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Releases: DataDog/datadog-agent

6.1.4 / 2018-04-19

19 Apr 18:37
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Docker, Windows, Linux, macOS

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Our development staff observed that a local, unprivileged user had the ability to make an HTTP request to the /agent/check-config endpoint on the agent process that listens on localhost. This request would result in the local-users' ability to read Agent integration configurations. This issue was patched by enforcing authentication via a session token. Please upgrade your agent accordingly.

Security Issues

  • The /agent/check-config endpoint has been patched to enforce authentication of the caller via a bearer session token.

6.1.3 / 2018-04-16

16 Apr 10:09
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Docker, Windows, Linux, macOS

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Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug where the docker_network tag incorrectly appeared on
    non-network docker metrics and autodiscovery tags
  • Fix the use of "docker restart" with the agent image

6.1.2 / 2018-04-05

05 Apr 17:52
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Docker, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

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Bug Fixes

  • Fix some edge cases where flare could contain secrets if the secrets where encapsulated in quotes.


29 Mar 23:27
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Docker, Windows, Linux

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Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash in the docker check when collecting sizes on an image
    with no repository tags.
  • Fixes bug on Windows where, if configuration options are specified
    on the installation command line, invalid proxy options are set.
  • Removed the read timeout for UDP connections causing the agent to
    stop forwarding logs after one minute of nonactivity.
  • Updating the data type of the CPU of the task and the metadata name
    for Version to Revision.

Other Notes

  • Add environment variable DD_ENABLE_GOHAI for setting option
    enable_gohai when running in a container.


23 Mar 20:55
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Docker, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

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New Features

  • Add Agent Version to flare form

  • Add the DD_CHECK_RUNNERS environment variable binding

  • Add the status command to the DCA.

  • Docker check: ignore the new exec_die event type by default

  • Extract the swarm_namespace tag for docker swarm containers, in addition
    to the already present swarm_service tag.

  • Allow configuration of the enabled-state of process, logs, and apm to be
    specified on the installation command line for Windows.

  • Add a jmx_use_cgroup_memory_limit option to set jmxfetch to use cgroup
    memory limits when calculating its heap size. It is enabled by default
    in the docker image.

  • Add option to extract kubernetes pod annotations as tags, similar to labels

  • Added an environment variable DD_LOGS_CONFIG_CONTAINER_COLLECT_ALL to enable logs tailing on all containers.

  • Adding the 'bind_host' option to configure the interface to bind by dogstatsd and JMX.

  • Support setting tags as a YAML array in the logs agent integration configuration

Bug Fixes

  • Fix docker memory metrics parsing from cgroup files

  • Fix docker.mem.in_use metric computation

  • When using the import script, change the group owner of configuration files to the dd-agent user.

  • Fix a false positive in the collector-queue healthcheck

  • The old docker_daemon check is now properly converted in the "import" command by default

  • Docker check: fix event filtering for exec events

  • Improve docker monitoring when the system is under a very high load. The agent
    might still temporarily miss a healthcheck, but will be able to run already
    scheduled checks, and recover once the spike ends

  • Fixes the container startup on Fargate, where we tried and remove the same
    file twice, failing hard (stopping) on the second attempt.

  • Fix flare failing on zipping individual components

  • Fixed an issue where the import script would put an empty histogram aggregates and percentiles in datadog.yaml if they didn't exist in datadog.conf.

  • Fix the build for platforms not supporting Gohai.

  • Fixes flaw where Windows Performance counters were not properly initialized
    on non EN-US versions of windows

  • Menu in system tray reports wrong version (6.0.0) for all versions of Agent. This fixes the system tray menu to report the correct version.

  • Fixing clear passwords in "config-check.log" when sending a flare.

  • Allow network proxy settings set on the Windows installation command
    line to be set in the registry, where they'll be translated to the

  • Accept now short names for docker image in logs configuration file and added to the possibilty to filter containers by image name with Kubernetes.

  • Fixes an issue that would prevent the agent from stopping when it was tailing logs
    of a container that had no logs.

