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Connor4898 edited this page Jul 21, 2014 · 9 revisions
This is a detailed documentation of all the hooks available in ModPE


function attackHook(attacker, victim) { }
  • Called when an entity is attacked.
  • (Entity) attacker: The entity who attacked.
  • (Entity) victim: The entity who got attacked.


function blockEventHook(x, y, z, type, data) { }
  • No information available


function chatHook(text) { }
  • Called when something has been said in chat
  • (String) text: The message


function chatReceiveHook(str, sender) { }
  • No information available


function deathHook(attacker, victim) { }
  • Called when an entity dies.
  • (Entity) attacker: The entity who killed.
  • (Entity) victim: The entity who died.


function destroyBlock(x, y, z, side) { }
  • Called when a block is destroyed.
  • (Integer) x, y, z: The coordinates of the destroyed block.
  • (Integer) side: The side in which the block is destroyed.
  • Note: When this function is called, the block is ABOUT to be destroyed. After this function is called, the block will be destroyed.


function entityAddedHook(entity) { }
  • Called when an entity is added to the game.
  • (Entity) entity: The entity.


function entityRemovedHook(entity) { }
  • Called when an entity is removed from the world.
  • (Entity) entity: The entity.


function leaveGame() { }
  • Called when the user exits a world.
  • Accepts no parameters


function levelEventHook(player, eventType, x, y, z, data) { }
  • No information available


function modTick() { }
  • Called every game tick. A game tick is 1/20 of a second. (Called 20 times in a second.)
  • Accepts no parameters


function newLevel(hasLevel) { }
  • Called when the user starts loading a level.
  • hasLevel: ?


function procCmd(cmd) { }
  • Called when a command is entered. (Chat text with "/" prefix.)
  • (String) cmd: The command, with arguments and "/" omitted.


function selectLevelHook() { }
  • No information available


function serverMessageReceiveHook(str) { }
  • No information available


function startDestroyBlock(x, y, z, side) { }
  • No information available


function useItem(x, y, z, itemId, blockId, side, itemDamage, blockDamage) { }
  • Called when a block is tapped.
  • (Integer) x, y, z: The coordinates of the block tapped.
  • (Integer) itemId: The ID of the item held by the player.
  • (Integer) blockId: The ID of the block tapped.
  • (Integer) side: Side of the block tapped.
  • (Integer) itemDamage: Damage value of the item held.
  • (Integer) blockDamage: Damage value of the block tapped.

attackHook(attacker, victim);
blockEventHook(x, y, z, type, data);
chatReceiveHook(str, sender);
deathHook(attacker, victim);
destroyBlock(x, y, z, side);
levelEventHook(player, eventType, x, y, z, data);
startDestroyBlock(x, y, z, side);
useItem(x, y, z, itemId, blockId, side, itemDamage, blockDamage);
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