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Dalee php-logger

Build Status codecov

PHP syslog device implementation, according to the RFC 3164 rules.

DEPRECATED. USE Monolog syslog3164 handler.



Global configuration options:

  • facility - facility, default value: 1 (USER) (syslog parameter)
  • hostname - hostname (syslog parameter), default value: gethostname()
  • appName - application name (syslog parameter), default value: 'php'
  • logLevel - output event level, default value is 'debug', possible values are:
    • emerg
    • alert
    • critical
    • error
    • warning
    • notice
    • info
    • debug

logger_level also can be set via environment variable LOGGER_LEVEL

Log methods:

void log($message: mixed, ...) - Debug: debug-level messages (severity = 7)

void emerg($message: mixed, ...) - Emergency: system is unusable (severity = 0)

void alert($message: mixed, ...) - Alert: action must be taken immediately (severity = 1)

void critical($message: mixed, ...) - Critical: critical conditions (severity = 2)

void error($message: mixed, ...) - Error: error conditions (severity = 3)

void warning($message: mixed, ...) - Warning: warning conditions (severity = 4)

void notice($message: mixed, ...) - Notice: normal but significant condition (default value) (severity = 5)

void info($message: mixed, ...) - Informational: informational messages (severity = 6)

void debug($message: mixed, ...) - Debug: debug-level messages (severity = 7)

Adapter configuration


  • server - valid fqdn or ip address of Syslog/Logstash daemon
  • port - udp4 port number

Sample output (udp4 packet):

<0>2016-11-26 23:23:23.4554 localhost app: hello world

Basic usage

use Dalee\Logger\Logger;
use Dalee\Logger\Adapter\SyslogAdapter;

$logger = new Logger(Logger::FACILITY_USER, 'my-app');
$logger->addAdapter(new SyslogAdapter('', '514'));