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File metadata and controls

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JSON specification

This document provides some background on how Yothalot passes its information around in the background. You do not need to know this information to use Yothalot effectively. It is probably always better to use the PHP or C++ APIs instead. Yet, if you are curious you can read this document.

The Yothalot master server loads its instructions from three different queues: a queue for the mapreduce jobs, a queue for the race jobs and a queue for regular jobs. The PHP API and the C++ API publish, under the hood, messages to these queues. However, if you like, you can also post messages to these queues directly (you can but you should not).

The messages that you can post to the three queues should be JSON formatted, and contain all information that is needed to start up jobs.

Watch out if you're publishing JSON to the queues directly (especially JSON for mapreduce jobs), you must carefully understand what kind of input and output the jobs have to accept and to generate. It is often better and easier to use the C++ and PHP API instead to start and submit jobs.

Regular jobs

The simplest jobs that the Yothalot cluster can run, are the regular jobs. A regular job is nothing more than a single script or single executable that should be started somewhere on the Yothalot cluster. If you post a JSON encoded message to the regular "jobs" queue, the master node will pick up this message, and assigns the job to a node in the cluster that has the capacity to run it.

The input for a regular job is JSON formatted, and looks like this:

    "executable":   "path/to/executable",
    "arguments": [ "extra", "command", "line", "arguments" ],
    "directory": "the working directory",
    "stdin": "data that should be sent to stdin",
    "server": "optional hostname of server that is best suited to run the job",
    "filename": "optional filename that is going to be processed",
    "location": "force",
    "exchange": "optional exchange name to publish results",
    "routingkey": "optional routing key for the results",

Many of the above properties are optional, only the name of the executable is required. The executable name holds the path to a program that must be installed on each of the servers in the Yothalot cluster (because you can never know on which server the job is going to be started). The pathname can either be an absolute pathname (like /usr/bin/ls), or the name of a program that can be found in the $PATH of the servers.

All other parameters are optional: "arguments" holds an array with optional command line arguments that should be passed to the executable, "directory" is the working directory for the new process (the directory will be created if it does not yet exist) and "stdin" contains the input for the process: the data that is going to be sent to stdin the moment the program starts.

The Yothalot master server automatically assigns the job to one of the nodes in the cluster. By setting the "server" property, you can tell which server you want to run the job on. By setting the "filename" property, you can specify it to run the job on a node that holds a local copy of that specific file. These are just hints (the server can assign it to another node). When you want to enforce the hint you can set "location" to "force". On default this is not set.

If you want to be notified when the job is finished, you must include an exchange and routing key in the JSON, so that the Yothalot process knows where to publish the results to. If you leave these properties out of the JSON, no job results are published back. You can for example use this feature to create a temporary queue, then publish the input JSON holding the name of this temporary queue as "routingkey" property, and then waiting for a message to be appear in this temporary queue.

The results that are published back by the Yothalot master node, have the same format and same properties as the input object - but with some additional properties added that hold information about how the job ran:

    "executable":  "path/to/executable",
    "arguments": [ "extra", "command", "line", "arguments" ],
    "directory": "the working directory",
    "stdin": "the input that was sent to stdin",
    "stdout": "output that was sent to stdout",
    "stderr": "output that was sent to stderr",
    "server": "hostname of the server on which the job ran",
    "pid": 1234,
    "signal": 0,
    "exit": 0,
    "started": 1446557439.0,
    "finished": 1446557459.0,
    "runtime": 20.0

The "signal" property is only included if the process was killed by a signal (for example by signal 11 in case of a segmentation fault). The "exit" property is only used for processes that ended normally, and produced a valid exit code (most processes that exit normally use exit code 0. A non-zero exit code often is an indication of some kind of error.

The amount of data that can be included in the JSON is limited. If the job sends out too much data to stdout and/or stderr (more than one megabyte), the output is going to be truncated so that the JSON does not become too big. If this is the case, you can find an extra property "truncated" set to true in the output JSON.

You can consume these messages from the result queue and process the results. Note that besides the properties mentioned above, your custom properties will also be included in the output JSON.

Race jobs

Besides regular jobs, you can publish so called "race" jobs to the special race queue. A race job is a special kind of job that runs many processes in parallel, until one of these processes returns a result. We at Copernica use this to locate information in log files. When we want to locate a record in a group of log files, we start up a race of many processes that all process a part of all the log files, the first one that locates the right record, reports the result and wins the race.

