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PedGFLMM Vignette

Yingda Jiang, Chi-Yang Chiu, Daniel E. Weeks, Ruzong Fan

Copyright 2020, Georgetown University and University of Pittsburgh. All Rights Reserved.


This document describes our R package PedGFLMM which implements family-based additive generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) and generalized functional linear mixed models (GFLMM) for gene-based association testing of dichotomous traits (Jiang et al, 2020). Section 2 briefly describes the installation of the program. Section 3 describes the data formats. Section 4 explains how to run the program using one example. Section 5 offers explanation of the results and warnings to use the programs. Section 6 provides some suggestions and parameter choices for real data analysis.

The theoretical basis for this program is given in our research papers in Section 7 “References” below; the primary paper describing this work is Jiang et al (2020). Please cite the references if you use our program in any published work. In case of suggestions and questions and/or problems, you can contact us via e-mail (

An HTML version of this vignette can be found at


The package is written in R language. To install, proceed as follows:

  1. Install the devtools package by starting up R and issuing this command:
  1. Load the devtools library to make its commands available:
  1. Install the PedGFLMM R package from the github repository via this command:

If you wish to have this vignette installed and accessible within your R help pages, use this command instead (but note that this will be slower):

install_github("DanielEWeeks/PedGFLMM/pkg", build_opts = c("--no-resave-data", "--no-manual"),       
   build_vignettes = TRUE)

Note that this vignette is available online at

After the PedGFLMM R package has been installed, you can view this vignette by issuing these commands at the R prompt:


Data Format

The program needs data frame in R to define the pedigree structure (typical format used by LINKAGE and PLINK), genotypes, SNP positions, and covariates.

The pedigree file

The pedigree file is in the same format as that used by the pedgene R package except for a column named ID (Schaid et al. 2013) and has the following columns:

  • ID: identify of each individual.

  • ped: pedigree ID, character or numeric allowed.

  • person: person ID, a unique ID within each pedigree, numeric or character allowed.

  • father: father ID, NA if no father.

  • mother: mother ID, NA if no mother.

  • sex: coded as 1 for male, 2 for female.

  • trait: phenotype, either case-control status coded as 1 for affected and 0 for unaffected. Subjects with missing (NA) will be removed from the analysis.

ID ped person father mother sex trait
1 1 1 0 0 1 0
2 1 2 0 0 2 0
3 1 3 1 2 1 0
4 1 4 1 2 1 0
5 1 5 1 2 2 0
6 1 2134 0 0 2 0

Table 1: The first 6 lines of the example pedigree file

The genotype file

The genotype file is a matrix with genotypes for subjects (rows) at each variant position (columns). The first two columns are required to be named ‘ped’ and ‘person’, which are used to match subjects to their data in the pedigree data.frame. The genotypes are coded as 0, 1, 2 for autosomal markers (typically a count of the number of the minor allele).

ped person V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13
1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 2134 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2: The first 6 lines of the example genotype file (first 15 columns)

The map file

The map file provides SNP positions for each SNP. The first column is required for the chromosome number, the second column is for the name of SNPs in the genotype file, and the third column is the position of SNPs in base pairs.

chr snp pos
1 V1 498507
1 V2 498541
1 V3 498653
1 V4 498883
1 V5 499089
1 V6 499159

Table 3: The first 6 lines of the example map file

The covariate file (optional)

The covariate file contains covariates. The first two columns are required to be named ‘ped’ and ‘person’, which are used to match subjects to their data in the pedigree data.frame.

ped person X1 X2
1 1 0 0.7172438
1 2 1 -0.3446264
1 3 1 0.6720006
1 4 1 0.2533723
1 5 1 -0.2554473
1 2134 1 1.3853330

Table 4: The first 6 lines of the example covariate file

How to Run the Program

There are three main functions in this package which implement the statistics described in Jiang et al (2020):

  1. PedGLMM_additive_effect_model
  2. PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only
  3. PedGFLMM_fixed_model

After installing this PedGFLMM R package, you can access help pages for each of these functions easily, which contain example code. For example, to access the help page for the PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only function, proceed as follows in R:


We also provide an example Mega2PedGFLMM function that illustrates how to use functions from the Mega2R R package to easily loop through genes, computing the PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only statistics for each gene.

Load the example data

To illustrate the functions in this package, we first load the data.

