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ManassehPierce edited this page Jul 16, 2015 · 12 revisions

Particle types

Used with function Level.addParticle

Particle Where it comes from
blockcrack When the player breaks a block
crit When a mob take a critical damage(PC version)
smoke Fire particles
cloud Something to do with cloud
flame Flame particles
Itemcrack Particles emitted when an item breaks
lava Lava particles
mobFlame Particles emitted when a mob is on fire
redstone Particles when a block of redstone is tapped
snowballpoof Particles when a snowball is thrown at something
heart Hearts particles when wolf or ocelot is tamed
terrain Stone, Bedrock, based where its spawned
suspendedTown Mycelium
portal Enderman, Nether Portal
splash Entities in water, wolves, boats
waterWake Fishing
dripWater Water, wet sponges, leaves (when raining)
dripLava Lava
fallingDust Floating Sand
spell Potions, Mob Effects, Beacons
spell2 Potions, Mob Effects, Beacons
ink Squids on Attack