The instruction of a race job is also JSON formatted, and looks like this:

    "executable": "path/to/executable",
    "arguments": [ "extra","command","line","arguments"],
    "directory": "working directory for race processes",
    "stdin": "data that should be sent to stdin",
    "input": [ {
        "data": "input data for process 1",
        "server": "server to run job 1 on",
        "filename": "filename for job 1"
    }, {
        "data" : "input data for process 2",
        "server": "server to run job 2 on",
        "filename": "filename for job 2"
    } ],
    "exchange": "exchange for publishing result",
    "routingkey": "routingkey for publishing result"

The "input" property is an array that holds objects with properties "data", "server", and "filename". For every object in the array a single subprocess is started. The data in the "data" property is passed to the process via stdin. The "server" and "filename" properties are optional for each input and provide a hint to Yothalot on which server the process ideally should start.

The name of the executable and the property "input" are both required. If one of them is missing, it is not possible to start the race. All other properties are optional.

A special word of warning about the optional "stdin" property. If you include this property in the input, each subprocess is going to be started with this data on stdin, immediately followed by the subjob specific input. The above JSON holds therefore the data for a race between two subjobs, and these jobs will be started with the following input:

  • "data that should be sent to stdininput data for process 1"
  • "data that should be sent to stdininput data for process 2"

It is up to you to deal with this, for example by including a newline after the data in "stdin", or by not specifying a "stdin" property at all.

If your input data is too big to fit reasonably in a JSON object, you can store the input data in one or more temporary files on GlusterFS, and include the path to this temporary directory in the JSON instead. If the "input" property does not hold an array but a string, the Yothalot server will treat it as a pathname relative to the GlusterFS mount point to a directory holding the input files.

    "executable": "path/to/executable",
    "arguments": [ "extra","command","line","arguments"],
    "directory": "working directory for the race processes",
    "stdin": "data that should be sent to stdin",
    "input": "relative/path/to/directory",
    "exchange": "exchange for publishing result",
    "routingkey": "routingkey for publishing result"

The files in this directory should be regular Yothalot files (you can create such files using the PHP class Yothalot\Output or the C++ class Yothalot::Output. Every record in these files will result in one race subprocess to be started. In other words: if you store 10 files in the temporary directory, and each of these ten files hold 100 records, a total of 1000 individual processes are started by the Yothalot framework, each to process one record from the input files (unless of course one of the jobs that is started succeeds before the later jobs can run, then the race is finished before all jobs were started). When the race is over, the Yothalot framework automatically removes the temporary directory with the input files.

The output from a race job is also JSON formatted and is published back to the exchange and routingkey named in the input JSON, and looks like this:

    "winner": {
        "executable":  "path/to/executable",
        "arguments": [ "extra", "command", "line", "arguments" ],
        "directory": "the working directory",
        "stdin": "data that was sent to stdin",
        "stdout": "output that was sent to stdout",
        "stderr": "output that was sent to stderr",
        "server": "hostname of the server on which the job ran",
        "pid": 1234,
        "signal": 0,
        "exit": 0,
        "started": 1446557439.0,
        "finished": 1446557479.0,
        "runtime": 40.0
    "processes": 123,
    "started": 1446557439.0,
    "finished": 1446557479.0,
    "runtime": 40.0

This JSON contains some of the properties that you have provided to start up the race. It also has a property "winner" that contains an object with properties about the winning process. You can e.g. see with which data the process has won the race and what output it generated. You also can see when the winning process was started and when it ended. The JSON also contains a property with the number of processes that were started before one process won the race. The JSON also contains the information when the race was started and when the race ended.

Mapreduce jobs

Besides regular and race jobs, mapreduce jobs can be started. Mapreduce jobs are the most advanced jobs that the Yothalot cluster can run, and the output from one process is forwarded to be the input of the next process. Unlike the previously mentioned regular and race jobs, the mapper reducer, and finalizer executables must accept input in a prescribed format, and thus the mapper and reducer executable need to produce output in this format.

To start a mapreduce task you have to publish a JSON to the mapreduce queue. When you send a mapreduce job to the cluster, the master node will start up the multiple mapper, reducer and finalizer jobs in parallel.

    "mapper": {
        "executable": "path/to/executable",
        "arguments" : ["extra", "command", "line", "arguments"],
        "limits" : {
            "processes": 100,
            "bytes": 10240,
            "records": 5
    "reducer": {
        "executable": "path/to/executable",
        "arguments" : ["extra", "command", "line", "arguments"],
        "limits" : {
            "files": 100,
            "bytes": 10485760,
            "processes": 100
    "finalizer": {
        "executable": "path/to/executable",
        "arguments" : ["extra", "command", "line", "arguments"],
        "limits" : {
            "files": 100,
            "bytes": 10485760,
            "processes": 100
    "input": [
        "filename": "nameOfYothalotFile",
        "start": 0,
        "size": 0,
        "server": "server1",
        "remove": true
    }, {
        "directory": "a directory with Yothalot files",
        "server": "server2",
        "remove": false
        "key":   "a key value",
        "value": "a value value"
    }, {
        "key":   ["some", 1, "key values"],
        "value": ["some", 2, "value values"]
    "modulo": 1,
    "local": true,
    "processes": 100,
    "exchange": "exchange for publishing result",
    "routingkey": "routingkey for publishing result"

The "mapper", "reducer", and "finalizer" properties hold the name of an executable and the command line arguments, just like in the above discussed regular and race jobs. Yet, unlike regular and race jobs, it is not possible to set a working directory for mapreduce jobs. The Yothalot framework takes care of creating a temporary directory that the jobs are going to use.

