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Releases: DataDog/datadog-agent


05 Nov 16:17
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This release is not available on Windows.

Released on: 2019-11-05

New Features

  • Add persistent volume claim as tag
    (persistentvolumeclaim:<pvc_name>) to StatefulSets pods.
  • APM: On SQL obfuscation errors, a detailed explanation is presented
    when DEBUG logging level is enabled.
  • APM: SQL obfuscation now supports queries with UTF-8 characters.
  • Augment network data with DNS information.
  • Add an option to disable the cluster agent local fallback for tag
    collection (disabled by default).
  • DNS lookup information is now included with network data via
  • Add support for the XX:+UseContainerSupport JVM option through
    the jmx_use_container_support
    configuration option.
  • The Cluster Agent can now collect stats from Cluster Level Check
    runners to optimize its dispatching logic and rebalance the
    scheduled checks.
  • Add a new python API to store and retrieve data. datadog_agent.write_persistent_cache(key,
    persists the data in value (as a string), whereas datadog_agent.read_persistent_cache(key)
    returns it for usage afterwards.

Enhancement Notes

  • Migrate the api version of the Deployment and DaemonSet kubernetes
    objects to apps/v1 as older bersions are not supported anymore in
    k8s 1.16.
  • Running the command check jmx now
    runs once JMXFetch with the with-metrics command instead of just
    displaying an error.
  • Add options tracemalloc_whitelist and tracemalloc_blacklist for
    allowing the use of tracemalloc only for specific checks.
  • APM: a warning is now issued when important HTTP headers are omitted
    by clients.
  • The system-probe will no longer log excessively when its internal
    copy of the conntrack table is full. Furthermore, the artificial cap
    of 65536 on system_probe_config.max_tracked_connections, which
    controlled the maximum number of conntrack entries seen by the
    system-probe has been lifted.
  • Allow filtering of event types,reason and kind at query time. Make
    the event limit configurable. Improve the interaction with the
    ConfigMap to store the Resource Version.
  • The agent will now try to flush data to the backend when before
    exiting (from DogStatsD and checks). This avoid having metrics gap
    when restarting the agent. This behavior can be disable through
    configuration, see aggregator_stop_timeout and forwarder_stop_timeout.
  • Expose metrics for the cluster level checks advanced dispatching.
  • Implement API that allows Python checks to send metadata using the
    inventories provider.

Security Issues

  • The ddagentuser no longer has write access to the process-agent
    binary on Windows

Bug Fixes

  • Avoid the tagger to log a warning when a docker container is not
  • Use pkg_resources to collect the version of the integrations
    instead of importing them.
  • On Windows, allow the uninstall to succeed even if the removal of
    the ddagentuser fails for some
  • APM: double-quoted strings following assignments are now correctly
  • APM: Fixed a bug where an inactive ratelimiter would skew stats.
  • Fix an issue where the node agent would not retry to connect to the
    cluster agent for tag collection.
  • Fix the appearrance of the status bar icon when using dark mode on
  • The process-agent and system-probe agents should ignore SIGPIPE
  • Fix the behavior of the diagnose command that would not consider
    default configuration location when run independently
  • Fix a bug where the agent would crash when using the docker
    autodiscovery config provider.
  • Do not permit sending events at their first timestamp.
  • Fix tag support for NTP check.
  • Fixes a typo in the windows service related commands for the process
    agent CLI. Was previously referencing trace-agent.
  • On Windows, properly installs on Read Only Domain Controller. Adds
    rights to domain-created user in local GPOs.
  • Behavioral change on the forwarder healthcheck such that full queues
    will not label the forwarder as unhealthy. Networking or endpoint
    issues are not representative of an unhealthy agent or forwarder.
  • The agent is now more resilient to incomplete responses from the
  • On Linux, preserve the script /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/bin/2to3 that
    relies on the python 2 interpreter, alongside the python 3 one.
  • Fix a possible race in autodiscovery where checks & log collection
    would be wrongly unscheduled.
  • Minor memory leaks identified and fixed in RTLoader.
  • On Windows, fixes installation logging to not include certain
    sensitive data (specifically api key and the ddagentuser password)
  • Fixed a few edge cases that could lead to service checks payloads
    being rejected by Datadog's intake for being too big
  • Use pylint directly for py3 validation, removing dependency on a7.

