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Chris Konnertz edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 9 revisions

Themes are only available in Contentify 2!

Contentify 2 introduces an important new feature: Themes. Your website can have as many themes as you want to and you can switch between them just by choosing another theme on the settings page.

Creating Themes

Themes are modules. Modules with some sugar, but still modules. They only differ in very few things:

  • The name of the module has to end with "Theme". For example: "DragonTheme"
  • Its module.json config file has to have an attribute with the name theme and the value true: "theme": true
  • The module has to have a view (template) with the name layout.blade.php. This is the main layout template.

If you want to create a new theme we recommend that you copy & paste the folder of an existing theme (maybe the default theme?) and modify it. Since themes are modules they have access to the whole power of modules! This means they can publish files to the public folder. Especially CSS files. You should create a subfolder named Assets/css and use it to store the CSS files of your theme. Then open the service provider of your theme with a text editor. According to our example, this would be app/Modules/DragonTheme/Providers/DragonThemeServiceProvider.php. Then add or modify the boot method so it looks like this (obviously, you do not need to do that if you copied a module that already publishes its CSS files):

public function boot()
        __DIR__.'/../Resources/Assets/css' => public_path('css'),
    ], $this->namespace);

That's it! Remember that you can publish any type of files (JavaScript, images...) in the same way. Remember that themes are modules! You can add controllers, widgets, generic classes... whatever kind of additional PHP code you might need, it's easy to add it to your theme!

Unfortunately, currently you have to run the php artisan module:optimize command to publish your module. This command will regenerate the storage/app/module.json file that contains meta information about the moduels. The command will add a new entry for your new module.

Compiling LESS

To make developing themes more convenient the default themes have a gruntfile.js in their Resources directory. It compiles the Resources/Assets/less/*.less files to .css files in the <theme>/Resource/Assets/css directory and in the <cms>/public/css directory. To use Grunt, you have to install Node.js and the Grunt plugin. Afterwards, you can open a console, switch to the <theme>/Resource directory and type the grunt command to run the gruntfile.js script.

Another way is to compile the theme in the admin backend. Just go to the settings page and then click on the "Compile LESS" button. This will compile the avtive theme, so make sure you have chosen your new theme as the active one.