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(computer vision in hosipitals) this is a simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.


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Pneumonia Classification

This is a simple REST api that is served to classify pneumonia given an X-ray image of a chest of a human beings. The following are expected results when the model does it's classification.


  1. pneumonia bacteria
  2. pneumonia virus
  3. normal


Android apk

You can download and install our app on android at here.. Alternatively you can scan the following QR Code using your android phone. This will take you to the download page of our app.


After you have downloaded the app you can follow the following steps to install it on your android phone.

How to install this our on Android

  • On devices running Android 8.0 (API level 26) and higher, you must navigate to the Install unknown apps system settings screen to enable app installations from a particular location (i.e. the web browser you are downloading the app from).

  • On devices running Android 7.1.1 (API level 25) and lower, you should enable the Unknown sources system setting, found in Settings > Security on your device.

App Demo video on iOS

The following demo video was tested on iOS V.16 using an iphone X


Deployed Server

The deployed version of the API can be found at PC-API where you can make classification requests to the server and get response.

Starting the server locally

To run this server and make prediction on your own images follow the following steps

  1. clone this repository by running the following command:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the folder pneumonia-infection by running the following command:
cd pneumonia-infection/server
  1. create a virtual environment and activate it, you can create a virtual environment in may ways for example on windows you can create a virtual environment by running the following command:
virtualenv venv && .\venv\Scripts\activate
  1. run the following command to install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. navigate to the folder where the file is located and run


We have 2 models which are specified by versions and have different model architecture.

  1. Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) - v0
  2. LeNET - v1

1. MLP architecture

Our simple Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture to do the categorical image classification on chest-x-ray looks simply as follows:

class MLP(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, input_dim, output_dim, dropout=.5):
      super(MLP, self).__init__()
      self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
          nn.Linear(input_dim, 250),
          nn.Linear(250, 100),
          nn.Linear(100, output_dim)
  def forward(self, x):
      # x = [batch size, height, width]
      batch_size = x.shape[0]
      x = x.view(batch_size, -1)
      # x = [batch size, height * width]
      x = self.classifier(x) # x = [batch_size, output_dim]
      return x

All images are transformed to grayscale.

2. LeNET architecture

The LeNet architecture to do the categorical image classification on chest-x-ray looks simply as follows:

class LeNet(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, output_dim):
    super(LeNet, self).__init__()
    self.maxpool2d = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
    self.relu = nn.ReLU()
    self.convs = nn.Sequential(
          kernel_size =5
            kernel_size = 5
    self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Linear(16 * 5 * 5, 120),
        nn.Linear(120, 84),
        nn.Linear(84, output_dim)
  def forward(self, x):
    # x = [batch size, 1, 32, 32]
    x = self.convs(x)
    # x = [batch_size, 16, 5, 5]
    x = x.view(x.shape[0], -1) # x = [batch size, 16*5*5]
    x = self.classifier(x)
    return x

Model Metrics

First let's have a look on how many examples our dataset was having in each set. We had 3 sets which are train, validation and test. In the following table we will see how many examples for each set was used to train these models.

MLP 5,442 1,135 1,135 7,712
LeNet 5,442 1,135 1,135 7,712

All models were trained for 20 epochs and the training the following table shows the training summary for each model architecture.

MLP 20 14 1:39:17.87
LeNet 20 20 0:55:03.84

We can see that the mlp model architecture took a lot of time to train for 20 epochs as compared to the lenet architecture. This is because of the total number of trainable parameters it has which are more that the ones that lenet has. We can further visualize the training time for each model using line graphs:

  1. MLP (v0)


  1. LeNet (v1)


These models have different model parameters, in the following table we are going to show the model parameters for each architecture.

MLP 2,329,653 2,329,653
LeNet 61,111 61,111

Models Evaluation Metrics

In the following table we are going to show the best model's train, evaluation and test accuracy for each model version.

MODEL NAME MODEL ARCHITECTURE MODEL DESCRIPTION MODEL VERSION TEST ACCURACY VALIDATION ACCURACY TRAIN ACCURACY TEST LOSS VALIDATION LOSS TRAIN LOSS MLP pneumonia classification using Multi Layer Perceprton (MLP) v0 75.46% 75.46% 73.89% 0.602 0.602 0.606 LeNET pneumonia classification model using the modified LeNet architecture. v1 76.51% 76.51% 78.49% 0.551 0.551 0.505

We can further display visualize the model training history using line graphs for each model architecture in terms of train loss, validation loss, train accuracy and validation accuracy and see how each architecture manage to reduce loss and increase accuracy over each training epoch.

  1. MLP (v0)


  1. LeNet (v1)


Next, we are going to show the model evaluation metrics using the whole test data which contains 1,135 examples of images mapped to their labels.

confusion matrix (CM)

  1. MLP (v0)

The following visualization is of a confusion matrix based on the MLP model architecture which was tested using 1,135 images on the test dataset.


  1. LeNet (v1) The following visualization is of a confusion matrix based on the LeNet model architecture which was tested using 1,135 images on the test dataset.


classification report (CR)

In this section we are going to show the summary of the classification report based on the best saved model of the best model.

  1. MLP (v0)

This is the mlp model's cr.