Other Notes


27 Sep 11:54
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Release on: 2019-09-26

Bug Fixes

  • Disable debug log lines for the 'hostname' command since it's
    directly called by some Agent components. Fixes hostname resolution
    issues for APM and Live Process.


16 Sep 09:02
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Release on: 2019-09-16

Upgrade Notes

  • The GPG key used to sign the Agent RPM packages has been rotated. See the dedicated Agent documentation page to know how to make sure that the new Agent RPM packages can be installed on hosts.
  • Update to the configuration of the systemd check: unit_names is now required and only matching units will be monitored, unit_regexes configuration has been removed.
  • Several metrics sent by the systemd check have been renamed. The integration is now stable.

New Features

  • APM: add support for container tagging. It can be used with any client tracer that supports it.
  • APM: Incoming TCP connections are now measured in the datadog.trace_agent.receiver.tcp_connections metrics with a "status" tag having values: "accepted", "rejected", "timedout" and "errored".
  • Allows the user to blacklist source and destination connections by passing IPs or CIDRs as well as port numbers.
  • Docker label autodiscovery configurations are now polled more often by default.
  • The Agent can now expose runner stats via the CLC Runner API Server, a remotely-accessible authenticated API server. The Cluster Agent can use these stats to optimize dispatching cluster level checks. The CLC Runner API Server is disabled by default, it must be enabled in the Agent configuration, also the cluster agent must be enabled since it's the only client of the server. By default, the server listens on 5005 and its host address must be set to the Agent Pod IP using the Kubernetes downward API.
  • [preview] Checks can now send histogram buckets to the agent to be sent as distribution metrics.
  • In macOS datadog-agent is now able to start/stop process-agent.
  • The Agent now includes a Python 3 runtime to run checks. By default, the Python 2 runtime is used. See the dedicated Agent documentation page for details on how to configure the Agent to use the Python 3 runtime and how to migrate checks from Python 2 to Python 3.
  • High-level RTLoader memory usage statistics exposed as expvars on the agent.
  • Adding tracemalloc_debug configuration setting (Python3 only). Enables Tracemalloc memory profiling on Python3. Enabling this option will override the number of check runners to 1 to guarantee sequential execution of checks.
  • For NTP check, add the option use_local_defined_servers. When use_local_defined_servers is true, use the ntp servers defined in the current host otherwise use the hosts defined in the configuration.

Enhancement Notes

  • Show configuration source for each check's instance in the "status" and the "configcheck" commands.
  • Add a new invoke task, rtloader.generate-doc which generates Doxygen documentation for the rtloader directory and warns about documentation errors or warnings.
  • Allow the check command to display and/or store memory profiling data.
  • For Windows, add a message when the user cannot perform the action in the systray.
  • APM: The datadog.trace_agent.normalizer.traces_dropped metric now has a new reason payload_too_large which was confusingly merged with decoding_error.
  • APM: Bind apm_config.replace_tags parameter to DD_APM_REPLACE_TAGS environment variable. It accepts a JSON formatted string of the form [{"name":"tag_name","pattern":"pattern","repl":"repl_str"}]
  • The default collection interval for host metadata has been reduced from 4 hours to 30 min.
  • Collection interval for the default metadata providers ('host', 'agent_checks' and 'resources') can now be configured using the 'metadata_providers' configuration entry.
  • Agent commands now honor the DD_LOG_LEVEL env variable if set.
  • Distributions: Distribution payloads are now compressed before being sent to Datadog if the agent is built with either zlib or zstd.
  • Configuration files for core checks in cmd/agent/dist/conf.d/ have been migated to the new configuration file norm.
  • When a valid command is passed to the agent but the command fails, don't display the help usage message.
  • Add private_socket configuration to the systemd check. Defaults to /run/systemd/private (or /host/run/systemd/private when using Docker Agent).
  • Warnings returned by the Python 3 linter for custom checks are now logged in the Agent at the 'debug' level.
  • Make NTP check less verbose when a host can't be reached. Warn only after 10 consecutive errors.
  • Added detection of a network ID which will be used to improve destination resolution of network connections.
  • Windows events will now display a full text message instead of a JSON object. When available, the agent will now enrich the events with status, human readable task name and opcode.
  • On Windows, adds system.mem.pagefile.* stats, previously available only in Agent 5.

