This is a place where I put things that I am currently learning professionally.
I am building it with mkdocs (a python static site generator), and using mkdocs-material theme.
- Install Python 3:
brew install python3
-- note: if pip is not linked, do:brew unlink python && brew link python
- Install pip:
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade
- Add python3 to your PATH:
echo PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin/python3/:$PATH
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
If you get a message that the default write folder (to install dependencies) is not writable, then use the following command:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Other problems? Checkout the troubleshooting page
mkdocs serve
-> docs/assets/css/extra.css
the github workflow will update the gh-pages branch.
You need to go to your github pages setting and configure it to be deployed by that branch name
- [] Slugify the URLs
- Make the tags be a link
- Config obsidian markdown stuff to render here too... Example: https://www.sukany.cz/blog/2022/03/documentation-publishing-with-obsidian-and-github-pages-using-mkdocs/