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.. currentmodule:: blist

A :class:`sortedset` provides the same methods as a :class:`set`. Additionally, a :class:`sortedset:` maintains its items in sorted order, allowing the :class:`sortedset` to be indexed.

An optional iterable provides an initial series of items to populate the :class:`sortedset`.

key specifies a function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each set element: key=str.lower. The default value is None (compare the elements directly). The key function must always return the same key for an item or the results are unpredictable.

Unlike a :class:`set`, a :class:`sortedset` does not require items to be hashable.

A :class:`sortedset` can be used as an order statistic tree (Cormen et al., Introduction to Algorithms, ch. 14).

.. method:: x in S

   Returns True if and only if *x* is an element in the set.

   Requires |theta(log**2 n)| total operations or |theta(log n)|

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: del S[i]

   Removes the element located at index *i* from the set.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations and no comparisons.

.. method:: del S[i:j]

   Removes the elements from *i* to *j* from the set.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations and no comparisons.

.. method:: S < S2

   Test whether the set is a proper subset of *S2*, that is, ``S <= S2
   and S != other``.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(n)| operations multiplied by
   the cost of *S2*'s `in` operation.

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: S > S2

   Test whether the set is a proper superset of *S2*, that is, ``S
   >= S2 and S != S2``.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2 n)| operations or
   |theta(m log n)| comparisons, where *m* is the size of *S2* and
   *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: S[i]

   Returns the element at position *i*.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations in the worst case but only
   |theta(1)| operations if the set's size has not been changed
   recently.  Requires no comparisons in any case.

   (Cormen *et al.* call this operation "SELECT".)

   :rtype: item

.. method:: S[i:j]

   Returns a new sortedset containing the elements from *i* to *j*.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations and no comparisons.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S *= k

   Increase the length of the set by a factor of *k*, by inserting
   *k-1* additional shallow copies of each item in the set.

   Requires |theta(n log(k + n))| operations and no comparisons.

.. method:: iter(S)

   Creates an iterator over the set.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations to create the iterator.  Each
   element from the iterator requires |theta(1)| operations to
   retrieve, or |theta(n)| operations to iterate over the entire

   :rtype: iterator

.. method:: len(S)

   Returns the number of elements in the set.

   Requires |theta(1)| operations.

   :rtype: :class:`int`

.. method:: S * k or k * S

   Returns a new sorted set containing *k* shallow copies of each
   item in S.

   Requires |theta(n log(k + n))| operations and no comparisons.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: reversed(S)

   Creates an iterator to traverse the set in reverse.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations to create the iterator.  Each
   element from the iterator requires |theta(1)| operations to
   retrieve, or |theta(n)| operations to iterate over the entire
   set.  Requires no comparisons in any case.

   :rtype: iterator

.. method:: S.add(value)

   Add the element *value* to the set.

   Requires |theta(log**2 n)| total operations or |theta(log n)|

.. method:: L.bisect_left(value)

   Similarly to the ``bisect`` module in the standard library, this
   returns an appropriate index to insert *value* in *L*. If *value* is
   already present in *L*, the insertion point will be before (to the
   left of) any existing entries.

   Requires |theta(log**2 n)| total operations or |theta(log n)|

.. method:: L.bisect(value)

   Same as :ref:`bisect_left <sortedlist.bisect_right>`.

.. method:: L.bisect_right(value)

   Same thing as :ref:`bisect_left <sortedlist.bisect_left>`, but if
   *value* is already present in *L*, the insertion point will be after
   (to the right of) any existing entries.

.. method:: S.clear()

   Remove all elements from the set.

   Requires |theta(n)| total operations and no comparisons in the
   worst case.

.. method:: S.copy()

   Creates a shallow copy of the set.

   Requires |theta(1)| total operations and no comparisons.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S.count(value)

   Returns the number of occurrences of *value* in the set.

   Requires |theta(n)| operations and |theta(n)| comparisons in the
   worst case.

   :rtype: :class:`int`

.. method:: S.difference(S2, ...)
            S - S2 - ...

   Return a new set with elements in the set that are not in the others.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the combined
   size of all the other sets and *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S.difference_update(S2, ...)
            S -= S2 | ...

   Update the set, removing elements found in keeping only elements
   found in any of the others.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the combined
   size of all the other sets and *n* is the initial size of *S*.

.. method:: S.discard(value)

   Removes the first occurrence of *value*.  If *value* is not a
   member, does nothing.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(log**2 n)| operations and
   |theta(log n)| comparisons.

.. method:: S.index(value, [start, [stop]])

   Returns the smallest *k* such that :math:`S[k] == x` and
   :math:`i <= k < j`.  Raises ValueError if *value* is not
   present.  *stop* defaults to the end of the set.  *start*
   defaults to the beginning.  Negative indexes are supported, as
   for slice indices.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(log**2 m)| operations and
   |theta(log m)| comparisons, where *m* is *stop* - *start*.

   (Cormen *et al.* call this operation "RANK".)

   :rtype: :class:`int`

.. method:: S.intersection(S2, ...)
            S & S2 & ...

   Return a new set with elements common to the set and all others.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the combined
   size of all the other sets and *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S.intersection_update(S2, ...)
            S &= S2 & ...

   Update the set, keeping only elements found in it and all

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the combined
   size of all the other sets and *n* is the initial size of *S*.

.. method:: S.isdisjoint(S2)

   Return True if the set has no elements in common with *S2*.
   Sets are disjoint if and only if their intersection is the empty

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: S.issubset(S2)
            S <= S2

   Test whether every element in the set is in *S2*

   In the worst case, requires |theta(n)| operations multiplied by
   the cost of *S2*'s `in` operation.

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: S.issuperset(S2)
           S >= S2

   Test whether every element in *S2* is in the set.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2 n)| operations or
   |theta(m log n)| comparisons, where *m* is the size of *S2* and
   *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`bool`

.. method:: S.symmetric_difference(S2)
            S ^ S2

   Return a new set with element in either set but not both.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the size of
   *S2* and *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S.symmetric_difference_update(S2)
            S ^= S2

   Update the set, keeping only elements found in either set, but
   not in both.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the size of
   *S2* and *n* is the initial size of *S*.

.. method:: S.pop([index])

   Removes and return item at index (default last).  Raises
   IndexError if set is empty or index is out of range.  Negative
   indexes are supported, as for slice indices.

   Requires |theta(log n)| operations and no comparisons.

   :rtype: item

.. method:: S.remove(value)

   Remove first occurrence of *value*.  Raises ValueError if
   *value* is not present.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(log**2 n)| operations and
   |theta(log n)| comparisons.

.. method:: S.union(S2, ...)
            S | S2 | ...

   Return a new sortedset with elements from the set and all
   others.  The new sortedset will be sorted according to the key
   of the leftmost set.

   Requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations or |theta(m log(n +
   m))| comparisons, where *m* is the total size of the other sets
   and *n* is the size of *S*.

   :rtype: :class:`sortedset`

.. method:: S.update(S2, ...)
            S |= S2 | ...

   Update the set, adding elements from all others.

   In the worst case, requires |theta(m log**2(n + m))| operations
   and |theta(m log(n + m))| comparisons, where *m* is the combined
   size of all the other sets and *n* is the initial size of *S*.