Deprecation Notes

  • The --log-level argument in agent check and agent jmx commands has been deprecated in favor of the DD_LOG_LEVEL env variable.

Bug Fixes

  • APM: The datadog.trace_agent.receiver.payload_refused metric now has language tags like its peer metrics.
  • The agent jmx command now correctly takes into account the options in the init_config section of the JMXFetch integration configs
  • Escape message when using JSON log format. This, for example, fixes multiline JSON payload when logging a Exception from Python.
  • Fix a bug, when a check have its init configuration before that all the tagger collector report tags.
  • Fix spikes for metrics on Linux when the kernel counter was wrapping back to 0.
  • Fix* metrics on Linux that were off by 1 when the kernel counters were wrapping back to 0.
  • Fixed placeholder value for the marathon entry point to match the new configuration file layout.
  • Fix a tagger goroutine race issue when adding a new entry in the tagger.Store and requesting an entry in another goroutine.
  • Fix files descriptor leak when tailing a logs file with file rotation and the tailer is stuck for instance because of lost connectivity with the logs intake endpoint.
  • The parameter jmx is not supported with the command check, the jmx command should be used instead.
  • Fixed NTP timeout not being used from the configuration.
  • On Windows, correctly configure the config file if the path includes a space.
  • When uninstalling the agent, remove ddagentuser home folder.
  • APM: Fix incorrect traces_dropped and spans_malformed metric counts.
  • On Windows, "ddagentuser" (the user context under which the Agent runs), is now added to the "Event Log Readers" group, granting access to Security event logs.

Other Notes

  • The Windows agent no longer depends on the Windows WMI service. If the WMI service stops for any reason, the Windows agent will no longer stop with it. However, any integrations that do use WMI (wmi_check and win32_event_log) will not be able to function until the WMI service restarts.
  • Ignore the containerd startup script and the kubeconfig as part of the host metadata on GKE.
  • JMXFetch upgraded to 0.31.0
  • On Windows, during an uninstall, if the user context for the datadog agent is a domain user, the user will no longer be deleted even when the user was created by the corresponding install.


24 Jul 16:28
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Released on: 2019-07-24

Upgrade Notes

  • The port option in the NTP check configuration is now parsed as an integer instead of a string.

New Features

  • APM: add support for Unix Domain Sockets by means of the apm_config.receiver_socket configuration. It is off by default. When set, it must point to a valid sock file.
  • APM: API emitted metrics now have a lang_vendor tag when the Datadog-Meta-Lang-Vendor HTTP header is sent by clients.
  • APM: Resource-based rate limiting in the API can now be completely disabled by setting apm_config.max_memory and/or apm_config.max_cpu_percent to the value 0.
  • Add support for environment variables in checks' config files using the format "%%env_XXXX%%".
  • Add new systemd integration to monitor systemd itself and the units managed by systemd.
  • The total number of bytes received by dogstatsd is now reported by the dogstatsd-udp/Bytes and dogstatsd-uds/Bytes expvar.
  • Adds the ability to use DD_TAGS to set global tags in Fargate.
  • Added a support for the new pod log directory pattern introduced in version 1.14 of Kubernetes to make sure the agent keeps on collecting logs after upgrade of a Kubernetes cluster.

