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AdobeAnywhere Library and Command Line Utilities

AdobeAnywhere Executable bin/aa

The aa executable gives access to the methods available in the AdobeAnywhere::API::Utilities class

Options File

An options file allows for command line arguments to be set by default. Any option available in the usage text can be added to the options file.

#####DEFAULT OPTIONS FILE PATH ~/.options/aa

Example Options File Contents:

Environmental Variables

The Following Environmental Variables Can Be Used


Usage: aa [options]

--host-address HOSTADDRESS   The AdobeAnywhere server address. default: localhost
--port PORT                  The port on the AdobeAnywhere server to connect to. default: 60138
--username USERNAME          The username to login with. This will be ignored if cookie contents is set and the force                                   login parameter is false. 
                                default: admin
--password PASSWORD          The password to login with. This will be ignored if cookie contents is set and the force                                   login parameter is false. 
                                default: admin
--force-login                Forces a new cookie even if cookie information is present.
--method-name METHODNAME     The method to execute
--method-arguments JSON      The arguments to be passed to the method
--cookie-contents CONTENTS   Sets the cookie contents.
--cookie-file-name FILENAME  Sets the cookie contents from the contents of a file.
--set-cookie-env             Saves cookie contents to an environmental variable named ADOBE_ANYWHERE_COOKIE
--set-cookie-file FILENAME   Saves cookie contents to a file.
--log-to FILENAME            Log file location.
                                default: STDERR
--log-level LEVEL            Logging level. Available Options: debug, fatal, error, warn, info
                                default: warn
--[no-]options-file [FILENAME]
-h, --help                       Show this message.                   Show this message.

Examples of Usage:

#####Accessing help. ./aa --help

Create a user.
./aa --method-name user_create --method-arguments '{"id":"tester", "password":"password"}'
Create a user group.
./aa --method-name group_create --method-arguments '{"id":"test","name":"Test","description":"The test group"}'
Add a user to a group
./aa --method-name group_user_add --method-arguments '{"group_id":"test","user_id":"tester"}'
Create a production
./aa --method-name production_create --method-arguments '{"name":"Test"}'
./aa --method-name production_create --method-arguments '{"name":"Test"}' --username admin --password admin
Add an asset to a production. If there are multiple productions with the same name then the asset is added to each production
./aa --method-name production_asset_add --method-arguments '{ "production_name": "TEST", "media_paths": "eamedia://media/", "update_job_callback_uri": "",  "production_create_if_not_exists": true }'
Assign Group Membership to a production
./aa --method-name production_grant_group_access --method-arguments '{"production_name":"test", "group_id":"test"}'
Assign User Membership to a production
./aa --method-name production_grant_user_access --method-arguments '{"production_name":"test", "user_id":"test"}'
Delete Group Membership to a production
./aa --method-name production_delete_group_access --method-arguments '{"production_name":"test", "group_id":"test"}'
Delete User Membership to a production
./aa --method-name production_delete_user_access --method-arguments '{"production_name":"test", "user_id":"test"}'
Get the href of an export preset
./aa --method-name export_preset_uri_by_name --method-arguments 'XPC'
Get the production id(s) using the name of the production as the search criteria
./aa --method-name production_get_id_by_name --method-arguments 'Test'
List the assets for a production. The output is currently {production_id} = [ { }]
./aa --method-name production_asset_list --method-arguments '{ "production_id" : "f34fe2b7-863d-4599-8055-68cec1d46ed5"}'
./aa --method-name production_asset_list --method-arguments '{ "production_name" : "Test"}' --pretty-print
Delete a Production.
./aa --method-name production_delete --method-arguments '{ "production_name" : "Callback Tester" }'
List Productions. Outputs the raw return of the production list from AA
./aa --method-name production_list --pretty-print
List Productions. Outputs a hash keyed by production id and a value that contains the information about the production
./aa --method-name production_list_by_id --pretty-print
List Productions. Outputs a hash keyed by production name. If the production name matches more than one production then the value is an array.
./aa --method-name production_list_by_name --pretty-print
List Users. Outputs the raw return of the user list from AA
./aa --method-name user_list
Return the raw output of the usersuserByUserID call
./aa --method-name user_by_user_id --method-arguments 'admin'
Export a production's asset to a location on a mount point
./aa --method-name production_export_asset_with_name_lookup --method-arguments '{"production_name":"Test", "exporter_preset_name":"XPC", "asset_id":"07db277c-3eb5-4319-af45-2bca9e77c0b3", "destination_path":"eamedia://export/test/", "update_job_callback_uri":"" }'
Create a production conversion job.
./aa --method-name job_production_conversion_create --method-arguments '{"production_name":"Test","destination":"eamedia://media/test.xml","type":"AAF", "update_job_callback_uri":""}'

Available Methods:

