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Reporting and Provenance

wongiseng edited this page Oct 9, 2014 · 4 revisions

##Reporting and Provenance

We support automatic generation of report from a running experiment. The reports is generated based on input and output definition of each experiment modules.

###CSV Reporter

In this report inputs and corresponding outputs for each individual module instances executed during experiments are reported as CSV data tables. One CSV file is created for each type of module, wherein each module instances is reported as one row of data, with inputs and corresponding outputs is used as columns.

###HTML Reporter

HTML report is a more advanced version of the reporting, which essentially reports the same data represented in the CSV reporter, but additional graph and html formatted table is provided to make it easier to visualize and understand the results of the experiment.

PROV Reporter

This exports PROV descriptions of how preprocessing and analysis codes are chained together. This would allow experiment to be reproduced. PROV trails of this reporter can be processed with Prov2NB to automatically produce an IPython notebook as a preliminary scientific documentation of the experiment. Leveraging Provenance visualization this generated notebook can improve traceability of data generated during the experiment.