Enhancement Notes

  • Add a kube_cronjob tag in the tagger. It applies to container metrics, autodiscovery metrics and logs.
  • Change the prefix of entity IDs to make it easier to query the tagger without knowing what the container runtime is.
  • APM: reduce memory usage in high traffic by up to 10x.
  • APM: Services are no longer aggregated in the agent, nor written to the Datadog API. Instead, they are now automatically extracted on the backend based on the received traces.
  • APM: The default interval at which the agent watches its resource usage has been reduced from 20s to 10s.
  • APM: Improved processing concurrency and as a result, CPU usage decreased by 20% in some scenarios.
  • APM: Queued sender was rewritten to improve performance around scenarios where network problems are present.
  • APM: Code clean up around configuration and writer.
  • The datadog-agent version command now prints the version of Golang the agent was compiled with.
  • Display Go version in output of status command
  • Upgraded JMXFetch to 0.30.0. See
  • APM: the trace agent now lets through a wider variety of traces, automatically correcting some malformed traces instead of dropping them. The following fields are now replaced with reasonable defaults if invalid or empty and truncated if exceeding max length: span.service,, span.resource, span.type. span.duration=0 is now allowed. Missing span start date now defaults to duration - now. The datadog.trace_agent.receiver.traces_dropped metric is now tagged with a reason tag explaining the reason it was dropped. There is a new datadog.trace_agent.receiver.spans_malformed metric also tagged by reason explaining how the span was malformed.
  • Refactored permissions check in the integration command.
  • Support Python 3 for the integration command.

Deprecation Notes

  • APM: The presampler has been rebranded as a "rate limiter" to avoid confusing it with other sampling mechanisms.
  • APM: The datadog.trace_agent.presampler_rate metric has been deprecated in favor of datadog.trace_agent.receiver.ratelimit.

Security Issues

  • On Windows, quote the service name when registering service. Mitigates CVE-2014-5455. Note that since the Agent is not running as admin, even a successful attack would not give admin rights as specified in the CVE.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the tagger behavior returning None when no tags are present for the kubelet and fargate integration.
  • APM: metrics generated by the processing function (such as *.traces_priority) now contain language specific tags.
  • APM: Memory spikes when retry queue grows have been fixed.
  • Fix 'vcruntime140.dll is being held in use by the following process.
  • System-probe s6 services: ensure that the system-probe binary is bundled before trying to run it / stop it. This is to ensure that the s6-services definitions will be backward compatible with older builds that didn't have the system-probe yet.
  • Fix a bug in the log scanning logic of the JMXFetch wrapper that would make JMXFetch hang if it logged a very large log entry
  • Fixed an issue where logs collected from kubernetes using '/var/log/pods' would show up with a wrong format '{"log":"x","stream":"y","time":"z"}' on the logs explorer when using docker as container runtime.
  • Fix TLS connection handshake that hang forever making the whole logs pipeline to be stucked resulting in logs not being tailed and file descriptor not being closed.
  • On Windows, fixes bug in which Agent can't start if the Go runtime can't determine the ddagentuser's profile directory. This information isn't used, so shouldn't cause a failure
  • The External Metrics Setter no longer stops trying to get metrics after 3 failed attempts. Instead, it will retry indefinitely.
  • Removes an unused duplicate copy of the system-probe binary from the Linux packages
  • The NTP check now properly uses the port configuration option.

Other Notes

  • Logs informing about check runs and payload submission are now displayed once every 500 events instead of every 20 events.


04 Jul 11:35
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Release on: 2019-07-03

This release is only available on Windows and contains all the changes introduced in 6.12.0 and 6.12.1.


28 Jun 22:41
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Release on: 2019-06-28

This release is not available on Windows.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the kubelet and fargate integrations preventing the collection of the kubernetes.cpu.* and kubernetes.memory.* metrics.


