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Releases: Crunch-io/rcrunch


17 Jan 16:35
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crunch 1.30.4

  • Update for backend change when creating Decks (#633)


31 Aug 15:06
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crunch 1.30.3

  • Fix typo which relied on partial argument matching when using the variable catalog cache
    (#625, thanks @rossellhayes)
  • Can now upload a dataset with metadata stored as a .json file (#620)
  • Avoid traversing hidden/private variable folder tree in more situations when the
    crunch.warn.hidden & crunch.warn.private options are set (#619).
  • Support for including hidden/private variables in names() to avoid issues with
    stuttering by RStudio auto-complete with option
    crunch.names.includes.hidden.private.variables (#619).
  • Experimental support for avoiding loading the variable order with option
    crunch.order.var.catalog (#619).
  • Miscellaneous fixes for CRAN checks


22 Mar 15:14
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crunch 1.30.2

  • You can now run crunch automation scripts on project folders. For a list of commands
    see (#617)
  • Fix for printing ScriptCatalog (and removal of the ScriptCatalog method for
    ScriptBody the full body, subset to the particular script if you need the body
    text with vapply(scripts(ds), function(x) scriptBody(x), character(1))).
  • Bug fix for setting the encoding type when running crunch automation commands.


02 Dec 20:48
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crunch 1.30.1

  • Fixes for problems found with R-devel found by CRAN checks.


02 May 14:24
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crunch 1.30.0

  • Authenticating with crunch via login() is no longer supported. See
    the vignette("crunch") or ?crunch-api-key for more details on
    authenticating with api keys.
  • Experimental support for parquet export in exportDataset() (#595)


08 Apr 19:51
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crunch 1.29.1

  • Fix a bug where environment variables could not set numeric or logical options like
    "R_CRUNCH_TIMEOUT". (#593)
  • Uses the "public" variable folder rather than the root to pave the way for an upcoming
    join feature. In general end users should not notice. (#592)


01 Feb 02:49
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crunch 1.29.0

  • Authenticating with an API key is now the recommended way to use the R crunch package. See
    the vignette("crunch") or ?crunch-api-key for more details. The login() authentication
    flow is deprecated and will be removed from an upcoming release.


08 Dec 17:37
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crunch 1.28.2

  • You can now export a csv version of a tabbook for use in Tableau or other BI software (#583)
  • Crunch slides have been improved:
    • Can set multiple filters per slide (#570)
    • Can create and edit markdown slides (#568)
  • Fixed a warning in R 4.1 when setting attributes on S4 objects (#578)
  • Can create and edit subtotal insertions on Multiple Response variables (#580)
  • Update to the pets example (#585)
  • interactVariables() now uses server side logic to create categories so that it's faster,
    but the sep argument is no longer supported (it's always set to " and ") and the category
    order will not be the same.


24 Aug 14:46
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  • and as.vector() work with numeric arrays now (#558)
  • Can now create subtotal differences from rcrunch (#559)
  • Can now use options( = TRUE) to show the URL checked for progress (#565)
  • Avoids a possible bug when a hidden or private folder have bad entities in them (#561)
  • Fixed a bug in where it would not respect the include.hidden argument (#560)
  • Fixed a warning message in R 4.1 when assigning two levels deep (#578)


24 Aug 14:46
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  • Variables catalogs are now loaded lazily, which means some dataset operations will be much faster. You can override this behavior (useful for eg testing or rare situations when working on many datasets at once by using forceVariableCatalog() or option(crunch.lazy.variable.catalog = FALSE)).
  • You can now set the filter, weight and viz_type of a slide when creating it.
  • searchDatasets() gained an argument f that allows you to pass R objects to filter on.
  • Added a vignette for common deck operations.

(Release much earlier but not put on GitHub as a release)