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Distributed Systems

Group Project 2: Distributed File System

Team monadfs

Pure functional distributed file system build on Haskell.

Team members:


  1. Description of the task
  2. The goal of the assignment
  3. Prerequisites
  4. Build & Run
  5. Implementation details
  6. File structure
  7. Member contribution
  8. Conclusion
  9. References
  10. Useful links

Description of the task

According to project description, the task is to implement a simple Distributed File System, which will be able to support basic operations like file reading, deleting, writing, creating and etc. The main components of DFS are: Name server, Storage servers, Client. Clients access storage servers in order to read and write files. Storage servers must respond to certain commands from the naming server.

The goal of the assignment

  1. Understand the roles of namenode, storages and client, distribute functionallity
  2. Go deep into haskell language libraries
  3. Write compiled and working web server
  4. Deploy servers on AWS using docker


This project relies on the Haskell Stack tool.

It is recommended to get Stack with batteries included by installing Haskell Platform.


To build this project simply run

stack build

This will install all dependencies, including a proper version of GHC


This app consist of multiple executable. You can run each one independently.

To start the client, run the following command:

stack exec monadfs-client

To start the name server, run the following command:

stack exec monadfs-name-server

To start the storage server, run the following command:

stack exec monadfs-storage-server

Implementation details

Project has the following structure:


We have one namenode which keeps metadata and controls storage services. In docker-compose.yml we can define the number of storage services, which is 3 by default. Storage server is the data store which provides client with access to data files. Whenever a client executes some command, it connects to name server, which either executes this command (dirInfo, fileInfo, create) or finds where needed data resides and returns address to client, which in its turn connects to storage server and executes the command (get, put).

API for name server: Pipeline

API for storage server: Pipeline

File Structure

Here you can see simplified file structure of a project:

├── client
│   └── Main.hs
├── name-server
│   └── Main.hs
├── shared
│   ├── API
│   │   ├── NameServer.hs
│   │   └── StorageServer.hs
│   ├── API.hs
│   └── Lib.hs
├── storage-server
│   └── Main.hs
└── test
    └── Spec.hs

  • Folders client, name-server, storage-server contain code required only for the client, the name server and for the storage server respectively.
  • Folder shared contains code which can be imported to every executable.
  • Folder test constains tests for a code.

Member contribution

Mihail Kuskov

  • Client server
  • Storage server
  • Report

Alfiya Mussabekova

  • Report
  • Project deployment on AWS
  • Docker containeranization
  • Client server

Nikita Aleschenko

  • Name server
  • Project deployment on AWS
  • Report


The stated goals were achieved, one of the difficulties that we met during the project is parsing of relative and absolute file paths in console client commands.

Another one is that sometimes because of luck of time we made design decisions which allowed us to code faster, but now they are harder to understand and maintain. For example, error massages in our implementation are not handled in fancy way, we just directly forward them to user.

The difficulties also appeared in docker deployment part, because in order to build and compile haskell project we need stack (a cross-platform program for developing haskell projects), which image is about 11GB. Therefore, we needed to have 2 stage Dockerfile in order to make docker images with components of DFS light.

What was good?

  • Purely functional
  • Strong type system
  • Team organization

What could be improved?

  • Time management
  • Implement change dir on namenode


Useful Links


Pure functional distributed file system.








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