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Localizing strings in a domain

Kenneth Gulbrandsøy edited this page Aug 3, 2014 · 1 revision

All strings which are displayed in user interfaces must be localized. Reusable strings should be defined as constants in the localization domain which the source code belongs.

###Localize all strings

Each string is localized by enclosing it with T_(string $text), or any of the other localization strings. See [Localization functions](Localization functions) for complete list.

  • Check if any strings already is defined in common.domain.php as a constant.
  • Replace them with the associated constants defined in common.domain.php.

###Identify reusable localized string

Reusable localized strings should only be localized once in <module>.domain.php. For examples, see common.domain.php.

  • Define any duplicate strings in the module into <module>.domain.php as a constant.
  • Replace all duplicate strings with this constant.

###Translate localized strings to supported locales

See [Translate localized strings with PoEdit](Translate localized strings with PoEdit).