Besides the executable name and command line arguments, you can also add an optional "limits" object with hints for the Yothalot master process about the amount of data that the executable can process. Each "mapper", "reducer" and "finalizer" is going to be started in parallel, and with the "limits.processes" option, you can limit the max number of mappers/reducers/finalizers that are going to run at the same time.

Besides being limited in the maximum number of started processes, mappers can also be limited in the number of bytes they process and the maximum number of records they process each. This is useful in those cases where you have very large files that would take long to process. If a file is, e.g., 10 GB, it might take some while for a single mapper to churn through it. Setting the maximum number of bytes to 10240 (10 MB) would allow up to 1024 different mapper processes.

Similarly, if individual records take a long time to process - meaning that even splitting on say 10 MB would still be too slow, a limit can be set on the maximum number of records processed for each mapper. Please be aware that this setting in particular will increase I/O tremendously, making this feature only useful in a (mostly) CPU-bound scenario.

The reducer and finalizer take a set of temporary files as input, and it is their job to reduce and finalize (write) this data. The "limits.files" and "limits.bytes" settings specify how many input files a reducer or finalizer can process at most, and the number of bytes that it can handle at most. If more files or more data has to be reduced or finalized, the Yothalot master node will attempt to split up the job in smaller sub jobs, so that no process will handle more data than set in the limits. Note that these are a soft limits, if it is impossible to split up the data, it could happen that reducers or finalizers are started with more input.

The input can be specified via the input property, which is sent to the mapper processes. Unlike regular and race jobs the input that can be used has some requirements but still it is quite flexible. If you give the input property a string value, Yothalot will treat this string as a directory. The files in this directory should be regular Yothalot files, just like specifying a directory for the race job (you can create such files using the PHP class Yothalot\Output or the C++ class Yothalot::Output. Yothalot will process these files and provide all stored key-value pairs in the files to your mapper. You can also pass an array to the input. This array can contain multiple directory names, yet, you can also provide multiple filenames, or key-value pairs. It is also possible to pass a combination of these types in an array. To make a distinction between the types in the array, the elements in the array should be objects. A directory object should have a "directory" property that contains the directory name. A file object should have a "filename" property that contains the filename. Finally, a key-value object should have a property "key", with the key value, and a property "value", with the value value. If you want to pass a lot of key-value pairs, it is probably better to store them in a Yothalot file and pass the filename in the JSON to Yothalot. This will reduce the load on your network.

Besides passing the file or directory name in filename and directory objects, you can add some optional properties to affect how Yothalot will treat the files or directories. In the filename object you can specify with the "start" property where to start processing the file. All records up to and including the amount of bytes specified will not be passed as key-value pairs to your mapper. You can specify how many bytes you want to consume from the file with property "size", Yothalot will only process the amount of bytes specified plus some extra so the last record that is processed is not truncated. All other records in the file are simply ignored. If you omit the start and bytes property, they will be ignored. You get the same behavior if you specify 0 and 0. For both the file and directory object you can pass a server property that hints Yothalot on which server the data ideally should be mapped. Finally you can pass the property remove to the file and directory object. If you set this property to true, Yothalot will remove the file, or directory when it is finished with processing the data. This is useful if you know that you are using temporary data that has to be cleaned up anyway. The default of this property is false, so, if it is not set, files and directories will not be removed.

The "modulo" setting (default value is 1) is a setting that allows you to split up the intermediate data deterministically into multiple groups, so that more processes can run in parallel (for a discussion on the modulo setting you can read our tuning jobs page). The global "processes" setting holds the total max number of processes that can run in parallel (you can thus set a maximum for the max number of parallel mappers/reducers/finalizers, to run, but also a maximum for the total number of parallel processes).

During the map/reduce algorithm, intermediate results are first written to local disks, and only in the final phase when all results are merged and reduced, the temporary results are copied to the shared distributed file system. If you want to store intermediate results also on GlusterFS, you can set the property "local" to false. This however will dramatically increase the amount of data that is sent over the network (because GlusterFS is normally configured to replicate each file on multiple servers). However, by setting "local" to false, less processes have to be started because all intermediate results are automatically accessible for all nodes. This sometimes improves the performance.