  • fixes an issue with wildcard tailing of logs files on windows

  • Allow Linux package uninstallation to proceed without errors even on platforms
    that aren't supported by the Agent

  • Fixes agent to run on Server "Core" versions

  • Changes default precision of pdh-based counters from int to float. Fixes bug where fidelity of some counters is quite low, especially counters with values between 0 and 1.

  • Adds back the removed system.mem.usable metric for Agents running on Windows.

  • Avoid multiple initializations of the tagger subsystem

Other Notes

  • Normalize support of nested config options defined with env vars.

  • Make the check-rate command more visible when running "check` to get a list of metrics.


12 Mar 14:35
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Docker, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

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  • This release also includes bugfixes to the process agent. See diff.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue preventing from having docker tags when collecting logs from containers.
  • Fix docker metrics collection on Moby Linux hosts (default Swarm AMI)


07 Mar 15:08
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Docker, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

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Critical Issues

  • Packaging issue in 6.0.1 resulted in the release of nightly builds for trace-agent and process-agent. 6.0.2 ships the stable intended versions.


07 Mar 15:00
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Windows, Linux

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There was a problem with the packaging of this release, please use 6.0.2.


  • Add information about Log Agent checks to the GUI General Status page.

Bug Fixes

  • Run the service mapper on all the agents running the apiserver check. Exit before running the rest of the check if the agent is not the leader.

  • Fixing docker network metrics collection for the docker check and the process agent on some network configurations.

  • Replaces the metric with gopsutil's 'available' and splits the windows and linux memory checks. Previously this reported with a value of 0 and system.mem.used was reporting the same as

  • ".pdh" suffix was added to metrics on windows for side-by-side
    testing when changed the collection mechanism, and inadvertently left.

  • Fix bug where global tags for PDH based python checks are not read
    correctly from the configuration yaml.

  • IE does not support String.prototype.endsWith, add implementation to the
    string prototype to enable the functionality.

  • remove .pdh suffix from, system.io_w_s,,,

  • Fix GUI for JMX checks, they are now manageable from the web UI.

  • Fix the launch of JMXFetch on windows and make multiplatform treatment of
    the launch more robust.


28 Feb 00:05
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Docker, Windows, Linux, Mac OSX

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The Datadog Agent 6.0 release is a complete rewrite of Agent 5 written in the Go language with the goal of improving performance, reducing resource utilization, and allowing for check concurrency. Python based checks and plugins will continue to be supported by 6.x without need for modification. While this is a major release, backwards compatibility was a strong focus, and in most cases this should be a simple upgrade process.

Highlights from this release include:

  • Increased throughput for DogstatsD metrics.
  • Live Process Monitoring support for Windows
  • Support for the upcoming Datadog Log Management offering.
  • Beta support for global distributions and percentiles for custom metrics.
  • Native support for ingestion of metrics via the prometheus exposition format.
  • Windows and OSX now have a configuration UI to simplify local check and agent configuration management.

Other Features and Improvements

  • The Agent can find relevant listeners on its host by using the "auto" listener, for now only docker is supported. More information can be found here
  • APM / Process / Log agents can be enabled/disabled via the DD_*_ENABLED environment variables, see the agent docker image readme for details
  • short_image tag has been added the to Docker tagger collector
  • Make the number of workers used by the forwarder configurable and set default to 1.
  • The agent now has internal healthchecks on all subsystems. The result is exposed via the agent health command and used in the docker image as a healthcheck. The / wrapper is provided for compatibility with agent5 and future-proofing.
  • Add jmx_custom_jars option to make sure they are loaded by jmxfetch
  • Docker_daemon is now a core agent check named docker.
  • Kubernetes Integration has been replaced by a few Integrations. See here for more information.
  • Support tagging on Nomad 0.6.0+ clusters
  • Support for additional metrics and metadata from kubernetes API server, as well as the addition of a new Control Plane status check.
  • Kubernetes events now include additional formatting for improved readability as Datadog events.
  • APM now utilizes apm_non_local_traffic = true to listen on the network
  • Docker image: APM is now disabled by default, you need to set DD_APM_ENABLED=true to run the trace agent.
  • Agent now comes bundled with a Web GUI that listens by default on (configurable) port 5002. Only available on localhost, more information about this can be found here
  • Added a windows systray icon. System tray icon includes menu options for starting/stopping/restarting services, creating a flare, and launching the browser-based configuration GUI.

