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Chess Game

This is a simple chess game implemented in Python. It allows two players to play chess through the console. The graphical representation of the board is generated and saved as an SVG file.


The game consists of the following files:


This file contains the classes necessary to define the chessboard, make moves on the board, and implement game logic.

Game class

  • board: List[List[Union[Piece, None]]]: Represents the chessboard.
  • white_king: King: Represents the white king.
  • black_king: King: Represents the black king.
  • white_king_position: Position: Represents the position of the white king.
  • black_king_position: Position: Represents the position of the black king.


  • __init__(self): Initializes the chessboard and the pieces.
  • full_chess_notation_to_position(self, move: str) -> Tuple[Position, Position]: Converts the chess notation to a position.
  • is_valid_move(self, start: Position, end: Position) -> bool: Checks if the move is valid.
  • make_move(self, start: Position, end: Position) -> None: Moves a piece on the chessboard.
  • can_castle_kingside(self, color: str) -> bool: Checks if the specified color can castle kingside.
  • castle_kingside(self, color: str) -> None: Castles kingside for the specified color.
  • can_castle_queenside(self, color: str) -> bool: Checks if the specified color can castle queenside.
  • castle_queenside(self, color: str) -> None: Castles queenside for the specified color.
  • update_valid_moves(self, color: str) -> None: Updates the valid moves for the specified color.
  • is_check(self, color: str) -> bool: Checks if the specified color is in check.
  • is_checkmate(self, color: str) -> bool: Checks if the specified color is in checkmate.
  • is_draw(self) -> bool: Checks if the game is a draw.
  • to_svg(self) -> str: Generates the SVG representation of the chessboard.

This file contains the definition of each piece type used in the game.

Position class

  • x: int: Represents the x-coordinate of the position.

  • y: int: Represents the y-coordinate of the position.


    • to_chess_notation(self) -> str: Returns the chess notation for the position.
    • __repr__(self) -> str: Returns the string representation of the position.
    • __str__(self) -> str: Returns the formatted string representation of the position.

Piece class

  • color: str: Represents the color of the piece.

  • position: Position = None: Represents the position of the piece.

  • game: "Game" = None: Represents the current game.


    • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Abstract method to get possible moves for a piece.
    • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Abstract method to move a piece.
    • asText(self) -> str: Abstract method to represent the piece as text.
    • to_svg(self): Abstract method to generate the SVG representation of the piece.

Pawn class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the pawn.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the pawn to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the pawn.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the pawn.

Rook class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the rook.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the rook to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the rook.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the rook.

Knight class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the knight.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the knight to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the knight.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the knight.

Bishop class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the bishop.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the bishop to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the bishop.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the bishop.

Queen class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the queen.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the queen to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the queen.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the queen.

King class (inherits from Piece)

  • get_possible_moves(self) -> List[Position]: Returns the list of possible moves for the king.
  • move(self, end: Position) -> None: Moves the king to the specified position.
  • asText(self): Returns the text representation of the king.
  • to_svg(self, dwg: svgwrite.Drawing, x: int, y: int): Generates the SVG representation of the king.

This file contains the main function to run the chess game.


  • clear_console(): Clears the console.
  • print_board(game): Prints the chessboard.
  • main(): Main function to run the chess game.

How to Run

To run the chess game, execute the file.


How to play

After running python, the following is printed on the terminal:
White pieces at the top and black pieces at the bottom

After playing a move, the board is updated on the terminal: For example, after playing the following game:

1. e2-e4   e7-e5
2. Ng1-f3  Nb8-c6

The following board will be displayed on the terminal:

And the Board SVG is updated as well:


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