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Releases: DataDog/datadog-agent


17 Sep 20:02
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Release on: 2020-09-17

Bug Fixes

  • Define a default logs file (security-agent.log) for the security-agent.
  • Fix segfault when listing Garden containers that are in error state.
  • Do not activate security-agent service by default in the Linux packages of the Agent (RPM/DEB).
    The security-agent was already properly starting and exiting if not activated in configuration.


17 Sep 20:02
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6.22.1 ships the same features as 7.22.1 except for the Python versions it supports.

Please refer to the 7.22.1 changelog.


27 Aug 18:11
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Release Notes



Release on: 2020-08-25

New Features

  • Implements agent-side compliance rule evaluation in security agent
    using expressions.
  • Add IO operations monitoring for Docker check
  • Track TCP connection churn on system-probe
  • The new Runtime Security Agent collects file integrity monitoring
    events. It is disabled by default and only available for Linux for
  • Make security-agent part of automatically started agents in
    RPM/DEB/etc. packages (will do nothing and exit 0 by default)
  • Add support for receiving and processing SNMP traps, and forwarding
    them as logs to Datadog.
  • APM: A new trace ingestion endpoint was introduced at /v0.5/traces which
    supports a more compact payload format, greatly improving resource usage.
    The spec for the new wire format can be viewed at here.
    Tracers supporting this change, will automatically use the new endpoint.

Enhancement Notes

  • Adds a gauge for system.mem.slab_reclaimable. This is part
    of slab memory that might be reclaimed (i.e. caches). Datadog 7.x
    adds SReclaimable memory, if
    available on the system, to the system.mem.cached gauge by default. This
    may lead to inconsistent metrics for clients migrating from Datadog
    5.x, where system.mem.cached didn't
    include SReclaimable memory. Adding a
    gauge for system.mem.slab_reclaimable allows inverse
    calculation to remove this value from the system.mem.cached gauge.

  • Expand GCR pause container image filter

  • Kubernetes events for pods, replicasets and deployments now have
    tags that match the metrics metadata. Namely, pod_name, kube_deployment, kube_replicas_set.

  • Enabled the collection of the kubernetes resource requirements
    (requests and limits) by bumping the agent-payload dep. and
    collecting the resource requirements.

  • Implements resource fallbacks for complex compliance check

  • Add system.cpu.num_cores metric with the number of CPU cores

  • compliance: Add support for Go custom compliance checks and
    implement two for CIS Kubernetes

  • Make DSD Mapper also map metrics that already contain tags.

  • If the retrieval of the AWS EC2 instance ID or hostname fails,
    previously-retrieved values are now sent, which should mitigate host
    aliases flapping issues in-app.

  • Increase default timeout on AWS EC2 metadata endpoints, and make it
    configurable with ec2_metadata_timeout

  • Add container incl./excl. lists support for ECS Fargate

  • Adds support for a heap profile and cpu profile (of configurable
    length) to be created and included in the flare.

  • Upgrade embedded Python 3 to 3.8.5. Link to Python 3.8 changelog:

    Note that the Python 2 version shipped in Agent v6 continues to be
    version 2.7.18 (unchanged).

  • Upgrade pip to v20.1.1. Link to pip 20.1.1 changelog:

  • Upgrade pip-tools to v5.3.1. Link to pip-tools 5.3.1 changelog:

