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Functional Encryption (FE) is a new encryption paradigm which extends the "all-or-nothing" requirement of public encryption in a much more flexible way. It allows different parties to compute the result of a given function on encrypted data. Given a function f, a decryption key dkf can be computed such that given a cyphertext c of the underlying plaintext x, any user can use dkf to compute f(x) without gaining any knowledge about x.

This crate gives an implementation of three functional encryption algorithms:

  • the Inner Product Functional Encryption (IPFE) [1];
  • the Multi-Client IPFE (MCFE) [2];
  • the Distributed MCFE (DMCFE) [3].

These implementations are based on the BLS12-381 elliptic curve.

Note: these implementations do not try to solve the final Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) for generality purpose. The user needs to solve it in order to get the inner product <x,y>. This is possible using the Pollard's kangaroo method. The complexity of such a method is in O(L1/2) where L is an upper bound on the DLP solution, which implies that use cases shall try to keep this inner product as small as possible in order to speedup the decryption process.

Quick start

See the examples in tests, which extensive documentation should allow one to understand the library usage.


The IPFE algorithm is an FE algorithm which allows to compute the inner product of two encrypted vectors. This implementation is secure under the DDH assumption and uses the cyclic group G1 of the BLS12-381 elliptic curve.


  1. generate the couple (msk, mpk) using the setup function;
  2. generate the decryption key sky for a given vector y with msk and the key_gen function;
  3. the client encrypts its vector x in the cyphertext c using the mpk and the encrypt function;
  4. compute g<x,y> using c, sky and the decrypt function.


The MCFE algorithm is an evolution of the IPFE. It allows n different clients to encrypt data, share it to a trusted party which will compute the inner product <X,Y>, with X = [X1,...,Xn] where Xi is the contribution (the encrypted data) of the client i. To avoid reuse of previously encrypted data, a label is used. The decryption is possible only if all cyphertexts has been encrypted for the same label.


  1. generate the encryption key ki for each client using the setup function;
  2. generate the decryption key ky for a given vector y with msk and the dkey_gen function;
  3. clients encrypt their vector xi in the cyphertext ci for a given label using their encryption key eki and the encrypt function;
  4. compute g<x,y> using c, dky and the decrypt function.

Note: the use of secret keys to encrypt data prevents clients from encrypting data instead of other clients to gain knowledge about the data of another client.


The DSum is an algorithm described in [2] (see 7.2 Distributed Sum) which aims to encrypt data in such a way that the sum of these encrypted data is equal to the sum of the plaintext data, and so without the need of a trusted third-party.


The DMCFE algorithm is an evolution of the MCFE. It removes the need for a trusted third-party while limiting the need for communication among clients to the setup phase.

In this scheme, each client is able to generate its own secret key used to encrypt data, and to generate a partial decryption key for a given vector y. The partial decryption keys of all the clients can then be combined to build the final decryption key. In this step, the use of the DSum gives the guarantee that if one partial decryption key is missing, no meaningful data can be decrypted. It also guarantees the unforgability of the partial decryption keys since a given partial decryption key is built using the secret key of the corresponding client.

The cyphertext space is the group G1 of the BLS12-381 curve while the decryption key space is the group G2 of the same curve. The pairing-friendly characteristic of this curve makes the decryption process possible. The final DLP to solve is in the GT group.

Client side:

  • Setup phase:

    1. each client generates its DSum (dski, dpki) couple using the dsum::setup function;
    2. the DSum public key dpki of each client is broadcasted;
    3. each client generates its secret key ski using its DSum secret key dski, the list of dsum public keys all clients the setup function.
  • Partial decryption phase:

    1. upon reception of a vector y, a client generates a partial decryption key pdki;
    2. each client sends its partial decryption key back to the user.
  • Encryption phase:

    1. each client encrypts its data using an agreed-upon label, its private key ski and the encrypt function;
    2. each client sends its generated cyphertext to the user.

User side:

  • Decryption key generation:

    1. generate the vector y and send it to every client;
    2. gather the partial decryption keys sent back by the clients;
    3. compute the final decryption key using the key_comb function.
  • Decryption phase:

    1. wait for all client contributions;
    2. use the decryption key with the decrypt function to get gT<x,y>.

All the aforementioned steps are relatively independent. The setup phase implies a lot communication. It should be executed first but only once. Both the partial decryption and the encryption phase are asynchronous jobs that can (and should) run concurrently.

Note: as for the MCFE, the label is used here to prevent the reuse of previously encrypted data. To avoid adding communication cost to the encryption step, timestamps can be used. For example, if the clients have to encrypt a data every hour, a combination of the date and hour can be used as label.


This KP-ABE implementation is based on the crate cosmian_bls12_381, a pairing-friendly elliptic curve construction from the BLS family, with embedding degree 12. It is built over a 381-bit prime field GF(p) with...

  • z = -0xd201000000010000
  • p = (z - 1)<sup>2</sup>(z<sup>4</sup> - z<sup>2</sup> + 1) / 3 + z = 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab
  • q = z<sup>4</sup> - z<sup>2</sup> + 1 = 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001

... yielding two source groups G1 and G2, each of 255-bit prime order q, such that an efficiently computable non-degenerate bilinear pairing function e exists into a third target group GT. Specifically, G1 is the q-order subgroup of E(Fp) : y2 = x3 + 4 and G2 is the q-order subgroup of E'(Fp2) : y2 = x3 + 4(u + 1) where the extension field Fp2 is defined as Fp(u) / (u2 + 1).

BLS12-381 is chosen so that z has small Hamming weight (to improve pairing performance) and also so that GF(q) has a large 232 primitive root of unity for performing radix-2 fast Fourier transforms for efficient multipoint evaluation and interpolation. It is also chosen so that it exists in a particularly efficient and rigid subfamily of BLS12-381 curves.


You can run benchmarks using cargo bench, for example: cargo bench --bench ipfe.


Encrypt 100             time:   [123.43 ms 123.74 ms 124.06 ms]
Decrypt 100             time:   [62.049 ms 62.296 ms 62.543 ms]


Encrypt one client, one contrib
                        time:   [2.9557 ms 2.9689 ms 2.9825 ms]
Decrypt 10 clients, one contrib
                        time:   [15.592 ms 15.651 ms 15.712 ms]


Encrypt one client
                        time:   [2.1675 ms 2.1781 ms 2.1889 ms]
Decrypt 10 clients
                        time:   [54.662 ms 55.389 ms 56.361 ms]


[1] Michel Abdalla, Florian Bourse, Angelo De Caro, and David Pointcheval, Simple Functional Encryption Schemes for Inner Products,

[2] Jérémy Chotard, Edouard Dufour-Sans, Romain Gay, Duong Hieu Phan, and David Pointcheval, Multi-Client Functonal Encryption with Repetition for Inner Product,

[3] Jérémy Chotard, Edouard Dufour-Sans, Romain Gay, Duong Hieu Phan, and David Pointcheval, Decentralized Multi-Client Functional Encryption for Inner Product,


Implementation of the DMCFE algorithm






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