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Damon Oehlman edited this page Jul 12, 2011 · 1 revision

Tile5 1.0 API Proposal

This is the evolving specification for the Tile5 1.0 API. Tile5 is released under an opensource MIT license.


In previous versions of Tile5, many different classes were managed through a single T5 namespace. In the 1.0 API I propose the following:

  • A T5 namespace to contain exported classes and functions as per earlier versions.
  • Creation of new views and maps moved to a single global function Tile5. This is very similar to the way RaphaelJS works.

Some Design Considerations

  • Tile5 is a mapping library, while my early design supported the creation of more generic tiling interfaces, version 1.0 will be geared to support mapping as it's first and foremost purpose. Building tiling interfaces will still be possible, but it will take more work than using Tile5 for mapping.

  • Less classes, more useful methods.

  • Investigating a switch to Eve for eventing.

  • Continue to use Interact for touch / mouse events.

  • Some rethinking on the GeoXY concept, and how the process can be made simpler (notes below).

Development transition to 1.0

In terms of the transition to 1.0 we are are going to manage this using three branches in the repo:

  • master (the stable 0.9.x series)
  • dev - unstable (the development 0.9.x series)
  • 1.0 - unstable (the 1.x development series)

Once 1.0 is ready for release the repositories will be reset to:

  • master (the stable 1.x series)
  • dev (the development 1.x series)

Core vs Plugin

Core tile5.js JS file should contain only the core functionality required to:

  • Display map tiles using the canvas or dom renderers.
  • Display markers on a map / view.
  • Display shapes and lines on a map / view

Functionality that goes beyond this core functionality, should be implemented as plugins (details later in doc).

Release Schedule

We are currently targeting a RC1 release of Tile5 1.0 for around the middle of the year.

API Operations

Creating a Map / View

var map = new T5.Map('mapContainer', settings /* a settings hash */);

EXAMPLE: Initializing a Map

var map = new T5.Map('mapContainer')
	.zoom(3) // set the zoom level
	.center('-27 133'); // set the center position

Creating / Updating a Layer

var layer = map.layer(

EXAMPLE: Creating a Markers Layer

This is actually done by default in a view so is not required, but serves as a good example.

var markers = map.layer('markers', 'draw');

EXAMPLE: Creating a Tile Layer

A more common example is the creation of your tile layer for map tiles.

map.layer('tiles', 'tile', {
	generator: 'osm.cloudmade',

Retrieving a layer

var layer = map.layer('layerId');

Removing a layer


Adding Drawables

When creating drawables (on draw layers) the create method is used. The first parameter to the method specifies the type of drawable to create and the second parameter specifies either:

  • an object of the settings of the drawable, or
  • an array of object settings

In the first case, a single drawable is created and in the second case, a drawable is created of the specified type is created for each of settings objects that are passed through. In the first case, a single drawable reference is returned and in the second, an array of those objects is returned.

Example: Creating Markers

// first let's get a reference to the marker layer
var markers = map.layer('markers');

// now let's create a single marker
markers.create('marker', {
	xy: 'lat lon'

// now let's create a bunch of markers (well two)
markers.create('marker', [
	{ xy: 'lat lon' },
	{ xy: 'lat lon' }

// remember as the marker layer is an draw layer, 
// other drawables can be added to
markers.create('poly', {

Method Chaining

Where possible method chaining has been implemented to make operating with Tile5 as terse as possible.

Chainable View Methods

  • zoom
  • center

Settings Hashes

Map / View

The map settings are treated kind of like global settings in the context of that view. For instance, as there no opportunities to specify properties for a plugin as it is loaded, then settings can be provided through the map settings and the plugin will reference these on creation.

	type: 'map', /* other possibilities view (or other custom view types) */
	renderer: 'canvas/dom', /* available renderers described later in doc */
	controls: null, /* available controls described later in doc */
	fastpan: false, /* performance panning for mobile */,
	drawOnScale: true, /* set to false for increased performance */
	zoombar: {}, /* zoombar configuration settings */


  zindex: 0,
  style: null

Tile Layer Settings

	generator: 'generatorid'

Drawable (Generic)

  fill: false,
  stroke: true

Additionally, all drawable objects can be passed arbitrary properties in the settings that can be accessed from the object. For instance, a marker could for a city could be created and have population data associated with the marker:

var marker = map.layer('markers').create('marker', {
	xy: '-34.4333333 150.8833333',
	placeName: 'Gold Coast',
	population: 260914

