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Use vagrant box for RescueMe

Kenneth Gulbrandsøy edited this page Jul 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Developers should use this procedure to install, update and start the runtime environment for testing and debugging RescueMe. It is much faster and less error-prone than installing a LAMP stack directly on their machine, and ensures that all development is preformed with the same runtime environment as used in production. See pages Create vagrant box for RescueMe and Deploy vagrant box for RescueMe for in-depth information about the RescueMe runtime environment and how it is deployed.

NOTE: All commands below are invoked from /path/to/rescueme.


Ensure that both VirtualBox and Vagrant is installed on your machine, and pull latest changes from GitHub. This ensures that the vagrant project file located in the root folder of RescueMe is updated before vagrant is started.

Start runtime environment

Run command

vagrant up

from /path/to/rescueme

This will import the latest vagrant box for RescueMe automatically, using the built-in support for downloading base boxes from Vagrant Cloud the first time it is run on the developer machine.

Check if runtime environment is outdated

Vagrant base boxes support versioning. The command vagrant up checks installed box against the latest version in available from Vagrant Cloud and output a warning if the box is outdated. You can check manually by invoking:

vagrant outdated

from /path/to/rescume

Update runtime environment

You can update the box by invoking

vagrant box update

from /path/to/rescume