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Discord Chat Bot with OpenAI Integration

This Discord chat bot integrates with OpenAI to provide AI-generated responses to messages in a specified channel.


Before running the bot, ensure you have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your system
  • Discord.js library (discord.js)
  • OpenAI library (openai)


  1. Clone this repository or create a new Node.js project.
  2. Install dependencies using npm:
npm install discord.js openai


  1. Obtain your Discord bot token from the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Obtain your OpenAI API key and organization ID.
  3. Define your Discord bot token, OpenAI API key, and organization ID in the code.


  1. Define your custom channel ID (CUSTOM_CHAT_BOT_CHANNEL) where the bot will listen and respond.
  2. Customize the bot's activity message in the client.on('ready') event.
  3. Customize the message length limit (msgLengthLimit) and any additional bot behavior as needed.

Running the Bot

To run the bot:

node your_bot_file.js

Replace your_bot_file.js with the filename containing your bot's code.


  • Listens to messages in a specified Discord channel (CUSTOM_CHAT_BOT_CHANNEL).
  • Ignores messages from bots and messages starting with '!'.
  • Limits message length and prompts for summarization if exceeded.
  • Retrieves previous messages from the channel and uses them as context for OpenAI chat completion.
  • Responds with AI-generated messages using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model.


  • Ensure your bot has appropriate permissions in your Discord server.
  • OpenAI usage may incur costs based on API usage and plan.
  • Customize and expand the bot's functionality to suit your needs.


Be cautious when using AI-generated content, as it may not always be accurate or appropriate. Ensure compliance with Discord's Terms of Service and community guidelines.


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