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CSDA10F Moveit Configuration

Daniel Ordonez edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 12 revisions

CSDA10F Moveit Configuration

The invite_motoman_moveit_config package host the MoveIt! configuration of the Motoman CSDA10F with robotiq (85mm and 140mm stroke) 2-finger adaptive grippers.

Move Groups

The following move groups were configured:

  • csda10f: Move group of all actuated joints in the CSDA10F robot.
  • arms: Move group of both arms without the torso joint.
  • arm_left: Move group of all the joints in the left arm with the 85mm Robotiq gripper.
  • arm_left_with_torso: Move group of all the joints in the left arm with the 85mm Robotiq gripper and torso.
  • arm_right: Move group of all the joints in the right arm with the 140mm Robotiq gripper.
  • arm_right_with_torso: Move group of all the joints in the right arm with the 140mm Robotiq gripper and torso.
  • torso: Move group with only the torso as actuated joint.
  • left_gripper: Move group representing the left 85mm Robotiq gripper.
  • right_gripper: Move group representing the right 140mm Robotiq gripper.

In order to see the move groups in link level detail, launch the Moveit setup assistant and go through the configuration.

roslaunch invite_motoman_moveit_config setup_assistant.launch

final Top left clockwise: csda10f, arms, arm_left, arm_right

End effectors

The two move groups left_gripper and right_gripper contain all the respective joints for each gripper (with adapter plates and sensors), the gripper TCP is configured through virtual links that belong to the arm_left and arm_right move groups instead of the grippers one, but this is just how ROS TCP should be configurated.

Tool Center Points

Both robotiq grippers have configured their TCP through the virtual links arm_left_link_tcp and arm_right_link_tcp (defined on the invite_csda10f.xacro file), in case any new TCP needs to be configured keep in mind that the new virtual link representing you tool TCP should be a child of each arm tool_0 link .

37992258-7c5dc7dc-320b-11e8-8a8a-cf8d08433623 left_gripper, right_gripper

Kinematic Solver

  • csda10f: KDL_kinematics_plugin
  • arms: trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
  • arm_left: trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
  • arm_right: trac_ik_kinematics_plugin
  • torso: KDL_kinematics_plugin

Track_IK solve_type parameter

All move groups configured to work with Trac_IK kinematics solver are configured with the parameter solve type to Distance (see trac-ik_lib for more information on the solve type parameter).

Track_IK performance

Track_IK is selected since it has proven its superiority over KDL over a different set of robots (including Motoman CSDA10F), specifically on 7 DoF arms used in two-arm robots (i.g. Valkyre, Pr2, Baxter, Robonaut). Currently, it doesn't support mimic joints which makes it impossible to integrate over any move group that uses the torso joint.


Comparison between KDL and Track IK kinematics solvers, for the CSDA10F only a move group containing one arm and the torso joint are considered (Image is taken from traclabs/trac-ik)

NOTE: The comparison of the CSDA10F kinematics solvers was performed with the robot configuration of this package, which was also published to motoman_experimental

Self-collision matrix

The autogenerated self-collision matrix requires some manual changes.

  1. Collision checking between the arm_right_link_1_s and arm_left_link_1_s should be disabled.
  2. Specific care should be given to the collision checking of the gripper links with other links since some collision checkings should be manually enabled.

Pre-Teach Positions

For ease of use, some pre-defined positions are hardcoded into the robot Moveit configuration for quick use and planning to them. These positions are robot poses that are frequently called or used, such as home positions for different applications.

Create custom pre-teach position

To create a custom robot pose launch the setup assistant:

roslaunch invite_motoman_moveit_config setup_assistant.launch

and go to the robot poses tab, as indicated in the following picture, where the names of three already defined poses are also shown. positions

Use the pre-teach position

While developing applications this pre teach robot poses can be easily used with the following code, specifically the MoveGroupInterface::setNamedTarget( "name_of_pre_teach_pose" ) method.

  // Select csda10f as move group to operate
  moveit::planning_interface::MoveGroupInterface csda10f_move_group("csda10f");
  // Set target pose by using the name of one of the pre-teach positions
  // Perform motion on real robot