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Will Rogers edited this page Jul 6, 2017 · 13 revisions


  • Remove any trailing whitespace for all files
  • Files should have Unix-style line endings
  • Files should use spaces (no tabs) for indentation


  • Use four spaces (no tabs) for indentation
  • Add the @Override annotation when overriding methods or implementing interface methods


  • Use spaces (no tabs) for indentation; number of spaces is not mandated

Eclipse plug-ins

  • In META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, ensure that the correct Java version is selected: Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
  • Do not commit the .settings folder for a plug-in to Git
  • Do not commit the .classpath file to Git
  • Do not commit the .project file to Git

Useful Eclipse settings

  • Window | Preferences | Java | Code Style | Formatter
    • Edit ... and select the Indentation tab
    • Tab policy: Spaces only
    • Indentation size: 4
    • Tab size: 4
  • Window | Preferences | General | Editors | Text Editors | Show whitespace characters
  • Window | Preferences | Java | Editor | Save Actions | Configure... | Code Organising
    • remove trailing whitespace
  • Window | Preferences | General | Workspace
    • Set 'Text File Encoding' to UTF-8 if it's not the default already
    • Set 'New text file line delimiter' to Unix if it's not the default already
  • Window | Preferences | Maven | Discovery | Open Catalog
    • Search for Tycho
    • Install Tycho Project Configurators
  • Window | Preferences | Maven | Errors/Warnings
    • Ignore "version" duplicate of parent version - this is not a useful warning for us

Unit tests

See UnitTests


See Logging

Using third-party libraries

See ThirdPartyLibraries

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