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To Do List 220217

Daniel Feuerriegel edited this page Feb 22, 2017 · 1 revision

To do list:

  • DCG text file reading function (Daniel F). This function reads text files to get the appropriate information about conditions to be discriminated and event/trigger codes associated with each condition.

The format of the text file is as follows (single DCG per text file for now)

DCG Name First condition name First condition event codes (comma separated list) Second condition name Second condition event codes (comma separated list)

  • Convert data structures in the decoding scripts to a cfg structure (Daniel F). This structure replaces older structures that contain configuration information. All configuration information is set in the pop function for decoding erps.

  • Changing 0/1 switches to enumerated variables (Daniel F). Map these in each function and change the values.

  • Group-level analyses EEGLab plugin (Daniel F finding appropriate inputs, Phillip making the pop function for the EEGLab plugin).

The group-level analysis functions need to access a list of subject dataset names to determine which subject are included in group-level analyses.

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