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arduino module for D-lang

Module for analog and digital functions, written in D-Lang Analog and Digital functions for D-Lang


This module works with ADC module and GPIO module (also developed by me), uses sysfs and controls the input and output pins through write and read operations.

Functions implemented

Setting the pin mode

void pinMode(int pinNumber, string pinMode);

Set the mode for the given pin. The function takes the following arguments:

  • the number of the pin (must be a valid GPIO pin)
  • the mode for the pin to be set :
    • "in" - the pin will be used as an input pin
      • can read the value, cannot write to this pin
    • "out" - the pin will be used as an output pin
      • can write the value, does not matter if you read the value (will return the written value)

The function will do the following:

  • Will call the d void mode(int pinNumber, string pinMode); from the GPIO module. If an exception occurrs, the execution stops.

Reading from a digital pin

int digitalRead(int pinNumber)

Read the digital value from the given pin. The only argument taken is:

  • the number of the pin(also a valid and already exported pin)

The function returns the value from the pin;

The function will do the following:

  • Will call the d int read(int pinNumber); from the GPIO module. If an exception occurrs, the execution stops.

Writing to a digital pin

void digitalWrite(int pinNumber, int value);

Write the digital value to the given pin. The function takes the following arguments:

  • the number of the pin(must be a valid, already exportet output pin)
  • the value to be written to the pin

The function will do the following:

  • Will call the d void read(int pinNumber, int value); from the GPIO module. If an exception occurrs, the exception stops.

Reading from an analog pin

float analogRead(int pinNumber)

Read the analog value from the given pin. The only argument taken is:

  • the number of the pin(also a valid and already exported pin)

The function returns the value from the pin;

The function will do the following:

  • Will call the d float read(int pinNumber); from the ADC module. If an exception occurrs, the execution stops.

Unexporting a pin

void unexportPin(int pinNumber);

Unexport the given GPIO pin, given as an argument. This function must be called for each exported pin at the end of the program. The function will do the following:

  • Will call the d void unexport(int pinNumber); from the GPIO module. If an exception occurrs, the execution stops.


Read potentiometer value to turn on a LED

import arduino;
import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

void main() {
    int waitTime = 3, i = 0;
    /* set GPIO pin 12 as an output pin - the LED */
    arduino.mode(12, "out");
    /* run until the read value is higher than 0.9 */
    while (arduino.analogRead(1) < 0.9) {
        writeln("Potentiometer has not reached the desired resistance yet...");
    /* value is reached */ 
    writeln("Value reached!");
    /* turn on the LED */
    arduino.digitalWrite(12, 1);
    /* wait 3 seconds before terminating */
    /* unexport GPIO pin 12 */

Waiting until a button is pressed to power on a LED

import arduino;
import std.stdio;
import core.thread;

void main() {
    int waitTime = 5;
    /* set GPIO pin 12 as an input pin - the button */
    arduino.pinMode(12, "in");
    /* set GPIO pin 13 as an output pin - the LED */
    arduino.pinMode(13, "out");
    /* make sure the LED is being turned off */
    arduino.digitalWrite(13, 0);
    /* wait while button is not pressed and the read value is not 1(HIGH) */
    while (arduino.digitalRead(12) != 1) {
        writeln("Button not pressed yet...");
    /* button is pressed */
    writeln("Button pressed!");
    /* turn on the LED */
    arduino.digitalWrite(13, 1);
    /* wait 5 seconds before terminating */
    /* unexport GPIO pins 12 and 13*/


Analog&Digital functions for D-Lang







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