  • enclosure_list []
  • export_asset [[:opt, :params]]
  • export_preset_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • export_preset_delete [[:req, :export_preset_name]]
  • export_preset_list []
  • export_preset_uri_by_name [[:req, :name], [:opt, :params]]
  • export_preset_url_by_name [[:req, :name], [:opt, :params]]
  • export_presets_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • export_presets_list []
  • group_add_member [[:opt, :params]]
  • group_add_user [[:opt, :params]]
  • group_add_users [[:opt, :params]]
  • group_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • group_delete [[:req, :authorizable_id]]
  • group_user_add [[:opt, :params]]
  • job_create [[:req, :path], [:opt, :params]]
  • job_ingest_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • job_list [[:opt, :type]]
  • job_list_job_types []
  • job_production_conversion_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • jobs_list [[:opt, :type]]
  • login [[:opt, :params]]
  • logout []
  • medialocator_list []
  • monitor_list []
  • mount_point_lable_list [[:opt, :params]]
  • node_controller_list []
  • node_controller_status []
  • parsed_response []
  • production_access_add [[:req, :params]]
  • production_access_delete [[:req, :params]]
  • production_asset_add [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_asset_delete [[:req, :etag]]
  • production_asset_list [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_delete [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_export_asset [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_export_asset_with_name_lookup [[:opt, :params]]
  • production_get [[:req, :production_id], [:opt, :production_version]]
  • production_get_id_by_name [[:req, :name], [:opt, :params]]
  • production_href_parse [[:req, :url]]
  • production_job_href_parse [[:req, :url]]
  • production_job_list [[:req, :production_id]]
  • production_list []
  • production_list_by_id []
  • production_list_by_name []
  • production_session_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • productions_assets_list [[:opt, :params]]
  • productions_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • productions_export_asset_with_name_lookup [[:opt, :params]]
  • productions_list []
  • productions_list_by_id []
  • productions_list_by_name []
  • productions_sessions_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • user_by_user_id [[:req, :user_id]]
  • user_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • user_delete [[:req, :authorizable_id]]
  • user_deletes [[:req, :authorizable_id]]
  • user_edit [[:opt, :params]]
  • user_list []
  • users_create [[:opt, :params]]
  • users_edit [[:opt, :params]]
  • users_list []

AdobeAnywhere Callback Consumer aa_callback_consumer

Is an HTTP server that listens for Adobe Anywhere jobs callbacks that are generated by configuring the Before Save Callback parameters at http://[AdobeAnywhereHostname/IP Address]:60138/apps/ea/content/ui.html#jobtypes

or by callbacks that are generated when issuing the following aa executable commands

Add an asset to a production. If there are multiple productions with the same name then the asset is added to each production
./aa --method-name production_asset_add --method-arguments '{ "production_name": "Test", "media_paths": "eamedia://media/", , "update_job_callback_uri":"" }'
Export a production's asset to a location on a mount point
./aa --method-name production_export_asset_with_name_lookup --method-arguments '{"production_name":"Test", "exporter_preset_name":"XPC", "asset_id":"07db277c-3eb5-4319-af45-2bca9e77c0b3", "destination_path":"eamedia://export/test/", "update_job_callback_uri":"" }'
Create a production conversion job.
./aa --method-name job_production_conversion_create --method-arguments '{"production_name":"Test","destination":"eamedia://media/test.xml","type":"AAF", "update_job_callback_uri":""}'

. The callbacks will be recorded within a job record created in it's database.

aa_callback_consumer start
aa_callback_consumer status
aa_callback_consumer stop

aa_callback_consumer start -- --aa-host-address [Hostname or IP Address Of Adobe Anwhere Collboration HUB]

Usage: aa_callback_consumer [options]

--config-file FILEPATH          Required. The path to the configuration file.
--aa-host-address HOSTADDRESS   The AdobeAnywhere Server Host Address.
--aa-port PORT                  The AdobeAnywhere Server Port.
--aa-username USERNAME          The username to use when logging into the AdobeAnywhere Server.
--aa-password PASSWORD          The password to use when logging into the AdobeAnywhere Server.
--[no-]mig-path [FILEPATH]      The path to the Media Information Gatherer executable.
                                No information will be gathered on an asset if this is not specified.
--binding BINDING               The address to bind the callback server to.
--port PORT                     The port that the callback server should listen on.
                                 	default: 4567                                        
--log-to FILEPATH               The location to log to.
                                    default: STDERR
--log-level LEVEL               Logging level. Available Options: debug, info, warn, error, fatal
                                 	default: debug
--[no-]options-file [FILEPATH]  An option file to use to set additional command line options.
-h, --help                      Show this message.

Usage as a daemon: aa_callback_consumer --

* where <command> is one of:
    start   : start an instance of the application
    stop    : stop all instances of the application
    restart : stop all instances and restart them afterwards
    reload  : send a SIGHUP to all instances of the application
    run     : start the application and stay on top
    zap     : set the application to a stopped state
    status  : show status (PID) of application instances

* and where <options> may contain several of the following:

    -t, --ontop                      Stay on top (does not daemonize)
    -f, --force                      Force operation
    -n, --no_wait                    Do not wait for processes to stop

Common options:
    -h, --help                       Show this message
        --version                    Show version


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