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This is a very simple Spigot command parser Info This library only works when using java 14+ and at least this PaperMC build (#229) because of some wierd bugs in spigot code Only for 1.1 and prior


Make a command.

Root command

@CommandClass(name = "gamemode", permission = "plugin.gamemode")
public class GameModeCommand {

  @Command(root = true, consoleAllowed = true)
  public void rootCommand(CommandSender sender) {
    sender.sendMessage("Usage: /gamemode <mode> <player>");

Sub command

@Command(name = "sub")
public void subCommand(Player player) {
  // because console is not allowed first argument ist auto-casted to player

NSub command

@Command(name = "sub")
public void subCommand(Player player, @CommandParameter(name = "playerName") String playerName) {
  // parameter names get discarded at compile time so you can use an annotations


For more information take a look at the example here


The very urgly javadoc (thx oracle) fancy kdoc (thx jetbrains) can be found here


Please download from Modules


Thanks to Paul2708 for creating simple-commands as I kinda copyed his idea.

Thanks to mgvpri for doing something simmilar in his stream