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WoDlike frames for received loot and need frames for twlc raids

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TWLC2c v1.0.3.3

!!! Remove -master when extracting into your interface/addons folder !!!

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Retail-like(almost) frames for received loot, need, roll, pull, and boss death frames for TWLC raids


Supercharged Chronoboon Displacer tooltip shows saved buffs.


Naxxramas tokens.
Loatheb healing rotation helper.


Addon now sends current items for aq tokens.
You can ctrl-click items that drop to see how they look !


Added transmog option when needing an item and a transmog win frame.


Quest rewards for items that start a quest or tokens.
Updated pull timer graphics.


New Frame added. Boss Frame, pull countdown.
Type /twboss to toggle boss death splash.


New Frame added. Pull Frame, pull countdown.
Type /twpull to toggle BigWigs Pull countdown.
Type /twpullsound to toggle BigWigs Pull countdown sound.


Better new items resolver


Ony cloak check /twneed onycloak
Test frame shows 7 items
Frame can now be rescaled (type /twneed resetscale - to reset scale/position if the frame is offscreen)

This addon consists of 5 different frames:

  • Boss Frame (boss has been defeated splash)
  • Pull Frame (5 seconds countdown)
  • Win Frame (shows up when you receive/create items)
  • Need/Pick Frame (only in BWL raids for now)
  • Roll Frame (only in BWL raids for now)

Supported locales: EN, DE

Boss Frame

Shows a boss defeated splash.

Pull Frame

5 Seconds countdown when a raid assistant starts a BigWigs pull timer.

Win Frame

Whenever you loot an item equal or above the set threshold this frame will pop up, notifying you about what you just got.


Green/Uncommon - threshold 2

Blue/Rare - threshold 3

Purple/epic - threshold 4

Slash commands

/twwin - show win frame anchor allowing reposition and testing
/twwinsound - toggle the win sound on or off
/twwinsound high/low - set sound volume to high or low
/twwin <0-5> - allows you to set the minimum item quality shown

Thresholds are:
0 = Poor
1 = Common
2 = Uncommon
3 = Rare
4 = Epic
5 = Legendary

Need/Pick Frame

While in a BWL raid, dropped loot will be broadcasted by the master looter to everyone with this addon
Raiders with the addon will get one frame for each item broadcasted.

Version brings quest rewards for items that start a quest or for AQ tokens:
quest rewards

loot frame
Raiders can pick each item for one of the 3 reasons:

  • BIS - The item is current content's BEST IN SLOT for their class/spec
  • MS - Main Spec upgrade means that the item is a pure upgrade over what they currently use for their main spec
  • OS - Offspec means that they want the item for anything other than their current spec
Slash commands

/twneed - will show need frame anchor allowing reposition and testing

Roll Frame

The roll frame will pop up in raid when there's a vote tie.

roll frame

Raiders can now pick to roll or pass. The winner of the roll will get the item in cause.

Slash commands

/twroll - show win frame anchor allowing reposition and testing
/twrollsound - toggle the roll sound on or off
/twrollsound high/low - set roll sound volume to high or low

New in v1.0.0.5
/twtrombone - toggle the sad trombone sound on or off for when you lose a roll


WoDlike frames for received loot and need frames for twlc raids






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