why it's been on the backburner so long, but @sachinwalia2k8 pointed it out and I finally added our first three examples:
  • Also pointed out by @sachinwalia2k8, I have broken out the CSS into multiple files so that users can easily see what CSS was written just for the website.



  • @huwrowlands added a helper class for working with responsive elements. commit ref
  • Thanks to the question by @VincyLouis, I have added a backwards-compatible feature where you can now declare whether you would like to use min-width or max-width inside of the breakpoint() mixin. By default, min-width is used, but by setting a second parameter to max, you can use max-width. Check out the documentation to learn more.
  • #42: @pspeter3 Noted that our use of SASS was compatible with the latest version of node-sass, which compiles much faster as it uses libsass. We have made this change in our gulp.js file, and you should now notice Concise compiling much faster.
  • #46: @hansnolte noticed a <= IE11 bug for our dropdown styling, which has been fixed.
  • #49: @Dooza and @jameskolce worked together to make our dropdown HTML semantic and valid.
  • #50: @moonbeetle noticed an unnecessary line of code in _lists.scss that was removed by @jameskolce.
  • #51: @atlza noticed an edge case with Concise's grid system that made it difficult to nest multiple grids with/without gutters. That has since been fixed with an extra helper class.