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Daniela Valero committed May 15, 2023
1 parent 083f0ac commit c9a5315
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions notes/03-areas 🧾/burnout/Catch it early - bouncing
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* Go to the doc and get a sick leave. During your sick leave focus on self-pampering, doing nothing, disconnecting. Use the last days to stablish boundaries for when you are back
* Get support: from a coach, therapist, friend. Once burnout has its hold on your mindset, decision making can get fuzzy. By identifying patterns and regaining clarity on priorities, you can establish better boundaries, for instance, by delegating where necessary, by saying no to projects that do not serve you long term, and by taking better care of yourself. These steps can help you feel a sense of progress toward relieving your symptoms.
* **Make Your Emotional and Physical Well-Being a Priority** Put healthy eating, exercise, and a good sleep routine at the top of the list. Schedule in lunch breaks and stop working at a reasonable time. Take all of your vacation. Too many companies report that employees forgo vacation time; 27.2% of paid time off went unused in 2018. And too many women tell us that they’re the first ones into the office, and the last ones out. Reframe that “work harder” message to work smarter, which includes breaks from work to stimulate the relaxation response and dissipate the stress response. It takes giving yourself permission to shift your mindset around what’s a priority and a commitment to establishing healthy coping mechanisms to combat stress.
* Examine your workplace, and look at what are the triggers that dont help you. The current workplace mantra of “we have to do more with less” is not sustainable. With your manager or other senior leaders, review the structure of your role, the culture of the firm, and how to support an environment where everyone thrives.
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Amidst the achievement society, we got to embrace the non-achievement parts of life. "In a world of excess doing, we need to develop the capacity to mindfully choose not to do.  This is far from easy, as it means confronting deeply held beliefs, many cultural and personal, that have served us well to date: “Time is money.” “If it’s not done perfectly, it isn’t worth doing.” Even the tyranny of the seemingly positive “Carpe Diem” in which we must make every moment count."

We need moments of not doing; we need moments that don’t count.

* Be grateful and express it
* Find out which are your close enemies (beliefs) ie: endurance makes you do more, and resilience might make you feel replenished
* Welcome Gaps as Opportunities to Rest, Not Inconveniences. Example: While waiting at the train, airport, or doctor, instead of pulling out your phone, just do nothing
* **Curb the urge to overwork** -> even if it's 8h a day it can be mentally overwork
* practice self-compassion

Things to do (actions) - 8 weeks MBSR program -
1. Mindfulness meditation practices: These practices involve paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way, typically by focusing on the breath, body sensations, or other sensory experiences.

2. Gentle yoga or other mindful movement practices help cultivate body awareness and reduce physical tension and stress.

3. Group discussions: Participants in MBSR programs typically have opportunities to discuss their experiences with meditation practices and explore how to apply mindfulness in daily life.

4. Homework assignments: Participants are usually asked to practice mindfulness meditation and/or mindful movement practices on their own between classes to help reinforce what they've learned.

5. Teacher support: Participants receive guidance and support from a trained MBSR teacher throughout the program.

improves: improvements in self-compassion, empathy, mindfulness, and emotional well-being
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions notes/03-areas 🧾/burnout/Hight risk
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- Notably, however, anyone passionate about what they do is at high risk of burnout, especially high performers. "Because I love and appreciate my work, my mental “immune system” had nothing to reject."
- Underrepresented groups are at high risk because on top they have to manage micro aggressions
- Clark says, “Burnout for white, upper-middle-class millennials might be taxing mentally, but the consequences of being overworked and underpaid while managing micro aggressions toward marginalized groups damages our bodies by the minute with greater intensity
- Another at-risk group for burnout is working parents, especially as the number of families in which both parents worked outside the home doubled over the last 30 years.
- Women report higher levels of burnout. One study identified gender inequalities in the workplace as a key element that’s impacting occupational mental health. Women were found to have lower levels of decision-making authority and were often overqualified for their roles, which ultimately leads to less satisfaction at work and a sense that they have fewer career alternatives. We see this frustration all the time, and it often manifests in beating oneself up. Women often think it’s their own fault that they’re not thriving.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions notes/03-areas 🧾/burnout/Survey
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1. **Are you regularly physically and emotionally exhausted?** Do you feel a lack of energy and/or have trouble sleeping? Do you worry excessively? Feel more edgy? Feel sad or hopeless?
2. **Are you more cynical and detached than usual?** Do you no longer feel joy from things that used to bring you joy? Are you less interested in socializing and are you feeling less connected to people than you once did? Are you more negative than usual? Do you see the glass as half empty?
3. **Are you feeling like you’re not contributing anything meaningful, where you once were?** Do you feel a sense of ineffectiveness and that all of your hard work isn’t actually accomplishing anything?

Source: [HBR guide to beating burnout](

The Mayo Clinic describes the list of job burnout risk factors as:

- You identify so strongly with work that you lack balance between your work life and your personal life
- You have a high workload, including overtime work
- You try to be everything to everyone
- You work in a helping profession, such as health care
- You feel you have little or no control over your work
- Your job is monotonous[2](

MBI dimensions
- **Burnout:** negative scores on exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy
- **Overextended:** strong negative score on exhaustion only
- **Ineffective:** strong negative score on professional efficacy only
- **Disengaged:** strong negative score on cynicism only
- **Engagement:** strong positive scores on exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy

six key components of their workplace culture (workload, control, reward, community, fairness, values—as reflected by scores on the Areas of Worklife Survey, or AWS),
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- significantly more engaged (_p_ < .001), significantly more inspired (_p_ < .001)
- purpose-driven employees are significantly more stressed (_p_ < .01) than non-purpose-driven employees, and reported significantly lower levels of general well-being (_p_ < 0.5), resilience (_p_ < .001), and self-efficacy (_p_ < .001).


**1.     Take gratitude seriously**.
2.  **Ask “how are you?”**
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions notes/03-areas 🧾/burnout/
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15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions notes/03-areas 🧾/burnout/what is
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Maslach, Leiter, and Jackson defined burnout as a “psychological syndrome emerging as a prolonged response to chronic interpersonal stressors on the job. The three key dimensions of this response are overwhelming exhaustion, feelings of cynicism and detachment from the job, and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment.” Although these three dimensions—_exhaustion__cynicism_, and _professional efficacy_—helped us understand the negative outcomes of burnout, it remained a challenge to reliably detect them in ourselves and others.


_Burn-out is . . . an occupational phenomenon. It is **not** classified as a medical condition_.

_Burn-out is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions_:

- _feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion_;
- _increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and_
- _reduced professional efficacy_.

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