27 Jun 21:41
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Known Issues

Some metrics from the kubernetes and kubelet integrations (kubernetes.cpu.* and kubernetes.memory.*) are missing for certain configurations.
A fix will be released in v6.12.1. Meanwhile if downgrading to 6.11.3 is not an option we recommend using the runtime metrics (ex: docker.cpu.*, docker.mem.*, containerd.cpu.*, ...).


Release on: 2019-06-26

This release is not available on Windows.

  • Please refer to the `6.12.0 tag on integrations-core for the list of changes on the Core Checks

Upgrade Notes

  • APM: Log throttling is now automatically enabled by default when
    log_level differs from debug. A maximum of no more than 10 error
    messages every 10 seconds will be displayed. If you had it enabled before,
    it can now be removed from the config file.

  • On Windows, the path of the embedded python.exe binary has changed from %ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\python.exe to %ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded2\python.exe. If you use this path from your provisioning scripts, please update it accordingly.
    Note: on Windows, to call the embedded pip directly, please use %ProgramFiles%\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded2\python.exe -m pip.

  • Logs: Breaking Change for Kubernetes log collection - In the version 6.11.2 logic was added in the Agent to first look for K8s container files if /var/log/pods was not available and then to go for the Docker socket.
    This created some permission issues as /var/log/pods can be a symlink in some configuration and the Agent also needed access to the symlink directory.

    This logic is reverted to its prior behaviour which prioritise the Docker socket for container log collection.
    It is still possible to force the agent to go for the K8s log files even if the Docker socket is mounted by using the logs_config.k8s_container_use_file' or DD_LOGS_CONFIG_K8S_CONTAINER_USE_FILE`. parameter.
    This is recommended when more than 10 containers are running on the same pod.

New Features

  • A count named datadog.agent.started is now sent with a value of 1 when the agent starts.

  • APM: Maximum allowed CPU percentage usage is now
    configurable via DD_APM_MAX_CPU_PERCENT.

  • Node Agent can now perform checks on kubernetes service endpoints.
    It consumes the check configs from the Cluster Agent API via the
    endpointschecks config provider.
    Versions 1.3.0+ of the Cluster Agent are required for this feature.

  • Logs can now be collected from init and stopped containers (possibly short-lived).

  • Allow tracking pod labels and annotations value change to update labels/annotations_as_tags.
    Make the explicit tagging feature dynamic (introduced in #3024).

Enhancement Notes

  • APM: the writer will now flush based on an estimated number of bytes
    in accumulated buffer size, as opposed to a maximum number of spans.

  • APM: traces are not dropped anymore because or rate limiting due to
    performance issues. Instead, the trace is kept in a queue awaiting to
    be processed.

  • Logs docker container ID when parse invalid docker log in DEBUG level.

  • Set the User-Agent string to include the agent name and version string.

  • Adds host tags in the Hostname section of the
    agent status command and the status tab of the GUI.

  • Expose the number of logs processed and sent to the agent status

  • Added a warning message on agent status command and status gui
    tab when ntp offset is too large and may result in metrics
    ignored by Datadog.

  • APM: minor improvements to CPU performance.

  • APM: improved trace writer performance by introducing concurrent writing.

  • APM: the stats writer now writes concurrently to the Datadog API, improving resource usage and processing speed of the trace-agent.

  • Extends the docker check to accommodate the kernel memory usage metric.
    This metric shows the cgroup current kernel memory allocation.

  • Ask confirmation before overwriting the output file while using
    the dogstatsd-stats command.

  • Do not ship autotools within the Agent package.

  • The datadog-agent integration subcommand is now capable of installing prereleases of official integration wheels

  • Upgraded JMXFetch to 0.29.1. See, and

  • Added validity checks to NTP responses

  • Allow the '--check_period' flag of jmxfetch to be overriden by the
    DD_JMX_CHECK_PERIOD environment variable.

