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A collection of Data Structures built from scratch in Python


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---------- coverage: platform linux2, python 2.7.12-final-0 ----------
Name                      Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/               47      0   100%
src/                 33      0   100%
src/                   73      0   100%
src/             104     16    85%   73-74, 178-206
src/           59      0   100%
src/                    41      2    95%   34-35
src/                18      0   100%
src/                 15      0   100%
src/          34      0   100%
src/           114      0   100%
src/              71      0   100%
src/           109      0   100%
src/      75      0   100%
src/               48      4    92%   53-57
src/            56      0   100%
src/            39      0   100%
TOTAL                       936     22    98%

========================== 251 passed in 0.82 seconds

----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.5.2-final-0 -----------
Name                      Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/               47      0   100%
src/                 33      0   100%
src/                   73      0   100%
src/             104     16    85%   73-74, 178-206
src/           59      0   100%
src/                    41      0   100%
src/                18      0   100%
src/                 15      0   100%
src/          34      0   100%
src/           114      0   100%
src/              71      0   100%
src/           109      0   100%
src/      75      0   100%
src/               48      0   100%
src/            56      0   100%
src/            39      0   100%
TOTAL                       936     16    98%

========================== 252 passed in 0.88 seconds



nodes(): return a list of all nodes in the graph

edges(): return a list of all edges in the graph with their weights

add_node(n): adds a new node ‘n’ to the graph

add_edge(n1, n2, weight): adds a new edge to the graph connecting ‘n1’ and ‘n2’, if either n1 or n2 are not already present in the graph, they should be added. Also adds a weight to the edge and is displayed as a tuple (connected_node, weight)

del_node(n): deletes the node ‘n’ from the graph, raises an error if no such node exists

del_edge(n1, n2): deletes the edge connecting ‘n1’ and ‘n2’ from the graph, raises an error if no such edge exists

has_node(n): True if node ‘n’ is contained in the graph, False if not.

neighbors(n): returns the list of all nodes connected to ‘n’ by edges, raises an error if n is not in g

adjacent(n1, n2): returns True if there is an edge connecting n1 and n2, False if not, raises an error if either of the supplied nodes are not in g

g.depth_first_traversal(start): Perform a full depth-first traversal of the graph beginning at start. Return the full visited path when traversal is complete.

g.breadth_first_traversal(self, start): Perform a full breadth-first traversal of the graph, beginning at start. Return the full visited path when traversal is complete.

g.djikstras(start, end): Return shortest path (by weight) between two nodes in the graph by using Djikstra's algorithm.

g.floyd(start, end): Return shortest path (by weight) between two nodes using the Floy-Warshall algorithm.

g.breadth_first_traversal(self, start): Perform a full breadth-first traversal of the graph, beginning at start. Return the full visited path when traversal is complete.

Priority Queue


def __init__(vals=[]): Initialize a priority queue, and insert any values passed in into the Priority Queue. Must pass a list of items. To pass

def insert(item, pri=float(-inf)): Insert an item into the Priority Queue, if no priority specified, -inf will be the priority,

def pop(): Remove a value from the priority queue.

def peek(): Look at next item to be popped in the Priority Queue.

Binary Heap


__init__([iterable]): takes an optional iterable object when instantiating the class.

_perc_ip(val): Send the value up the heap as it is pushed in.

push(val): Append a value to the end of the list, increase list size, push the index that is equal to size, up the list.

_perc_down(val): Send a value down the heap if the heap's rules are violated.

_min_child(val): Find and return the smallest child.

pop(): Remove value a head of heap and sort the heap accordingly.


It is important to note that the "tail" of our Deques is actually the front of the Deque.


__init__(): initializes the Deque class as a composite of the DLL class.

append(): uses the push method from DLL to add nodes to the end of the Deque.

appendleft(): uses the append method from DLL to add nodes to the start of the Deque.

popleft(): removes a node from the front of the dequeue

pop(): removes a node from the end of the dequeue

peek(): Looks at the front value of the Deque without removing it or advancing the view beyond it.

peekleft(): Looks at the end value of the Deque without removing it or advancing the view before it.

size(): returns the size of the Deque.


It is important to note that the "tail" of our queue is actually the front of the Queue.


__init__(): initializes the Queue class as a composite of the DLL class.

enqueue(): uses the push method from DLL to add nodes to the end of the Queue.

dequeue(): removes a node from the front of the dequeue

peek(): Looks at the front value of the Queue without removing it or advancing the view beyond it.

size(): returns the size of the Queue.

Doubly Linked List


__init__(): initializes the DLL class and adds a tail, head, and size_of_list attribute. It also checks that the values passed in are iterable.

push(): Inserts a value to head of the list

pop(): Remove node from head of list and return it to user.

append(): Add a tail to the end of the list.

shift(): Remove node from end of list and return to user.

def search(self, val): Return the val of the node when searched.

remove(): Remove the node passed into the parameter.



__init__(): Initiate the Stack as a instance of LinkedList.

pop(): Remove the top element from stack and returns it.

push(): Add a value to the top of the stack.

_size(): Return the length of the stack.

_is_empty(): Return true if the stack is empty.



push(val): adds a node at the head, increments size of list.

pop(): removes the node at the head, deincrements size of list.

size(): returns size of LinkedList

search(val): searches list for node containing val and returns that node.

remove(node_to_delete): takes a node as argument, searches for it, and removes it from list, then deincrements size of list

display(): returns LinkedList as a stringified tuple-looking object.


A collection of Data Structures built from scratch in Python







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