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Yusuke Suzuki edited this page Dec 1, 2013 · 15 revisions

lv5 is ECMA262 5.1 VM project written in C++.


ECMA262 5.1 full support


BoehmGC and CMake is required.


First, install BoehmGC and CMake.

Ubuntu, Debian

to install

sudo apt-get install libgc-dev libgc1c2
sudo apt-get install cmake

version number may be different.


install BoehmGC and CMake,

brew install bdw-gc
brew install cmake

and cd to the top directory of iv(repository/), and type it

cmake -H. -Bout
make -C out lv5

CMake builds lv5 engine to repository/out/iv/lv5/lv5, so copy and use it.

cp out/iv/lv5/lv5 ./


In Windows environment, Visual Studio 12 / Visual C++ 2013 is needed.

cmake -H. -Bout -G "Visual Studio 12"

Open out/iv.sln and build lv5.

All Categories:

  • iv -- iv core library
  • lv5 -- iv / lv5 build instructions
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