# precision recall f1-score support
0 (NORMAL) 0.81 0.84 0.82 337
1 (BACTERIA) 0.73 0.90 0.81 442
2 (VIRUS) 0.76 0.50 0.60 356
accuracy 0.76 1135
micro avg 0.76 0.75 0.74 1135
weighted avg 0.76 0.76 0.75 1135
  1. LeNet (v1)

This is the LeNet model's cr.

# precision recall f1-score support
0 (NORMAL) 0.88 0.82 0.85 337
1 (BACTERIA) 0.70 0.95 0.81 442
2 (VIRUS) 0.79 0.49 0.61 356
accuracy 0.77 1135
micro avg 0.79 0.75 0.75 1135
weighted avg 0.78 0.77 0.76 1135

Pneumonia classification

During model evaluation both models were tested to see if they were classifying images correctly. A sample of 24 images was taken from the first batch of test data and here are the visual results of the classification for each model.

  1. MLP (v0)


  1. LeNet (v1)


The images that were marked their labels in color RED are the ones the model if misclassifying.


This project exposes a REST api that is running on port 3001 which can be configured by changing the AppConfig in the app/ file that looks as follows:

class AppConfig:
    PORT = 3001
    DEBUG = False

The server exposes two model versions the v0 which is the mlp model and v1 which is the lenet architecture. When making a request to the server you need to specify the model version that you want to use to make predictions. The URL looks as follows:

# remote<MODEL_VERSION>/pneumonia

# locally

The MODEL_VERSION an be either v0 or v1. Here are the example of url's that can be used to make request to the server using these model versions.

# remote - mlp-model - lenet-model

# locally
http://localhost:3001/api/v0/pneumonia - mlp-model
http://localhost:3001/api/v1/pneumonia - lenet-model

Note that all the request should be sent to the server using the POST method.

Expected Response

The expected response at http://localhost:3001/api/v0/pneumonia or at with a file image of the right format will yield the following json response to the client.

  "meta": {
    "description": "given a medical chest-x-ray image of a human being we are going to classify weather a person have pneumonia virus, pneumonia bacteria or none of those(normal).",
    "language": "python",
    "library": "pytorch",
    "main": "computer vision (cv)",
    "programmer": "@crispengari"
  "modelVersion": "v0",
  "predictions": {
    "all_predictions": [
      { "class_label": "NORMAL", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA BACTERIA", "label": 1, "probability": 0.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA VIRAL", "label": 2, "probability": 0.0 }
    "top_prediction": {
      "class_label": "NORMAL",
      "label": 0,
      "probability": 1.0
  "success": true

Using cURL

Make sure that you have the image named normal.jpeg in the current folder that you are running your cmd otherwise you have to provide an absolute or relative path to the image.

To make a curl POST request at http://localhost:3001/api/v0/pneumonia or at with the file normal.jpeg we run the following command.

# remote
cURL -X POST -F image=@normal.jpeg
# locally
cURL -X POST -F image=@normal.jpeg

Using Postman client

To make this request with postman we do it as follows:

  1. Change the request method to POST
  2. Click on form-data
  3. Select type to be file on the KEY attribute
  4. For the KEY type image and select the image you want to predict under value
  5. Click send

If everything went well you will get the following response depending on the face you have selected:

  "meta": {
    "description": "given a medical chest-x-ray image of a human being we are going to classify weather a person have pneumonia virus, pneumonia bacteria or none of those(normal).",
    "language": "python",
    "library": "pytorch",
    "main": "computer vision (cv)",
    "programmer": "@crispengari"
  "modelVersion": "v0",
  "predictions": {
    "all_predictions": [
      { "class_label": "NORMAL", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA BACTERIA", "label": 1, "probability": 0.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA VIRAL", "label": 2, "probability": 0.0 }
    "top_prediction": {
      "class_label": "NORMAL",
      "label": 0,
      "probability": 1.0
  "success": true

Using JavaScript fetch api.

  1. First you need to get the input from html
  2. Create a formData object
  3. make a POST requests
const online = false;
const url = online
  ? ``
  : "";

const input = document.getElementById("input").files[0];
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("image", input);
fetch(url, {
  method: "POST",
  body: formData,
  .then((res) => res.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(data));

If everything went well you will be able to get expected response.

  "meta": {
    "description": "given a medical chest-x-ray image of a human being we are going to classify weather a person have pneumonia virus, pneumonia bacteria or none of those(normal).",
    "language": "python",
    "library": "pytorch",
    "main": "computer vision (cv)",
    "programmer": "@crispengari"
  "modelVersion": "v0",
  "predictions": {
    "all_predictions": [
      { "class_label": "NORMAL", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA BACTERIA", "label": 1, "probability": 0.0 },
      { "class_label": "PNEUMONIA VIRAL", "label": 2, "probability": 0.0 }
    "top_prediction": {
      "class_label": "NORMAL",
      "label": 0,
      "probability": 1.0
  "success": true


The ipynb notebook that i used for training the models and saving an .pt file was can be found in respective links bellow:

  1. Model Training And Saving - MLP
  2. Model Training And Saving - LeNet


(computer vision in hosipitals) this is a simple rest api that classifies pneumonia infection weather it is Normal, Pneumonia Virus or Pneumonia Bacteria from a chest-x-ray image.








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