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Excellence in DASH Awards @ ACM MMSys 2020

Christian Timmerer edited this page May 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

In conjunction with ACM MMSys 2020, Online Edition, June 08 - 11, 2020, the DASH Industry Forum is proud to announce multiple awards and host a discussion/networking session during the conference.

DASH Industry Forum Excellence in DASH Award

This award offers a financial prize for those papers which best meet the following requirements:

  • Paper must substantially address MPEG-DASH as the presentation format
  • Paper must be selected for presentation in the main conference, special sessions, or co-located workshops at ACM MMSys 2020
  • Preference is given to practical enhancements and developments that can sustain future commercial usefulness of DASH
  • DASH format used should conform to the DASH-IF Interoperability Points as defined by
  • dash.js should be used

Three levels of prize are awarded:

  • First place – €1000
  • Second place – €500
  • Third place – €250


Winners are chosen by a DASH Industry Forum appointed committee and results are final. If papers of sufficient quality are not received, then some or all of the awards may not be granted. The competition is open to any individual, commercial or academic institution. No preference is given to DASH-IF members and membership is not required in order to participate in the competition.

How to enter:

For your paper to be considered for the competition, please check the checkbox labelled “DASH Award” on the submission page.