# The 'exampleData' contains four data frames: Ped, geno, cov, snpPos
## [1] "cov"    "geno"   "Ped"    "snpPos"

The PedGLMM_additive_effect_model function

This function carries out a region-based association test using our additive generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), as described in Jiang et al (2020). This statistics may not be powerful when the number of genetic variants is large.

add = PedGLMM_additive_effect_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), covariate = as.matrix(cov))
## fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 39 columns / coefficients

## boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular
## $LRT
## [1] 6.076317e-14

For the case without covariates,

add_no_cov = PedGLMM_additive_effect_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), covariate = NULL)
## fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 39 columns / coefficients

## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
## unable to evaluate scaled gradient

## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, :
## Model failed to converge: degenerate Hessian with 3 negative eigenvalues
## $LRT
## [1] 3.854347e-12

As you can see from the examples above, the PedGLMM_additive_effect_model function had convergence problems. If this happens, instead of using the PedGLMM_additive_effect_model, one can use either PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only or PedGFLMM_fixed_model instead.

The PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only function

This function carries out a region-based association test using our ‘beta smooth only’ generalized functional linear mixed model (GFLMM), where the genetic effect function is assumed to be continuous/smooth. The number of basis functions used is determined by a dynamic rule as described in Jiang et al (2020). To see the function that defines this dynamic rule, look at the source code for the dRule function by typing dRule at the R prompt. This dynamic rule tries to use an appropriate number of basis functions as a function of the effective number of indpendent variants in the region; this ‘effective number’ is determined by an algorithm developed by Gao et al (2008).

The genetic effect function can be expanded using either B-spline or Fourier basis functions, and the order of the basis functions needs to be specified by the user.

order = 4

bsmooth_bsp = PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = as.matrix(cov), base = "bspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 1.19641e-06
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 16
## $M_gao
## [1] 54
bsmooth_fsp = PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = as.matrix(cov), base = "fspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 2.341872e-06
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 17
## $M_gao
## [1] 54

For the case without covariates,

bsmooth_bsp_no_cov = PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), 
    pos = snpPos$pos, order = order, covariate = NULL, base = "bspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 1.699481e-05
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 16
## $M_gao
## [1] 54
bsmooth_fsp_no_cov = PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), 
    pos = snpPos$pos, order = order, covariate = NULL, base = "fspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 8.540026e-05
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 17
## $M_gao
## [1] 54

The PedGFLMM_fixed_model function

This function carries out a region-based association test using our generalized functional linear mixed model (GFLMM). For details, see Jiang et al (2020).

The genetic variant function (GVF) and the genetic effect function can be expanded using either B-spline or Fourier basis functions, and the order of the basis functions need to be specified by the user.

order = 4

fixed_bsp = PedGFLMM_fixed_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = as.matrix(cov), base = "bspline")
## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Model is nearly unidentifiable: large eigenvalue ratio
##  - Rescale variables?
## $LRT
## [1] 1.19641e-06
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 16
## $ngenobasis
## [1] 16
## $M_gao
## [1] 54
fixed_fsp = PedGFLMM_fixed_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = as.matrix(cov), base = "fspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 2.341872e-06
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 17
## $ngenobasis
## [1] 17
## $M_gao
## [1] 54

For the case without covariates,

order = 4

fixed_bsp_no_cov = PedGFLMM_fixed_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = NULL, base = "bspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 1.699482e-05
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 16
## $ngenobasis
## [1] 16
## $M_gao
## [1] 54
fixed_fsp_no_cov = PedGFLMM_fixed_model(ped = Ped, geno = as.matrix(geno), pos = snpPos$pos, 
    order = order, covariate = NULL, base = "fspline")
## $LRT
## [1] 8.540016e-05
## $nbetabasis
## [1] 17
## $ngenobasis
## [1] 17
## $M_gao
## [1] 54

The Mega2PedGFLMM function

The Mega2PedGFLMM function illustrates how to use functions from the Mega2R R package (Baron et al, 2018) to easily loop through genes, computing the PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only statistics for each gene.

It will skip genes that contain less than two polymorphic markers.

