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Ernst Peter Tamminga edited this page Jun 29, 2018 · 2 revisions

The following tokens can be used in templates


This will render an edit pencil, if, and only if, the logged on user had edit rights for the module. You MUST add this token to the Item Template (and alternate item template if you are using that), in order to be able to edit items


This will render the item id of the announcement


This will render the module id of the module the announcement belongs to


This will display the display name of the user that created the Announcement. NOTE: on sites with many users adding this token to a template will cause a performance hit, as for every Announcement a user record has to be found and displayed. Many announcements and many users will cause a large amount of extra database hits.


This will show the item creation date, in localized long date forum


This will display the announcement discription


This will display the announcements expire date


This will display the raw image url


This will display the announcement image as defined in the announcement. A complete image tag will be rendered


This will display the moduleid of the module. TIP: You could use this value to use a module specific css classname, for instance like this: [TITLE]


This will display the "read more..." text, without hyperlink. A full read more hyperlink would look like this: [MORE]


This will display a complete "read more..." link. If no url is defined in the announcement, no link will be rendered


This token can be used to open the link in a new window, based on the selection made in the announcement, for example: [MORE]


This will show the item publish date, in localized long date forum


This will display the announcement title


This will render "Yes" or "No", depending on whether to track clicks or not


This will display the url the announcement should point to. In order to use this url as a clickable hyperlink, use something like this: [MORE]


This will show the view order of the item