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Data: CPS - This package will download cps micro data on first load. Data will be then available when the package is loaded.

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Get Census Bureau CPS microdata from Census Bureau website
Daniel Bonnery

Data: Current Population Survey

dataCPS is an R package that pulls CPS public microdata from the census bureau website on install and packs it into an


To install the package, execute:


Note that installation is slow, because part of the installation process is the downloading of data from the Census Bureau website.

Detailed Documentation

Refer to the dataCPS R package pdf documentation manual available on the github repo:


By default, the package downloads zip files, and only select some variables, as shown in the following summary:

hrhhid hrintsta hrmis hrhhid2 gestfips peage pesex pulineno pehspnon prpertyp pemlr pwsswgt pwcmpwgt
Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Min. :-1.00 Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Length:156657 Min. : 0.0 Min. : 0
Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:11.00 Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 609.9 1st Qu.: 0
Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median :32.00 Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character Median : 1919.8 Median : 1186
NA NA NA NA NA Mean :32.54 NA NA NA NA NA Mean : 1850.4 Mean : 1435
NA NA NA NA NA 3rd Qu.:51.00 NA NA NA NA NA 3rd Qu.: 2813.5 3rd Qu.: 2613
NA NA NA NA NA Max. :85.00 NA NA NA NA NA Max. :32265.5 Max. :31739

If other variables are needed, use the dataCPS::get_data_from_web or 'get_onemonth_data_from_web' function. Following example downloads the data for January 2005 and creates a data frame that contains all the variables available. Variable names are then displayed.

hrhhid hrmonth hryear4 hurespli hufinal huspnish hetenure hehousut hetelhhd hetelavl hephoneo hufaminc hutypea hutypb hutypc hwhhwgt hrintsta hrnumhou hrhtype hrmis huinttyp huprscnt hrlonglk hrhhid2 hubus hubusl1 hubusl2 hubusl3 hubusl4 gereg gestcen gestfips gtcbsa gtco gtcbsast gtmetsta gtindvpc gtcbsasz gtcsa proldrrp pupelig perrp peparent peage prtfage pemaritl pespouse pesex puafever peafwhen peafnow peeduca prdtrace prdthsp puchinhh purelflg pulineno prfamnum prfamrel prfamtyp pehspnon prmarsta prpertyp penatvty pemntvty pefntvty prcitshp prcitflg prinusyr puslfprx pemlr puwk pubus1 pubus2ot pubusck1 pubusck2 pubusck3 pubusck4 puretot pudis peret1 pudis1 pudis2 puabsot pulay peabsrsn peabspdo pemjot pemjnum pehrusl1 pehrusl2 pehrftpt pehruslt pehrwant pehrrsn1 pehrrsn2 pehrrsn3 puhroff1 puhroff2 puhrot1 puhrot2 pehract1 pehract2 pehractt pehravl puhrck1 puhrck2 puhrck3 puhrck4 puhrck5 puhrck6 puhrck7 puhrck12 pulaydt pulay6m pelayavl pulayavr pelaylk pelaydur pelayfto pulayck1 pulayck2 pulayck3 pulk pelkm1 pulkm2 pulkm3 pulkm4 pulkm5 pulkm6 pulkdk1 pulkdk2 pulkdk3 pulkdk4 pulkdk5 pulkdk6 pulkps1 pulkps2 pulkps3 pulkps4 pulkps5 pulkps6 pelkavl pulkavr pelkll1o pelkll2o pelklwo pelkdur pelkfto pedwwnto pedwrsn pedwlko pedwwk pedw4wk pedwlkwk pedwavl pedwavr pudwck1 pudwck2 pudwck3 pudwck4 pudwck5 pejhwko pujhdp1o pejhrsn pejhwant pujhck1 pujhck2 prabsrea prcivlf prdisc premphrs prempnot prexplf prftlf prhrusl prjobsea prpthrs prptrea prunedur pruntype prwksch prwkstat prwntjob pujhck3 pujhck4 pujhck5 puiodp1 puiodp2 puiodp3 peio1cow puio1mfg peio2cow puio2mfg puiock1 puiock2 puiock3 prioelg pragna prcow1 prcow2 prcowpg prdtcow1 prdtcow2 prdtind1 prdtind2 prdtocc1 prdtocc2 premp prmjind1 prmjind2 prmjocc1 prmjocc2 prmjocgr prnagpws prnagws prsjmj prerelg peernuot peernper peernrt peernhry puernh1c peernh2 peernh1o prernhly pthr peernhro prernwa ptwk peern puern2 ptot peernwkp peernlab peerncov penlfjh penlfret penlfact punlfck1 punlfck2 peschenr peschft peschlvl prnlfsch pwfmwgt pwlgwgt pworwgt pwsswgt pwvetwgt prchld prnmchld prwernal prhernal hxtenure hxhousut hxtelhhd hxtelavl hxphoneo pxinusyr pxrrp pxparent pxage pxmaritl pxspouse pxsex pxafwhen pxafnow pxeduca pxrace1 pxnatvty pxmntvty pxfntvty pxhspnon pxmlr pxret1 pxabsrsn pxabspdo pxmjot pxmjnum pxhrusl1 pxhrusl2 pxhrftpt pxhruslt pxhrwant pxhrrsn1 pxhrrsn2 pxhract1 pxhract2 pxhractt pxhrrsn3 pxhravl pxlayavl pxlaylk pxlaydur pxlayfto pxlkm1 pxlkavl pxlkll1o pxlkll2o pxlklwo pxlkdur pxlkfto pxdwwnto pxdwrsn pxdwlko pxdwwk pxdw4wk pxdwlkwk pxdwavl pxdwavr pxjhwko pxjhrsn pxjhwant pxio1cow pxio1icd pxio1ocd pxio2cow pxio2icd pxio2ocd pxernuot pxernper pxernh1o pxernhro pxern pxernwkp pxernrt pxernhry pxernh2 pxernlab pxerncov pxnlfjh pxnlfret pxnlfact pxschenr pxschft pxschlvl qstnum occurnum pedipged pehgcomp pecyc pegrprof pegr6cor pems123 pxdipged pxhgcomp pxcyc pxgrprof pxgr6cor pxms123 pwcmpwgt peio1icd peio1ocd peio2icd peio2ocd primind1 primind2
character double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double character character character double double double double character double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double double

The following code is an example of use of the function 'rbind_period', that creates a dataframe combining a series of consecutive monthly CPS datasets.

FALSE [1] "200511" "200512" "200601" "200602" "200603"


plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

In this example we plot the direct estimate of the unemployment rate. These estimates are rough versions (simpled weighted sums) and differ from the more elaborated estimates published by the Census.


U$month=as.Date(paste(U$month,"01"), "%Y%m%d")
               aes(x=month,y=value,group = pesex,colour=pesex))+geom_line()+xlab("")+ylab("")+ggtitle("Direct estimates of the employment rate by gender")

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-4


Data: CPS - This package will download cps micro data on first load. Data will be then available when the package is loaded.






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