  • Introduces support for resolving pathFrom from in File and Audit

  • On Windows, always add the user to the required groups during

  • APM: A series of changes to internal algorithms were made which reduced
    CPU usage between 20-40% based on throughput.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow integration commands to work for pre-release versions.
  • [Windows] Ensure PYTHONPATH variable is ignored correctly when
    initializing the Python runtime.
  • Enable listening for conntrack info from all namespaces in system
  • Fix cases where the resolution of secrets in integration configs
    would not be performed for autodiscovered containers.
  • Fixes submission of containers blkio metrics that may modify array
    after being already used by aggregator. Can cause missing tags on
    containerd.* metrics
  • Restore support of JSON-formatted lists for configuration options
    passed as environment variables.
  • Don't allow pressing the disable button on checks twice.
  • Fix container_include_metrics
    support for all container checks
  • Fix a bug where the Agent disables collecting tags when the cluster
    checks advanced dispatching is enabled in the Daemonset Agent.
  • Fixes a bug where the ECS metadata endpoint V2 would get queried
    even though it was not configured with the configuration option
  • Fix a bug when a kubernetes job has exited after some time the
    tagger does not update it even if it did change its state.
  • Fixes the Agent failing to start on sysvinit on systems with
    dpkg >= 1.19.3
  • The agent was collecting docker container logs (metrics) even if
    were started before the agent. This is now fixed.
  • Fix a bug where the Agent would not remove tags for pods that no
    longer exist, potentially causing unbounded memory growth.
  • Fix pidfile support on security-agent
  • Fixed system-probe not working on CentOS/RHEL 8 due to our custom
    SELinux policy. We now install the custom policy only on CentOS/RHEL
    7, where the system-probe is known not to work with the default. On
    other platform the default will be used.
  • Stop sending payload for Cloud Foundry applications containers that
    have no container_name tag attached
    to avoid them showing up in the UI with empty name.

Other Notes

  • APM: datadog.trace_agent.receiver.* metrics are now also tagged by


27 Aug 18:13
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6.22.0 ships the same features as 7.22.0 except for the Python versions it supports.

Please refer to the 7.22.0 changelog.


22 Jul 15:25
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Release Notes



Release on: 2020-07-22

Bug Fixes

  • JMXFetch upgraded to 0.38.2 to fix Java 7 support.
  • Fix init of security-agent - exit properly when no feature requiring it is activated and avoid conflicting with core agent port bindings.


22 Jul 15:28
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6.21.1 ships the same features as 7.21.1 except for the Python versions it supports.

Please refer to the 7.21.1 changelog.


16 Jul 17:29
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Release on: 2020-07-16

Upgrade Notes

  • APM: The maximum allowed payload size by the agent was increased
    from 10MB to 50MB. This could result in traffic increases for users
    which were affected by this issue.
  • APM: The maximum connection limit over a 30s period was removed.
    This can result in an increase of tracing data for users that were
    affected by this limitation.

New Features

  • Add support of new DatadogMetric CRD in DCA. Allows to autoscale
    based on any valid Datadog query.
  • Add packages scripts for dogstatsd that have the same features as
    the agent: create symlink for binary, create dd-agent user and
    group, setup the service and cleanup those when uninstalling.
  • Adds OOM Kill probe to ebpf package and corresponding corecheck to
    the agent.
  • The Datadog IoT Agent is now available for 32 bit ARM architecture
  • Add Compliance agent in Cluster Agent to monitor Kubernetes objects
  • Add docker.cpu.limit and containerd.cpu.limit metrics, reporting
    maximum cpu time (hz or ns) available for each container based on
    their limits. (Only supported on Linux)
  • Addition of a gRPC server and a hostname resolution endpoint,
    including a grpc-gateway that exposes said endpoint as a REST
  • Adding a 'log_format_rfc3339' option to use the RFC3339 format for
    the log time.
  • Compliance Agent implementing scheduling of compliance checks for
    Docker and Kubernetes benchmarks.
  • Expose agent's sql obfuscation to python checks via new
    datadog_agent.obfuscate_sql method
  • Support installing non-core integrations with the integration
    command, such as those located in the integrations-extras

