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Monotone Bot

An EPIC Discord bot written in JavaScript

Setting up your bot

To create your bot application, you can read the official discord.js guide
After getting the bot token you can copy it and put in .env file which will be explained in the running the bot section

To add your bot to your server, look here
The invite link should look like this:

You can try this bot by inviting the public bot with the link above


.env File

.env is file that stored super secret information like your bot token.
Here is the list of variable you should put in .env file :

  • TOKEN = Token from the application in discord developer portal.
  • MONGO_URL = Full URL of the MongoDB cluster if you're using a remote database
  • LAVA_HOST = Address of your lavalink server
  • LAVA_PASS = Password of your lavalink server


Download lavalink binaries from the CI server and put the jar file in the root directory of this project and start lavalink server with $ java -jar ./Lavalink.jar.

Running the bot

After prerequisites are installed and your bot is already in your server,
follow the steps below to run it:

  1. Clone this repo with git clone <this repo url>, or download the zipped file.
  2. Then move to the project root directory and begin with setting up the.env file.
    First copy the .env.example file still in the current directory then paste and rename it to only .env.
    Now open the file and change the value of TOKEN with your secret bot token,
    and MONGO_URL with your Mongo database URI.
  3. After that you can install required dependencies with yarn install. (Make sure you're using yarn 2 with yarn set version 2)
  4. Before starting the bot please check the MongoDB service if it's running and if you're running Mongo in locally
  5. And finally you can run the bot with the command yarn start or npm start
  6. Congrats! You've run the bot 🥳


You can contribute almost anything from fixing grammar/typos, fixing bugs, or adding a feature (you can create an issue to discuss if the feature is worth to add).
Just fork this project and create a pull request. Any contribution will be appreciated!


Create a suggestion such as new commands or features in the issues tab.

My discord profile

Made with ❤ by Cudiph#7298