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David Reeves edited this page Jan 20, 2018 · 10 revisions

Dark Cave Wiki

Download/Playing Instructions

To download Dark Cave, download the latest DAL version and then run it. To play this online, please go to this repl link: YOU MAY NOT reproduce this game without crediting me and this Github repository!!


~ Nat K. [Storyboard + Art]

To contribute, create a request to push stuff. You may develop this anyway you want.


You may copy this but you must give credit to DaveedDigs and this GitHub page! You may NOT take off any credits in the game that are given to Nat (Storyboarder) or Daveed (Coder)

Color Mode

Color mode has bugs and has not been figured out yet. Contact me if you find a way to use it!

Github Workers

These are the staff who will look over issues and make update announcements:

  • HDLOfficial (Project Owner)
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