Enhancement Notes

  • The Agent status command now includes the flavor of the Agent that
    is running.
  • The Agent GUI now includes the flavor of the Agent that is running.
  • Adds Tagger information to Datadog Agent flare for support
  • Add a static collector in the tagger package for tags that do not
    change after pod start (such as those from an environment variable).
  • Add autodiscovery_subnet to available SNMP template extra configs
  • When enabling collect_ec2_tags or collect_gce_tags option,
    EC2/GCE tags are now cached to avoid missing tags when user exceed
    his AWS/GCE quotas.
  • Chocolatey package can be installed on Domain Controller
  • The Agent now collects the Availability Zone a Fargate Task (using
    platform version 1.4 or later) is running in as an
    "availability_zone" tag.
  • Enabled the collection of the init-containers by bumping the
    agent-payload dep. and collecting the init-containers.
  • The Agent now collects recommended "" Kubernetes
    labels as tags by default, and exposes them under a "kube_app"
  • Docker and Containerd checks now support filtering containers by
  • Add support for sampling to distribution metrics
  • Flare now includes the permission information for parents of config
    and log file directories.
  • Collect processes namespaced PID.
  • You can now enable or disable the dogstatsd-stats troubleshooting
    feature at runtime using the config set dogstatsd_stats command of
    the Agent.
  • API Keys are now sanitized for logs_config and
  • Upgrade gosnmp to support more authentication and privacy protocols
    for v3 connections.
  • Use the standard tag 'service' as a log collection attribute for
    container's logs collected from both kubernetes and docker log
  • agent check returns non zero exit code when trace malloc is enabled
    (tracemalloc_debug: true) when using python 2
  • Added the checksum type to the checksum key itself, as it is
    deprecated to have a separate checksum_type key.
  • Add lowercase_device_tag option to the system io core check on
    Windows. When enabled, sends metrics with a lowercased device tag,
    which is consistent with the* metrics of Agent v5 and
    the system.disk.* metrics of all Agent versions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix missing values from cluster-agent status command.

  • Add missing device_name tag in iostats_pdh

  • Fixes an issue where DD_TAGS were not applied to EKS Fargate pods
    and containers.

  • Add freetds linux dep needed for SQL Server to run in Docker

  • APM : Fix parsing of non-ASCII numerals in the SQL obfuscator.
    Previously unicode characters for which unicode.IsDigit returns true
    could cause a hang in the SQL obfuscator

  • APM: correctly obfuscate AUTH command.

  • Dogstatsd standalone: when running on a systemd-based system, do not
    stop Dogstatsd when journald is stopped or restarted.

  • Fix missing logs and metrics for docker-labels based autodiscovery
    configs after container restart.

  • Fix bugs introduced in 7.20.0/6.20.0 in the Agent 5 configuration
    import command: the command would not import some Agent config
    settings, including api_key, and would write some Docker &
    Kubernetes config settings to wrongly-located files.

  • Fixes tag extraction from Kubernetes pod labels when using patterns
    on certain non-alphanumeric label names (e.g.

  • Fixes the /ready health endpoint on the cluster-agent.

    The /ready health endpoint was reporting 200 at the cluster-agent
    startup and was then, permanently reporting 500 even though the
    cluster-agent was experiencing no problem. In the body of the
    response, we could see that a healthcheck component was failing.
    This change fixes this issue.

  • This fix aims to cover the case when the agent is running inside GKE
    with workload identity enabled. If workload identity is enabled,
    access to /instance/name is forbidden, resulting into an empty host

  • Fix hostname resolution issue preventing the Process and APM agents
    from picking up a valid hostname on some containerized environments

  • Fix a bug which causes certain configuration options to be ignored
    by the process-agent in the presence of a system-probe.yaml.

  • Process agent and system probe now correctly accept multiple API
    keys per endpoint.

  • The device_name tag is not used anymore to populate the Device
    field of a series. Only the device tag is considered.

  • Fixes problem on Windows where ddagentuser home directory is left

  • Revert upgrade of GoSNMP and addition of extra authentication

  • Add support for examining processes inside Docker containers running
    under systemd cgroups. This also reduces agent logging volume as
    it's able to capture those statistics going forward.

  • APM: The agent now exits with code 0 when the API key is not
    specified. This is so to prevent the Windows SCM from restarting the

Other Notes

  • All Agents binaries are now compiled with Go 1.13.11.
  • In Debug mode, DogStatsD log a warning message when a burst of
    metrics is detected.
  • JMXFetch upgraded to
  • JQuery, used in the web-based agent GUI, has been upgraded to 3.5.1


16 Jul 17:31
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6.21.0 ships the same features as 7.21.0 except for the Python versions it supports.

Please refer to the 7.21.0 changelog.


17 Jun 15:58
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Release on: 2020-06-16


12 Jun 02:20
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Release on: 2020-06-11