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Making chess nerdier


DChess is a chess engine designed to be:

  • a playable chess game
  • modular and extensible
  • a demonstration of TDD
  • lighthearted and fun

Development Checklist for DCHESS

Display a Chess Board with Pieces

  • Create a Board class that holds all pieces and their positions.
  • Display the board in the console or graphical UI.
  • Populate the board with initial positions for all pieces.

Move text rendering into a separate class

  • Provide interface for rendering the board
    • Takes in a board and returns a string representation of the board
  • Adjust the display logic to use the new class

Refactor the board to be a collection of pieces rather than a 2D array of cells

  • Create a Piece base abstract class that holds the piece type and colour (eventually it will contain the rules and other things specific to that piece).
  • Refactor the Board class to store pieces and their positions.
  • Update the display logic to show pieces on the board.

Refactor to make use flyweight pattern for pieces

  • Create an object pool for pieces that returns objects rather than structs, but still uses structs for the board.
  • Refactor the board to use the object pool.

Allow a piece to be moved

  • Add a method on the piece base class to move by square.
  • Add a method to check if the move is generally valid.
  • Add a virtual method to check if a move for the particular piece type is valid.
  • Disallow taking your own pieces.
  • Disallow moving off the board. Already handled by square validation

Specific Piece Movement Rules


  • Pawns can only move forward.
  • Pawns cannot move backwards.
  • Pawns can only move forward two squares on their first move and one square otherwise.
  • Pawns can take diagonally.


  • Knights move in an L-shape.
  • Knights can ONLY move in an L-shape.
  • Knights can jump over other pieces.


  • Rooks move horizontally or vertically any number of squares.
  • Rooks cannot jump over other pieces.


  • Bishops move diagonally any number of squares.
  • Bishops cannot jump over other pieces.


  • Queens move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally any number of squares.
  • Queens cannot jump over other pieces.


  • Kings move one square in any direction.

Movement Rules phase 2 (requiring piece specific game rules to be implemented)


  • Ensure pawns can move diagonally only when capturing an opponent’s piece.
  • Enforce that pawns can be promoted upon reaching the opposite end of the board.

Miscellaneous rules

  • Implement rules for check (king is under threat).
  • Disallow moves that would put the player in check.
  • Implement rules for checkmate (king is in check and no legal moves can remove the threat).
  • Castling: The king and rook haven't moved
  • Castling: The squares between a king and rook must be unocupied.
  • En-passant capturing rules.

Game Status

  • Implement a system to keep track of the game status (e.g., ongoing, check, checkmate, stalemate).
  • Store state in a tree structure to allow for undoing moves and exploring possible future moves.
  • Implement a turn system to ensure that players alternate turns correctly.

Allow the User to Move Pieces Using Algebraic Notation

  • Parse algebraic notation into board squares.
  • Create a function to update the board based on the parsed move.
  • Develop input validation to ensure notation is syntactically correct.

Game History

  • Implement a way to record the history of moves made during the game. Store each move in a list or file.
  • Provide a command to display the move history (dc --history).
  • Consider implementing functionality for undoing and redoing moves based on the game history.

Error Handling

  • Plan for robust error handling, especially for user input. This includes providing useful error messages when illegal moves are attempted.
  • Ensure that the error messages are clear and helpful, guiding the user on how to correct their input or explaining why a move cannot be made.



  • The API will call the Core library and essentially just be a plugin.
  • The game should be fully playable via API calls.
  • The code will run on an Azure Function.
  • No game state will be stored on the server, but the server will be able to compute the next move based on current game state passed in the request.
  • Rate limiting will be implemented to prevent abuse.
  • Powershell and bash scripts will be provided to allow the game to be played from the command line without using the API directly. The API will have the following endpoints:



  • This endpoint returns a welcome message along with helpful information on how to use the API.
  • Example response:
Welcome to DChess API!
- To get started with a new game, use call the /new endpoint.

GET /new

Returns a new game state with the initial board setup a link to the game state.

GET /game?bitboard={bitboards}&name={name}&colour={black|white}&turn={black|white}&level={level}&render={true|false}&move={move}

This endpoint returns a board with a given game state.

  • bitboard: A string representation of the bitboards in hexadecimal.
  • name: The current player's name.
  • colour: The current player's colour, either black or white.
  • turn: The current turn.
  • level (optional - defaults to 1): The difficulty level of the AI player.
  • render (optional defaults to true): If true, the board will be rendered as a string. If false, the bitboards will be returned.
  • move (optional): The move to be made by the player. If the move is valid, the board will be updated with the new move and the AI will make its move. move can be specified as a string in algebraic notation ( see or as a pair of squares e.g. e2e4.


  • Use bitboards to represent the board state
  • Use the flyweight pattern to reduce memory usage


♞ chess in your terminal ⌨️