The Mega2R R package is designed to read a database of phenotypes and genetic data, created by the data-reformatting program Mega2 (Baron et al, 2014), into R as a set of coordinated data frames. Once these data are nicely accessible in R, then Mega2R functions can be used to loop through gene regions, computing statistics for each region. By studying the code of this example Mega2PedGFLMM function, one can figure out how to loop through one’s own data in a similar fashion.

db = system.file("exdata", "seqsimmGFLMM.db", package = "PedGFLMM")
ENV = init_PedGFLMM(db)
ENV$verbose = TRUE
Mega2PedGFLMM(gs = 53:54)
## tryFn() No markers in range: NM_014705, DOCK4, 7, 111366163, 111846462

## CEP104 snp24037 34 35 0 
## CEP104 snp24039 69 0 0 
## CEP104 snp24041 49 20 0 
## CEP104 snp24048 37 30 2 
## CEP104 snp24494 60 8 1 
## CEP104 snp24499 56 13 0 
## CEP104 snp24506 24 36 9 
## CEP104 snp24507 48 18 3

## boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular

##   chr   gene nvariants   start     end LRT.bsm.Bsp LRT.bsm.fsp
## 1   1 CEP104         7 3728644 3773797   0.4465485   0.6334223
Mega2PedGFLMM(genes = "CEP104")

## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns

## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns

## tryFn() No markers in range: 9731, CEP104, CEP104, 4283, uc031pky.1, 1, -, 3732844, 3753716

## CEP104 snp24037 34 35 0 
## CEP104 snp24039 69 0 0 
## CEP104 snp24041 49 20 0 
## CEP104 snp24048 37 30 2 
## CEP104 snp24494 60 8 1 
## CEP104 snp24499 56 13 0 
## CEP104 snp24506 24 36 9 
## CEP104 snp24507 48 18 3

## boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular

##   chr   gene nvariants   start     end LRT.bsm.Bsp LRT.bsm.fsp
## 2   1 CEP104         7 3728645 3773797   0.4465485   0.6334223

The Mega2PedGFLMM function calls the DOPedGFLMM function for each gene region. The DOPedGFLMM function takes the data that was read into the ENV environment from the “seqsimmGFLMM.db” Mega2R database and reformats as expected by the PedGFLMM_beta_smooth_only function.

Explanation of the Results

As shown above, our program outputs the (p)-value based on likelihood ratio test (LRT). The LRT is conservative and has good power performance.


Baron RV, Kollar C, Mukhopadhyay N, Weeks DE. (2014) Mega2: validated data-reformatting for linkage and association analyses. Source Code Biol Med. 9(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s13029-014-0026-y.

Baron RV, Stickel JR, Weeks DE. (2018) The Mega2R package: R tools for accessing and processing genetic data in common formats. F1000Res. 29(7):1352. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.15949.1.

Chiu CY, Yuan F, Zhang BS, Yuan A, Li X, Fang HB, Lange K, Weeks DE, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, Lakhal-Chaieb ML, Cook RJ, McMahon FJ, Amos CI, Xiong MM, and Fan RZ (2019) Pedigree-based linear mixed models for association analysis of quantitative traits with next-generation sequencing data. Genetic Epidemiology 43(2):189-206.

Fan RZ, Wang YF, Mills JL, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, and Xiong MM (2013) Functional linear models for association analysis of quantitative traits. Genetic Epidemiology 37(7):726-742.

Fan RZ, Wang YF, Mills JL, Carter TC, Lobach I, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, Weeks DE, and Xiong MM (2014) Generalized functional linear models for case-control association studies. Genetic Epidemiology 38(7):622-637.

Gao X, Starmer J, and Martin ER (2008) A multiple testing correction method for genetic association studies using correlated single nucleotide polymorphisms. Genetic Epidemiology 32(4):361–369.

Jiang YD, Chiu CY, Yan Q, Chen W, Gorin MB, Conley YP, Lakhal-Chaieb ML, Cook RJ, Amos CI, Wilson AF, Bailey-Wilson JE, McMahon FJ, Vazquez AI, Yuan A, Zhong XG, Xiong MM, Weeks DE, and Fan RZ (2020) Gene-based association testing of dichotomous traits with generalized linear mixed models for family data.

Schaid DJ, McDonnell SK, Sinnwell JP, and Thibodeau SN (2013) Multiple genetic variant association testing by collapsing and kernel methods with pedigree or population structured data. Genetic Epidemiology 37:409-418.

Copyright Information

Copyright 2020, Georgetown University and University of Pittsburgh. All Rights Reserved.


The PedGFLMM R package






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