Drawable (Marker)

	markerType: 'simple', /* other values: image */
	imageUrl: '/path/to/image.png', /* for image markers */
	size: 10

Easing in Tile5 1.0

Easing and animation within Tile5 has had a number of different implementations. The proposed format for the 1.0 release involves supplying an additional tween parameter to modifier functions. For instance, if we want to tween a pan of the map, we can do the following:

map.pan(500, 500, {
	easing: 'sine.out',
	duration: 1000,
	complete: function() {
		// pan back (truthy value will trigger standard easing)
		map.pan(-500, -500, 1);

The function then checks for the presence of this tween argument, and if exists passes it on to the internal Tweener to appropriately deal with. The nifty part here is that the Tweener is called in any case where a truthy tween argument is detected. Which means that the following code will also cause the map to animate the pan (albeit with default values - easing: sine.out and duration: 1000):

map.pan(500, 500, true);

The new function format is in comparison to previous "tweenable functions" which took three additional parameters specifying the easing effect, duration and callback (in varying order depending on the function...). While this was nice in some regards, my personal preference is for the above.

Drawables will also be modified to use the above format, so where previously you would make a call to drawable.animate specifying the property to animate with animation parameters, you will now make a call to rotate, scale or translate of the drawable passing a tween parameter as per the above.

Custom Animation in Tile5 1.0

Custom animation in Tile5 has previously been handled in a number of different ways. Firstly, you can choose to implement your own setInterval or setTimeout handling to animate objects in Tile5. In many instances, this is the method that current Tile5 demos use.

Additionally, a Tile5 view used to also support an enterFrame event. Ideally this event will be removed as it may not be the most efficient place to handle animation (however, it does allow you to override draw functionality so for the moment it may stay).

Despite the above techniques being valid ways to implement your own animation, a better option is now available in Tile5 1.0 - the T5.Animator component.


Appendix A: Position to XY Translation

The previous implementation of a position to XY translation was provided by the GeoXY class. While effective it requires knowledge of the GeoXY class. In the 1.0 version I would prefer to see something simpler.

I'm thinking something along the lines of a string that is parsed (NOTE: check overheads) and converted appropriately. The GeoXY classes would still remain but would be mainly used internally and specific of them knowledge would not be required.

Basically, anywhere an xy property can be set (marker, drawable, etc) the following formats will be used to determine how that object should be treated. By default an xy property is expected to be a string (or an array of strings).

  • 'lat lon': This is a latitude and longitude pair that will be managed internally, and translated into an XY coordinate for display within Tile5. Given Tile5 is a mapping library, defining a lat and lon should be the simplest thing to do.

  • 'xy(x,y)': A specific x and y coordinate.

Appendix B: Plugins

Layer: Cluster Layer


Layer: Geolocation

FILE: plugins/layers/geolocation.js

The geolocation layer plugin makes it extremely simple to add geolocation support to your Tile5 mapping application. In earlier versions of Tile5 geolocation detection was implemented using methods of a map, however, this felt pretty clunky.

In 1.0 you simply include the plugin file and then you can add a new geolocation layer to the map using the view layer method:

map.layer('sensor', 'geolocation', {
    once: false, // whether detection should run just once or monitor
    follow: true, // move the map with location changes
    zoomToLocation: true, // zoom to location on initial detection
    maxZoom: 15 // max zoom for initial detection

Once the layer has been added the Geolocation API watchPosition method is used to track for location changes. If the once parameter is set to false, then the watch will be cancelled once a position of sufficient accuracy has been determined.

The watch is also cancelled if the layer is removed.

Renderer: Raphael


Renderer: WebGL (via three.js)


Parser: GeoJSON


Extension: Search Tools


Extension: Route Tools


Appendix C: About Renderers

Appendix D: Tile5 Registry

With the way that the Tile5 API is designed in 1.0, a generic registry has been implemented to make the process of defining various different types and then creating those types has been simplified. New 'things' are registered with the registry via their "class", typename and initialization function. For instance the below would register a new layer class of type "wooble" with the specified initialization function.

Registry.register('layer', 'wooble', function(view, settings) {

A "wooble" layer could then be created with the following request to the registry:

var layer = Registry.create('layer', 'wooble', view, {
	zindex: 20

The first two parameters of the Registry.create function specify the class and type of the thing we want to create, then all remaining arguments being passed onto the initialization function.