Just like with the other job types, the "exchange" and "routingkey" properties can be used to set the name of a result queue to which the result data should be written.

Input and output for mapper reducer and finalizer processes

Although you are free to choose any output format for regular and race jobs, the output of mapper processes should have a particular format since reducer processes will get this as their input. This also holds for the output of a reducer process since this will be passed on to the finalizer.

Mapper processes receive key-value pairs that are obtained from the json or via files or directories, as discussed above. The output however, should be a list of filenames, each written using the Yothalot::Output class if you are using C++ or Yothalot\Output class if you are using PHP. When the mapper process is started, the Yothalot framework inserts one command line argument to the list of already defined arguments in the JSON, holding the modulo setting, for example, the JSON mentioned above would result in the following mapper process to be started: "path/to/executable --modulo 1 extra command line arguments".

The number of files that a mapper process creates should be identical to the passed in modulo setting, and each file should have unique keys with their associate values. The keys should be ordered. If a file is empty, the mapper can output an empty line. See below for a more specific description of the format of the output files.

The reducer process takes as input a list of filenames (one file per line), and needs to output a single filename into which all the keys and values that were stored in the input files are merged and reduced.

The finalizer process finally, also takes a list of input files, just like the reducer does, and is required to reduce all records from these files. The finalizer process does not have to generate any output.

Output of a mapreduce process

When a mapreduce process is finished, the Yothalot master process publishes a JSON message back to the result queue, if this was set, holding the results for the mapreduce process. Because a mapreduce process can run in parallel, with multiple write stages, there is normally no output:

    "mapper": {
        "first": 1446557439.0,
        "last": 1446557539.0,
        "finished": 1446557539.0,
        "fastest": 1,
        "slowest": 20,
        "processes": 10,
        "runtime": 100.0,
            "files": 10,
            "bytes": 10485760
            "files": 10,
            "bytes": 104857
    "reducer": {
        "first": 1446557440.0,
        "last": 1446557539.0,
        "finished": 1446557540.0,
        "fastest": 1.0,
        "slowest": 5.0,
        "processes": 10,
        "runtime": 50.0,
            "files": 10,
            "bytes": 104857
            "files": 1,
            "bytes": 10000
    "finalizer": {
        "first": 1446557540.0,
        "last": 1446557540.0,
        "finished": 1446557542.0,
        "fastest": 2.0,
        "slowest": 2.0,
        "processes": 1,
        "runtime": 2,
            "files": 1,
            "bytes": 10000
            "files": 1,
            "bytes": 1000
    "error": {
        "executable": "executable that caused the error",
        "arguments": "command line arguments that caused the error",
        "stdin": "input that caused the error",
        "stderr": "output sent to stderr",
        "stdout": "output sent to stdout",
        "server": "server on which an error occured",
        "pid": 1234,
        "signal": 0,
        "exit": 0,
        "started": 1446557538.0,
        "finished": 1446557539.0

The JSON contains statistics on how the mapreduce job performed and where it consumed its time and resources. Moreover when an error occurred while running the mapreduce task information about the error is provided as well.

The statistics that are provided in the JSON are ordered per mapper, reducer, and finalizer stage. You get information when the "first" and the "last" process in that stage was stared. Moreover you get information when the stage "finished". All this information is in UNIX time. You also get information about the running time of the "fastest" and "slowest" process in that stage and the total "runtime" of the stage. Finally you get information on the "input" and "output" of that stage. The input and output is given in "bytes" as well as in "files".

If an error occurred during the entire mapreduce process information about the error is provided in the JSON as well. You get the name of the "executable" that caused the error and which command line "arguments" where passed to the executable. Moreover the standard input is provided in property "stdin". If the program has written something to standard error or standard out the output is put in "stderr" and "stdout" respectively. You also get the process id in "pid". You also get the "signal" if the process was killed by a signal. You also get the "exit" code with which the program exited. Finally you get the information when the process that caused the error was "started" and when it "finished".

Format of the intermediate files

Yothalot uses an internal file format that has some unique properties, e.g. it is compressible and splittable at the same time. You can use this format with the Yothalot::Input and Yothalot::Output classes if you are using C++ or Yothalot\Input and Yothalot\Output if you are using PHP. Yet, here is some extra background on how to use them storing keys and values. The internal files are organized around records. Each record contains an identifier of type uint32_t and a vector that can hold numerical and string data. Each unique key value pair is stored in a separate record, where the fields of the key are stored before the fields of the value in the vector. The identifier of the record is used to specify the number of fields that the key has. If you are publishing a JSON with a mapreduce job you have to follow this format and you have to make sure that the records are ordered with respect to the keys.