Upgrade Notes

  • Full upgrade instructions can be found here.
  • Custom checks (located by default on Linux in /etc/datadog-agent/checks.d/) now have a lower precedence than the checks that are bundled with the Agent. This means that a custom check with the same name as a bundled check will now be ignored, and the bundled check will be loaded instead. If you want to override a bundled check with a custom check, please use a new name for your custom check, and use that new name for the related yaml configuration file.
  • Tags in the DD_TAGS environment variable are now separated by spaces instead of commas in agent5
  • Process and Trace Agents can be enabled in datadog.yaml by using
  • The Windows Agent no longer has an application GUI and has been moved to a Web based GUI accompanied by a systray icon that can be used to handle core functionality of the Agent.
  • The Agent’s configuration file has been changed from datadog.conf to datadog.yaml An example of the available options can be seen here
  • Datadog no longer offers an Alpine based container image. RHEL and Debian based images are available on Docker Hub and in the Docker Store. Images now use the S6 light init system to start and manage agent processes.
  • APM now listens to localhost only by default, you need to set apm_config.apm_non_local_traffic = true to enable listening on the network

Deprecation Notes

Major items include:

  • Agent configuration is no longer in datadog.conf, and has moved to datadog.yaml. The datadog-agent import command will migrate your configuration files to the new form.
  • The execution of the main agent, trace-agent (APM), and process-agent is now orchestrated using systemd/upstart facilities on Linux. SysV-init scripts are no longer included.
  • Modification of the installed checks directory (default on Linux was /opt/datadog-agent/checks.d/ has been removed and changed to an embedded wheels format. More information about this can be found here
  • Some libraries that custom checks may rely on have been removed. Please see here for a list of the removed dependencies.
  • Custom Emitters are no longer supported as of 6.0

Deprecated Agent Integrations

  • The Jenkins Integration has been deprecated and removed in favor of a Jenkins Plugin instead
  • The standalone Mesos Integration has been retired, in favor of the newer mesos_master and mesos_slave integrations..
  • The standalone HDFS Integration has been retired and removed, please use hdfs_namenode and hdfs_datanode instead.

6.0.0-rc.4 / 2018-02-23

23 Feb 17:30
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Linux, Docker, macOS and Windows release

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  • Change the kubernetes leader election system to use configmaps instead of endpoints. This
    allows a simpler migration from Agent5, as Agent6 will not require additional permissions.

  • Adds in the proc.queue_length and proc.count metrics with the windows version of the Agent.

Bug Fixes

  • Add the windows icon to the Infrastructure List for Agents installed on Windows machines.

  • Fix Docker container --pid=host operations. Previous RCs can cause host system
    instabilities and should not be run in pid host mode.

  • Windows: set correct default value for apm config to enabled, so that the trace agent is
    started by default

  • Removes deprecated process_agent_enabled flag

  • metrics.yaml is not a "configurable" file - it provides default metrics for
    checks and shouldn't be altered. Removed from the GUI configuration file

  • Windows: gopsutil calls to the CPU module require COM threading model to be
    in multi-threaded mode, to guarantee it's safe to make those calls we load
    the python checks setting the right COM concurrency mode first. Once loaded
    we clear the concurrency mode and python checks that might use COM will set
    it as they need.

  • Windows: make stop/restart of DatadogAgent service stop/restart dependent
    services accordingly

  • Windows: Prevent system tray icon from being displayed more than once

  • Windows: Make default start behavior of process-agent consistent with Linux Agent

  • Windows: Fix the item launching the web-based GUI in the systray icon menu

  • Windows: Process agent service now passes the configuration file argument to the
    executable when launching - otherwise service will always come up on

Other Notes

  • Windows: Added developer documentation regarding the caveats of the COM
    concurrency model and its implications moving forward. The current state affects
    auto-discovery and dynamic scheduling of checks.