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GeoTrie: A Geohash based trie algorithm for geospatial indexing

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A geohash base Trie algorithm for geospatial indexing


lvl | bits |   error       |    base4   |  base16  |  base64
  0 |   0  |  20015.087 km |   prec  0  |  prec 0  |  prec 0
  1 |   2  |  10007.543 km |   prec  1  |          |
  2 |   4  |   5003.772 km |   prec  2  |  prec 1  |
  3 |   6  |   2501.886 km |   prec  3  |          |  prec 1
  4 |   8  |   1250.943 km |   prec  4  |  prec 2  |
  5 |  10  |    625.471 km |   prec  5  |          |
  6 |  12  |    312.736 km |   prec  6  |  prec 3  |  prec 2
  7 |  14  |    156.368 km |   prec  7  |          |
  8 |  16  |     78.184 km |   prec  8  |  prec 4  |
  9 |  18  |     39.092 km |   prec  9  |          |  prec 3
 10 |  20  |     19.546 km |   prec 10  |  prec 5  |
 11 |  22  |   9772.992  m |   prec 11  |          |
 12 |  24  |   4886.496  m |   prec 12  |  prec  6 |  prec 4
 13 |  26  |   2443.248  m |   prec 13  |          |
 14 |  28  |   1221.624  m |   prec 14  |  prec  7 |
 15 |  30  |    610.812  m |   prec 15  |          |  prec 5
 16 |  32  |    305.406  m |   prec 16  |  prec  8 |
 17 |  34  |    152.703  m |   prec 17  |          |
 18 |  36  |     76.351  m |   prec 18  |  prec  9 |  prec 6
 19 |  38  |     38.176  m |   prec 19  |          |
 20 |  40  |     19.088  m |   prec 20  |  prec 10 |
 21 |  42  |    954.394 cm |   prec 21  |          |  prec 7
 22 |  44  |    477.197 cm |   prec 22  |  prec 11 |
 23 |  46  |    238.598 cm |   prec 23  |          |
 24 |  48  |    119.299 cm |   prec 24  |  prec 12 |  prec 8
 25 |  50  |     59.650 cm |   prec 25  |          |
 26 |  52  |     29.825 cm |   prec 26  |  prec 13 |
 27 |  54  |     14.912 cm |   prec 27  |          |  prec 9
 28 |  56  |      7.456 cm |   prec 28  |  prec 14 |
 29 |  58  |      3.728 cm |   prec 29  |          |
 30 |  60  |      1.864 cm |   prec 30  |  prec 15 |  prec 10
 31 |  62  |      0.932 cm |   prec 31  |          |
 32 |  64  |      0.466 cm |   prec 32  |  prec 16 |



  1. Set length l for geohashes

Building the Trie

  Create a Trie for polygons keyed by alphanumerics
  For every polygon, find all the geohashes that intersect this polygon
  and add them to the trie
  This results in a trie where every leaf node maps a geohash to a list of
  shapes it intersects
function buildTree(shapes s, length l) {
    T = new Trie[polygon]
    for polygon p in s {
        geos = geohashesIntersecting(p, l)
        for geohash in geos {
            T.insert(geohash, p)

  Insert into geotrie
function Trie::insert(geohash, p) {
    if not this.has_node(geohash) {
        this.add_node(geohash, [])
    node_val =
    this.set_node(geohash, node_val)

  Find geohashes whose bounding box intersects this polygon.
function geohashIntersecting(polygon p, length l) {
    // one of the overelap discovery algorithms is called here

Overlaps Discovery Algorithm

  • Neighbour BFS
  Use centroid of polygon as starting point.
  Then, perform BFS on centroid, visiting its neighbours and check for intersection.
  Continue till we find a level where none of neighbours intersect the polygon.  
function neighbour_bfs(polygon p, length l) {
    c = p.centroid
    g = geohash(c, l)
    boxes = []
    visited = Map[String, Boolean]()
    q1 = Queue([g])
    q2 = Queue()
    levelActive = false

    while q1 is not empty {
        n = q1.pop()
        if not visited[n] {
            visited[n] = true
            if n.bbox intersects p {
                levelActive = true
        next = n.neighbours()
        for nbr in next {
            if not visited[nbr] {
        if q1 is empty and levelActive is true {
            levelActive = false
            swap q1, q2
    return boxes
  • Subsampling
    Find minimum edge of geohashof length l
    Divide bounding box of polygon at above intervals
    For every point produced, check if its geohash intersects poly
function subsampling(polygon p, length l) {
    gh_bbox = geohash((0,0), l).bounding_box
    intercept = min(gh_bbox.width, gh_bbox.height)
    poly_bbox = p.bounding_box
    overlaps = []
    subsamples = []
    for lon in [poly_bbox.lon_min, poly_bbox.lon_max] in steps of intercept {
        for lon in [poly_bbox.lat_min, poly_bbox.lat_max] in steps of intercept {
            subsamples.append(geohash((lon, lat), l))

    for sample in subsamples {
        if sample.bbox intersects poly {
    return overlaps  
  • Top-down search
    Find geohash of shortest length that contains p
    If not found, find all geohashes of length 1 that intersect p
    For every geohash found above,
        Recursively search children until geohash of length l is made, and
        return if it intersects poly 
function topdown_search(polygon p, length l) {
    1. let search_items = []
    2. find smallest geohash s that contains p
    3. if s
            search_items = [s]
            search_items = all geohashes of length 1 that intersect poly
    4. overlaps = []
    5. for item in search_items
        5a. overlaps.append(search_children(poly, item, l))
    return overlaps

function search_children(polygon p, prefix pfx, length l) {
    if pfx.length = l {
        if pfx.bbox.intersects(p) {
            return [p]
        } else {
            return []

    if not pfx.bbox.intersects(poly) {
        return []
    overlaps = []
    children = pfx.children
    for c in children {
        overlaps.append(search_child(p, child, l))
    return overlaps

Searching in Trie

  Lookup the containing polygon for point p by generating its l-length geohash
  and searching in geotrie.
  Iterate through polygons obtained and find if any contains point
function lookup(point p, length l, Trie T) {
    g = geohash(p, l)
    candidates =
    containers = []
    for c in candidates {
        if c contains p {
    return containers


  1. Use HAMTrie instead of regular Trie for space optimization
  2. Use generators instead of lists where possible
  3. Cache geohashes and their polygons?


  1. Add support for region queries
  2. Add update logic (geotrie and strtree)
  3. Benchmark update logic
  4. Benchmark region queries
  5. Analyze disk access as a performance metric
  6. Line queries?
For rect (n,m), how many (a,b) rects can itersect it
x = floor(n/a)
y = floor(m/b)
X = x+1
Y = y+1
p = 1 + ax - n
q = 1 + by - n
=> xy + 2(X + Y) + 3pq + 1

for squares on square:
=> x^2 + 4X + 4 + 3(1+ax-n)^2 + 1


GeoTrie: A Geohash based trie algorithm for geospatial indexing






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