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Helper package for Web API Service calls. Contains a WebApiService class intended to make calls to ASP.NET Web API (and other RESTFUL HTTP services) easy to manage.

When instantiating, you're given the opportunity to supply valid HTTP Status Codes. All other statuses will result in a thrown WebApiException. You can also override these acceptable status codes per method call.

Default Settings

  • The following HTTP status codes are considered success by default: 100, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205
  • All other HTTP status codes will throw an exception (you can override this default)
  • Arguments passed to GET and DELETE methods will be included as URL parameters
  • Arguments passed to POST and PUT methods will be serialized to JSON and included in the request body

Note, the HTTP verb behaviours above are currently hard-coded. They will likely be configurable in later versions.

Example Usage

Super fun happy path - GET:

Get an object by specifying the type and passing an anonymous object as the argument.

var service = new WebApiService();
/*  GET http://localhost/api/Customer?Id=1  */
var response = service.Get<Customer>("http://localhost", "api/Customer", new { Id = 1 });
var myCustomer = response.Data;

Super fun happy path - POST:

Post an object by passing the typed object as an argument

var service = new WebApiService();
/*  POST http://localhost/api/Customer  (body will include JSON-serialized myCustomer object)  */
var response = service.Post("http://localhost", "api/Customer", myCustomer);
var success = (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK);

Method Overloads:

Each of the Get, Post, Put, or Delete methods have overloads for the following:

  • Pass a typed argument and return a WebApiServiceResponse with no data
  • Pass a typed argument and return a WebApiServiceResponse<> with data of a particular type
  • Pass an anonymous argument and return a WebApiServiceResponse with no data
  • Pass an anonymous argument and return a WebApiServiceResponse<> with data of a particular type



  • Added XML documentation comments
  • Changed default success HTTP Status Codes


  • Included URL in the WebApiException for debugging purposes


None: Fix for nuget purposes


  • Fixed overloads that return no data so you don't have to supply a parameter


  • Acceptable HTTP Status Codes can be provided per method call if required
  • The WebApiServiceResponse object now includes a Uri property showing the calculated URI


Helper package for Web API Service calls.






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