  • Ship integrations and their dependencies on Python 3 in Omnibus.

  • Added a warning about unknown keys in datadog.yaml.

Deprecation Notes

  • APM: the yaml setting apm_config.trace_writer.max_spans_per_payload
    is no longer in use; writes are now based solely on accumulated byte

Bug Fixes

  • Updated the DataDog/gopsutil library to include changes related to excessive DEBUG logging in the process agent

  • The computeMem is only called in the check when we ensure that it does not get passed with an empty pointer.
    But if someone was to reuse it without checking for the nil pointer it could cause a segfault.
    This PR moves the nil checking logic inside the function to ensure it is safe.

  • APM: Fixed a bug where normalize tag would not truncate tags correctly
    in some situations.

  • APM: Fixed a small issue with normalizing tags that contained the
    unicode replacement character.

  • APM: fixed a bug where modulo operators caused SQL obfuscation to fail.

  • Fix issue on process agent for DD_PROCESS_AGENT_ENABLED where 'false' did not turn off process/container collection.

  • Fix an error when adding a custom check config through the GUI
    when the folder where the config will reside does not
    exist yet.

  • APM: on macOS, trace-agent is now enabled by default, and, similarly to other
    platforms, can be enabled/disabled with the apm_config.enabled config setting
    or the DD_APM_ENABLED env var

  • Fix a bug where when the log agent is mis-configured, it temporarily hog on resources after being killed

  • Fix a potential crash when doing a configcheck while the agent was not properly initialized yet.

  • Fix a crash that could occur when having trouble connecting to the Kubelet.

  • Fix nil pointer access for container without memory cgroups.

  • Improved credentials scrubbing logic.

  • The datadog-agent integration show subcommand now properly accepts only Datadog integrations as argument

  • Fix incorrectly reported IO metrics when OS counters wrap in Linux.

  • Fixed JMXFetch process not being terminated on Windows in certain cases.

  • Empty logs could appear when collecting Docker logs in addition
    to the actual container logs. This was due to the way the Agent
    handles the header Docker adds to the logs. The process has been
    changed to make sure that no empty logs are generated.

  • Fix bug when docker container terminate the last logs are missing
    and partially recovered from restart.

  • Properly move configuration files for wheels installed locally via the integration command.

  • Reduced memory usage of the flare command

  • Use a custom patch for a costly regex in PyYAML,
    see yaml/pyyaml#301.

  • On Windows, restore the system.mem.pagefile.pct_free metric

Other Notes

  • The 'integration freeze' cli subcommand now only
    displays datadog packages instead of the complete
    result of the 'pip freeze' command.

6.11.3 / 2019-06-04

04 Jun 09:13
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Release on: 2019-06-04

  • Please refer to the 6.11.3 tag on process-agent <>_ for the list of changes on the Process Agent.

Upgrade Notes

  • Upgrade JMXFetch to 0.27.1

Bug Fixes

  • APM: fixed a bug where secrets in environment variables were ignored.

6.11.2 / 2019-05-23

23 May 10:19
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Release on: 2019-05-23

Enhancement Notes

  • Add option cf_os_hostname_aliasing to send the OS hostname as an alias when using the BOSH agent on Cloud Foundry.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes problem in which Windows Agent wouldn't install on non-English machines due to assumption that "Performance Monitor Users" didn't need to be localized.
  • Windows Installer is now more resilient to missing domain controller.

6.11.1 / 2019-05-06

06 May 09:14
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Release on: 2019-05-06

Upgrade Notes

  • Change the prioritization between the two logic that we have to collect logs on Kubernetes.
    Now attempt first to collect logs on '/var/log/pods' and fallback to using the docker socket if the initialization failed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a bug where short image name wouldn't be properly set on old docker versions
  • Properly handle docker container logs in multiline mode in case of infrequence log messages, log file rotations or agent restart