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tlhIngan Hol qawHaq

This repository stores Klingon Language Database snapshots compiled from:

Clients should use the manifest file manifest.json to identify and locate database files. The format of the manifest is:

  "<format_version>" : {
    "status" : "<status>",
    "latest" : "<database_version>",
    "<database_version>" : {
      "path" : "<path_to_database_file>",
      "size" : <database_file_size>

<format_version> refers to the format version of the database. Multiple concurrent database formats can be supported by giving each format version its own section.

<status> refers to the current support status of the given format version. Currently defined status values are:

  • "active": this database format is actively supported and updated.
  • "deprecated": this database format still receives updates, but has been superseded by a newer database format.
  • "obsolete": this database format no longer receives updates.

The latest field indicates the most recent database version avaialble for a given format version.

<database_version> refers to the version of the database data. A format version section may include multiple database version entries, but only one may be present as the value of the latest field.

Each <database_version> key in a <format_version> section holds a dictionary of metadata about the given database file:

  • "path" specifies the location of the database file as a URI. If the path contains "://", it should be interpreted as an absolute path; otherwise, it should be resolved relative to the location of the manifest file.
  • "size" is the size of the database file, in bytes, as a JSON number.

A manifest file may indicate that clients should consult a different location for updates by exposing a moved_to key, and not reference any databases:

  "moved_to" : "<new_location>",
  "note" : "<optional_notes>"

<new_location> should ideally be an absolute URI (as determined by the presence of "://"), but may be relative to the current manifest file, if need be. If <new_location> ends with /, the manifest should be named manifest.json and located inside the specified directory. Otherwise, if <new_location> does not end with /, it should be treated as a direct path to the new manifest file.

When indicating a move to a new location, a manifest file may also specify a note field with a note explaining the move in more detail. Clients may display this message to users, but are not required to.


Klingon language database snapshots






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