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Links & Resources

DD4WH edited this page May 18, 2019 · 16 revisions


  • Lyons, R. (2011): Understanding Digital processing HERE
  • Smith, S.W. (no year): The Scientists and Engineer´s Guide to Digital Signal Processing HERE


Software & code

  • Bachelor-Thesis by András Retzler explaining his SDR-DSP-library libcsdr: HERE
  • libcsdr library: HERE
  • UHSDR Software & WIKI: HERE
  • Warren Pratt´s awesome wdsp library HERE

Interesting papers

  • Whiteley, M. (2011): CuteSDR Technical Manual. Excellent introduction to SDR DSP with code snippets in C. HERE
  • Youngblood, G. (2002/2003): A Software Defined Radio for the Masses. THIS IS A MUST-READ FOR EVERYONE BUILDING THE TEENSY CONVOLUTION SDR (especially part 2 --> Fast Convolution) HERE
  • Borgerding, M. (2006): Turning Overlap-Save into a Multiband Mixing, Downsampling Filter Bank. - very nice paper on Fast Convolution Technique HERE
  • Lyons, R. (2016): Digital Envelope Detection: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. HERE
  • Lyons, R. (2012): Setting the 3dB Cutoff Frequency of an Exponential Averager. HERE
  • Harman, P. (): A discussion on the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) requirements of the SDR1000. (unfortunately, FlexRadio has taken very nice downloadable pdfs off their website . . .) HERE
  • Direct Conversion Receiver White paper HERE